Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- gui: check missing place_holders
- Bug sadeltabeta if some score fail to be computed
- add filter on /data/visitor for automacomplation
- nabu: add missing kernels
- check load center of rotation (axis widget)
- check memory when launching
- data watcher: allow unix file name pattern in scan research
- volume cast: add autompletion for the 'output directory'
- cast_volume issues
- add missing much option to the nabu slice
- link tilt correction to the nabu widget
- scan selector, list..: allow multiple inputs
- improve handling of nabu output
- nabu location QLE: add autocomplation
- Axis: radios: second frame angle auto
- check near
- id16b: check y axis is downward
- check lbs051 GPU work with latest cuda drivers
- add an option to trigger automatically edf2nx
- check axis when no flat / dark
- reserach all slices reconstructed: fail with tiff
- insure widget setting cleared by default
- reset display of the version number on start
- check state notifications
- create a widget or an example on how to compute mean dark and flats from projections
- patch-nx: check file browser. Seems there is an issue with it at least on iccbm051
- add 'clip_outer_circle' option to nabu
- move from dask jobqueue to something else (pyslurmrest ?)
- allow user to provide angles_file to nabu
- make a final release for process view before releasing tomwer 1.0
- remove tomwer implementation of MOckEDf and MockHDF5.
- remove pyhst support
- vignette
- dark flat field calculation when `_flats.hdf5` and `_darks.hdf5` exist
- update dark and flat copy for HDF5 files
- nxtomomill: update gui for pcotomo options
- improve Nabu output dir definition
- Add EDF volume as possible input for the volume cast
- allow volume cast to be done on slurm cluster as the nabu processing.
- Allow modification of the output format at the volume level
- Locking value: should only be available for manual and not the algorithm
- add jp2k as output of the volume cast
- insure nxtomomill can convert from proposal file
- Check warning if several dark in semi-auto processes as in in slice
- canvas - reprocess
- Remove old datavalidator and data viewer
- axis: define filter high pass and low pass ?
- axis - manual: add an option for the user to provide value in absolute.
- select line on radios issues [nabu / pyhst]
- datalist: use realpath