Evidence collection
Historical release
Release notes
- add Task to create screenshots on the gallery
- scan
- rename hdf5tomoscan.HDF5TomoScan to nxtomoscan.NXtomoScan (PR 609)
- propose colormap histogram by default (PR 642)
- improve handling of eisting Qt path (PR 704)
- improve vignettes: users can now ask for a specific number of column (PRs 622, 636)
- rename 'datas' link to 'serie' (PR 654)
axis (aka axis of rotation finder)
- allow user to enter a value from the bottom QLineEdit (PR 655)
- notify from background color if a line waits to be validate (PR 655)
- provide access to latest nabu algorithm (
andoctave accurate
) (PR 689) - extend access to near parameter
- add an alias 'near' to the 'composite-coarse-to-fine' algorithm
- improve +180 angle. Look now on both side: -180 and +180 (PR 621)
- move default output to uint16
- allow the user to select between two display mode (short or full url) PR 648
- use 'histogram' display mode to colormap dialog by default
- fix job conversion (PR 696)
nabu slice
- allow reconstruction over different place (PR 683)
- add Vo and mean-subtraction / division deringer
- allow slice to be reconstructed over different plane (PR 683)
- add a first prototype to publish to processed data to icat. Not accessible from orangecanvas for now. (PR 647)
saaxis (aka multi-cor )
- use nabu-multicor instead of nabu (PR 593)
- remove 'tomo-consistency' score to speed up
- rename 'multi-cor' in orange (PR 838)
- add processing wheel when computation is on-going (PRs 531, 838)
- rename default output folder to
(PR 703)
sadeltabeta (aka multi-delta-beta)
- rename default output folder to
(PR 703)
- rename default output folder to
- add a proposed configuration for stitching (PR 640)
- allow user to provide the value of sbatch '--export' parameter (PR 638)
- allow user to load module instead of sourcing a virtual environment (PR 638)
- allow user to ask for a specific gpu (PR 645)
- first official prototype for stitching. Only accessible form the standalone application for now. (PRs 618, 630, 656, 690)
- load non-hdf5 volumes into dedicated thread - avoid gui-freeze - (PR 676)
- add processing wheel when a volume is being loaded (PR 676)
- move to silx 2.0 (PR 531)
- replace HDF5TomoScan by NXtomoScan
- move to nxtomomill 1.0 and tomoscan 2.0
- fix colored logs
- rework doc and move to sphinx-pydata-theme (PRs 673, 682, 684, 686, 705)
- provide generic output (RAW_DATA, PROCESSED_DATA...) to several widgets (PR 867)
- add webhooks to trigger readthedoc documetation on tag vx.y.z
Evidence collection
Release notes
- deprecate
application in favor ofreduce-dark-flat
(PR 587) -
: move processing to a thread - deprecate
application in favor ofpatch-raw-dark-flat
(PR 587) - add
tomwer z-stitching
application (as an early prototype) - axis: remove radio1 and radio2 options, add optional 'entry' input (PR 530)
- deprecate
- several class deprecation
- tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.sadeltabeta.SAdeltaBetaProcess in favor of tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.sadeltabeta.SADeltaBetaTask
- tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.saaxis.SAAxisProcess in favor of tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.saaxis.SAAxisTask
- tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.NabuSlices in favor of tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.NabuSlicesTask
- tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.NabuVolume in favor of tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.NabuVolumeTask
- tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.darkref.darkrefs.DarkRefs in favor of tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.darkref.darkrefs.DarkRefsTask
- tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.lamino.tofu.LaminoReconstruction in favor of tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.lamino.tofu.LaminoReconstructionTask
- tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.axis.AxisProcess in favor of tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.axis.AxisTask
