Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- future supervisor
- multi-delta-beta: no display
- multi-cor: score
- Doc: add warning about python script and if triggerered before the processing is finished
- connect data discovery / HDF5 nxtomomill
- volume viewer: some metadata not displayed
- volume viewer: no metadata displayed
- copy dark / flat
- remove doc from
- update jira issues
- hook to publish to readthedocs automatically
- Axis: side: provide right by default when possible
- Doc: add information on how to select a GPU if several available
- rename diff viewer to 'diff frame' viewer
- reduced dark - flat
- Add option to find tilt automatically
- Doc: update python script screenshot
- check tooltip output dir
- stitching -feedback from Benoit
- sluurp export
- plot: hide mask
- Python script: add an example on how to modify output file name
- Check display all volume
- scan selector: check are keeping the cache information
- cast-volume
- clear object supervisor
- slurm: check 'module load tomotools' and 'source /scisoft/activate' are both working as expected.
- fix task cancellation
- Nabu slice: handle differente axis
- Replace some `python3` by `os.executable`
- Doc: link existing videos to the application when possible
- Doc: Widget help
- check `sphinx-autodoc-typehints` activated
- Doc: add link to tomotools training archives
- more deprecation to be handled
- treat nabu deprecation warning
- Doc: create a hook to build doc when a new tag is created
- Doc: move tomwer applications to card ?
- add vo deringer option
- rework doc layout
- rename some orange widget
- issue nabu slice reconstruction
- issue cancelling cast volume
- gallery vs GALLERY
- SAAxis improvements
- stitching interface - feedback from Ludovic
- Axis tooltip
- Provide `PROCESSED_DATA` and `RAW_DATA` to more output
- stitching doc: inversion of the z
- stithcing: preview activate the colored background by default
- stithcing: add a toolbar to add an nxtomo / volume
- Axis: fail to reset image
- Improve name displayed.
- Axis - field needing validation
- Qt last path used lost
- output `datas`
- Axis
- user corner
- nxtomomill output
- Allow user to select a specific GPU from the slurm configuration
- slurm: configuration for stitching
- Allow user to provide 'export' parameter to sluurp
- load 'tomotools' module by default instead of `source /scisoft/tomotools/activate` ?
- Saaxis does not override write location with user-provided location.
- publish reconstructed volume
- add an alias `near` for the `composite-coarse-to-fine` algorithm
- data viewer colormap: use histogram by default
- Add widget to add screenshot on gallery
- `saaxis` bug: error in pushing forward the tuned COR to reconstruction
- Move from HDF5TomoScan to NXtomoScan
- data listener: make `PROCESSED_DATA` as the default output
- provide near to all Axis algorithm
- publish to icat
- integrate nabu multicor values to saaxis
- rework / check dataset name displayed
- volume viewer: add a waiting plot instead of the default one
- rework sa-axis
- move test to python-3.11
- improve data list readability
- volume viewer: improve behavior of non HDF5 files