Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- fix cancel future tomo_obj
- issues with imageJ option
- check dark - flat copy
- info log - copy dark and flat
- processing stack: allow stopping current processed thread
- bliss - nxtomomill: custom output directory not saved in settings
- GPU memory fraction not taken into account when callign nabu
- test tomwer 1.2rc vs nabu current master
- make "PROCESSED_DATA" the new default output
- copy - scan selector
- upgrade 'app/ImageKeyDialog' and _ImageKeyEditorProcessingThread
- upgrade `_DarkFlatPatchProcessingThread`
- add to corner cases: know if at least one scan has failed
- hide stitching from orange
- check delta-beta: seems like the range interface is not working
- add an error report link to jira
- allow several inputs
- review doc of exposed tasks
- improve doc for slurm
- rework example workflows
- defining output volume will 'endup' by overwriting volumes
- remove deprecation warning
- stitching: issue if only has one scan
- rework installation
- slurm config: propose some predefined configuration
- serialize ewoks inputs and outputs
- Activate the data listener on creation
- doc: add link to ludovic documentation
- "dump sinogram" when save tomwer volume
- Pb with dataset with dark / flat: should allow to find COR with 'composite coarse to find' algorithm
- create a `hub` / serialize widget
- future supervisor display
- rework dark-ref standalone application
- clean some unused attributes of OWWidget
- Issue with Axis widget and dimax - pcotomo
- axis: check passing low_pass='1';high_pass='5'
- read metadata for file format different than hdf5
- NXtomo: add "keyed connection" / detrompeur
- h52nx: add -> does not handle TOMWER_DEFAULT_INPUT_DIR
- tomwer axis command
- error message during first iteration
- check volume viewer
- check some waarning on cyclic import
- nabu - CTF: redo drawing with z1_h and z1_v
- data viewer: add an option / shortcut to display the frame full size
- cast volume: add an entry for compression ratio
- nxtomo-editor: add a way to automate the processing,
- nxtomo editor: rename x / y flipped to top / bottom and left / right
- diff viewer: increase space occupy by the plot
- diff viewer: add a way to search over angles
- axis: improvement
- gui: reduce space lost on dialogs...
- nxtomomill: custom output directory missing autocompletion
- nabu slice: check - sub region
- add a widget to send an email automatically
- slurm cluster: add existing partition
- sa_axis: std
- add metadata to the viewer
- improve coherence with the `default` structure of the acquisition ?
- sa-axis: when autofocus lock print axis picked
- improve gui/nabuconfig/preprocessing/_setConfiguration
- clean up remaining string formating not using f-strings
- canvas - add a feedback button
- add a .nx discover widget and / or a .h5 / bliss discover
- rework of sa-axis interface
- COR incomplete Scan
- scan list data watcher: add a button to clear cache
- slurm submission - better handling of the nabu logs
- image-key-editor: add option to automate it
- handle dark and flat option selection
- volume selector: add past option to the tomwer object list
- nabu slice: check requested slices
- bug sample moved
- saaxis - improve research width from pixel size
- move to opengl.