- tomwer.core.process.control.volumesymlink.VolumeSymbolicLinkProcess in favor of tomwer.core.process.control.volumesymlink.VolumeSymbolicLinkTask
- tomwer.core.process.control.scantransfer.ScanTransfer in favor of tomwer.core.process.control.scantransfer.ScanTransferTask
- tomwer.core.process.conditions.filters.FileNameFilter in favor of tomwer.core.process.conditions.filters.FileNameFilterTask
- tomwer.core.process.edit.darkflatpatch.DarkFlatPatch in favor of tomwer.core.process.edit.darkflatpatch.DarkFlatPatchTask
- tomwer.core.process.edit.imagekeyeditor.ImageKeyUpgrader in favor of tomwer.core.process.edit.imagekeyeditor.ImageKeyUpgraderTask
- tomwer.core.process.edit.imagekeyeditor.ImageKeyEditor in favor of tomwer.core.process.edit.imagekeyeditor.ImageKeyEditorTask
- several class deprecation
- add a 'helpdesk' button to trigger esrf jira ticket web page (PR 580)
- add more examples directly on the canvas (PR 564, 510)
- add
scan discovery
widget: search for scans (NXtomo, EDF, raw-bliss scan) contained under a root directory (recursive - one-time- search) (PR 511) - add NXtomo concatenate widget (PR 548)
- add 'tomoobjshub' widget (PR 590)
- data listener: activate it by default when added to the canvas (PR 562)
- add an email notification widget (PR 581)
- 'data' lists: now handle copy and paste of a list of tomo object (instead of a single one previously) (PR !596)
- add
- NXtomo editor
- add an option to automate edition (PR 524)
- add a warning if edit a link (external or soft) (PR 545)
- NXtomo editor
- add slurm job logs collection (PR 509)
- add found partition to 'slurm cluster configuration' gui (PR 523)
- provide a set of pre-defined slurm configuration (PR 582)
- axis
- rework deduction of projections (PR 537)
- when 'other' angles is selected: try to automatically propose coherent angles (PR 572)
- cast-volume: add input for compression-ratios (PR 544)
- add 'reduce-dark-flat-selector' widget (PR 597)
- axis
- metadata
- benefit from tomoscan volumes to display slice (data viewer) and volume (volume viewer) metadata for all file format (and not only .hdf5)
- extend metadata to non-hdf5 volumes (PR 543) - raw volume still not display any metadata
- diffviewer: minor improvements (PR 525)
- scan overview: append 'scan range' to the metadata (PR 526)
- add action to display a frame in full screen (PR 529)
- volume viewer: fix: avoid loading all the data in memory when possible (PR 541)
- metadata
- preparing helical
- add 'nabu-helical-prepare-weights-double' widget (PR 547)
- preparing helical
- reference beamlines tutorials
- add examples on user corner (PR 574, 594)
- add more examples directly on the canvas (PR 564, 510)
- add first prototype for stitching (PR 463, 551, 595)
- add NXtomo concatenate widget (PR 548)
- add possibility to cancel some jobs (PR 486)
- replace multiprocessing lock by flufl.lock for file locking (PR 555)
- rework future supervisor column management (PR 579)
- improve opening with ImageJ (PR 567)
Evidence collection
Release notes
add NXtomo editor and viewer (PR 474)
add management of serie and definition of a serie (PR 375)
improve slurm job submission (using sluurp and updating GUI / future handling) - (PR 469)
- integrate CTF (PR 410)
- add management of
(PR 475)
- add an option to avoid cropping images (PR 478)
cast volume improvements
- allow users to provide
(PR 464)
- allow users to provide
data viewer
- add display of reduced darks and flats
- use FrameReduced from tomoscan (PR 465)
semi automated widgets
- improve connection with other widgets: can process nabu directly now (PR 479)
- add an option to save a screenshot for all reconstructed slices (PR 479)
notifier: add a signal tone (PR 490)
- add pylint to CI (PR 462)
- use ewoks dockers images for CI
- add a tutorial to use
ewoks convert
andewoks execute
- remove distutils for packaging (PR 480)
- Improve management of output directory (PR 488)
- Remove tomwer.web module (PR 501)
- update default file to source for slurm-clsuter (now this is '/scisoft/tomotools/activate.sh stable')
Evidence collection
Release notes
integrate volumes from tomoscan (PR 394). Now user can handle a volume and process it.
