Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- cast volume: volume and cast volume output not provided
- cast volume: avoid providing 'volume' advancement if 'scan' passed as input
- issue nabu slice: no metadata displayed
- rework gallary image saving.
- slurm config: improvements
- Executor broke for data portal upload
- Future supervisor does not have the data to upload to icat
- default CoR side is not well handeled
- Min Max casting not saved
- Random value is put in edit position 2 from preview calc in Stitching
- Extra spinbox in "edit position over axis 2"
- Weird glitch with spin box position values in z-stitching
- Deactivate scrolling to change combo box values in Stitching widget
- scan discovery crashing
- nxtomomill: output path settings not saved / load
- z-stitching: issues with frame flip
- issue if file name contains a space
- rename tomwer.gui.qfolderdialog to ?tomwer.gui.dialog?
- slice reconstruction: Add an option to select the gpu to be used
- rework icat publication mechanism ?
- split `reconstructed_volume`
- integrate ewoksorange >= 0.7
- slurm widget: provide nice*
- slurm widget: remove nb tasks from the GUI
- volume cancelled: create an error about the screenshot creation
- tomwer.gui.visualization.volumeviewer: refactor _ScanInfo
- nabu volume / slice reconstruction: raise an error message if no folder provided
- Add an option to remove reduced darks and flats and caches
- remove all relative to volume sym link
- check usage of pkg_resources: has been deprecated
- cast_volume: issue with cast ?
- Volume viewer: volume path not set on the volume viewer when input is a volume.
- check error: different output format
- Remove RAW_DATA option from output directory
- object supervisor
- hide helical
- tomwer z-stitching: '--only-master-file' option missing some input
- stitching: dump the master stitching.conf file
- slice stack: allow to remove a single slice / volume from the interface
- Add search option in the slice stack
- Unable to properly load .ows
- filter .nx file when looking for a bliss scan
- add 'skip_angles' nabu option to the nabu widget.
- data portal: add processing wheel
- Add Tomwer doc icon on html browser tab
- Tests on 3.11 fails on latest tomoscan version (2.1.0a12)
- tomwer: remove third part
- rework documentation on how to publish metadata to icat
- remove send all button
- data listener : add timestamps to the 'observation' tab
- nabu: rename `normalize by current` to `normalalize by machine electric current`
- Better log colors
- Better QFileDialog
- Logos reduced dark flat too similar
- Add Vo's CoR option
- slice reconstruction
- z-stitching index column should be larger by default
- Warning with siphash24
- Improve startup log
- tomwer - disabling paganin does not disable unsharp
- Replace readME.rst by ?
- nx_editor:ewoksify
- Fails to define energy and distance if unknown
- slice-stack app: improve way to handle it.
- slice-stack: allow to provide already reconstructed slices.
- improve copy mecanism
- Axis: read: allow to read COR from a HDF5 file.
- Disable mouse scrolling in ring removal method options
- Improve z-stitching
- move to native namespace packages
- Add ID16b workflows to tomwer canvas
- examples: add a remote cast example in examples / remote processing
- Axis widget fails if `side=near`, `Updata automaticall...` ticked and `estimated_value` set to 0.0.
- integrate ewoksnotify
- ImageKeyEditor: ewoksify
- Doc: a link to volume API
- volume selector: add path auto completion to the file path QLineEdit
- Axis: rework
- stitching: Reset position
- fix `namespace_packages` deprecation warning
- dataviewer: reset metadata if url is None
- supervisor: provide hint if slice or volume
- check differences between nxtomomill-hdf5 and scan selector
- data viewer - slice metadata
- move to __future__.annotations
- move some code to ewoksorange
- replace nabu processing from 'failed' to warning
- sa-axis: add the score calculation on user request only
- Tests failing on my machine (py3.7)
- CI: failing tests