- remove old data validator and data viewer (deprecated since 0.5)
- add edf2nx widget (PR 393)
- add image_key_upgrader (PR 396)
- add VolumeSelector related gui (and orange widget) (PR 396)
- upgrade datawatcher to allow research of bliss scan and NXtomo (PR 406)
- add 'single tomo obj' widget (PR 409)
- data listener: add option to filter file name (PR 426)
- dark and ref
- update copy to fit new 'reduced frames' policy using tomoscan (PR 396)
- add 'channel' for the user to provide reduced dark and flat (PR 409)
- rework volume cast to call nabu volume casting and use the new VolumeBase class (PR 394)
- output file format can now be redefined from NabuVolumeOW (PR 403)
- nabu
- slice: user can now provide 'angles_file'
- volume: user can now redefine output location and output file format from advanced settings
- add shepp-logan, cosine, hamming, hann, tukey, lanczos, hilbert to filter kernels (PR 421)
- add management of
(PR 420) - add management of
tilt correction
(PR 437)
- axis:
- fix loading cor value when saved in the .ows and bug with manual mode beeing locked in some cases (PR 450)
- add a '+180' button to find automatically the associated angle when radio angles defined manually (PR 455)
- fix relative position cast to absolute (PR 457)
- sadelta-beta
- fix bug when slice computation fails (PR 447)
- dark and ref
- replace dask-jobqueue by the 'tomwer.slurm' module (PR 405)
- update python widget to handle a volume
- allow several input for some widgets (PR 446)
- Remove pyhst binding
- first version with some widgets 'fully' handled by ewoksorange
Historical release
Release notes
- core
- use latest tomoscan dark and flat definition ([scan]_flats.hdf5:flats and [scan]_darks.hdf5:darks) (PR674)
- add normalization process to apply user defined normalization to frames and provide this one to nabu
- gui
- add normalization gui
- nabu volume: active histogram request to nabu by default
- axis:
- rework possible algorithm. If an algorithm can be done with sinogram or radios propose two values (instead of one and a sinogram vs radios option previously)
- move parameters to a QScrollArea (#688)
- allow users to define the angle value manually (PR702)
- move input side by side with calculation to ease readibility (PR705)
- fix issue with scrolling (PR706)
- data list
- fix remove item (PR707)
- orangecontrib
- fix slice stack (PR708)
Evidence collection
Release notes
- canvas:remove dependency on the orange3 project and replace it by dependency on
. fork has been created to access the 'processing wheel' but this is an optionnal feature (https://github.com/payno/orange-widget-base, https://github.com/payno/orange-canvas-core) (!350)
- canvas:remove dependency on the orange3 project and replace it by dependency on
- adapt all 'core process' to ewoks Task. Insure low level compatibility with ewoks (!340).
- reconstructions
- add option to trigger reconstruction on slurm cluster (!349)
- add a cast process to convert nabu volume to other file format
- slurm cluster: rework to provide port dynamically
- darkref: now save dark / flat also in darks.hdf5 and flats.hdf5 for hdf5 acquisition
- add future supervisor interface
- add slurm cluster interface
- nabu
- add interface to set the rings removal method
- connect "composite-to-fine" algorithm
- add the "None" method to the pahse method in order to allow user to use other options
- diffviewer
- add widget to shift second image
- add cluster group with SlurmclusterOW and FutureSupervisorOW
- add a "cast volume" widget to cast nabu volume
- provide description of canvas objects
- add streamline videos
Evidence collection
Release notes
- add scan viewer: allow user to display contain of a scan and browse on it
- dataviewer: add tab contains information on scan (number of dark / flat...)
- axis: several minor ug fix with the color map and reset zoom
- improve diff frame
- widgets
- add
to compute a score from several delta / beta values -
add aconfiguration
entry (!346)
- add
- widgets
- move doc to autosumary
- move to setup.cfg
- move to pytest