Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- scan list / selector
- NXtomo editor: reading distance
- add to 'user corner' modifying a key use case
- image key editor: rename slice by range
- CTF: check output file name not including CTF in the name
- CTF: paganin value is not correctly provided
- CTF: update drawing: replace z_h and z_v by the to zh and zv
- add nabu + h5py + tomoscan + nxtomomill version on help
- h52nx nxtomomill: make sure the conversion is done in a thread now.
- corner cases: add example on how to define default input directroy
- cast-volume: hide percentiles if values provided
- nxtomo editor: units - add missing micrometer
- jupyter-lab: ask to get the tomotools dev / stable on the default jupyter-slurm
- rename cluster section to compute cluster
- ctf_extension
- sa-delta-beta
- issue with autofocus
- sa-axis: add information about the dataset currently processed
- add some examples ows file so that user can get directly
- axis: make default side to 'right'
- add an example on how to copy a `.nx` file to user corner cases
- add an `image-key-upgrader` command
- add `normalize_srcurrent` to tomwer
- move notebooks from documentation to tomwer doc.
- remove tomwer.web module. Not used anymore I think
- test slurm - job submission
- improve code coverage
- release of ewoks 0.1.1
- estimated value: check: is lock when the algorithm is lock. When should stay editable.
- check some settings error on start up
- provide darks and flats urls
- doc: add how to load volume data on the user corner case / python real life example
- cast volume: provide a way for the user to get the cast volume as output.
- also make sure the update automatically estimated_cor_from_motor is required / used displayed on start
- video default center of rotation
- test - output single slices since nb digits has been moved to 6
- sa-axis and sa-delta-beta - reconstructed slices are Y up by default
- provide different possible output directories for .nx
- notifier: add a sonor bip to it.
- add an example on how to store the cor in a txt file
- test with example_streamline.ows
- check nabu result for COR
- fix COR issue since refactor at nabu level
- nabu: handle `centered_axis` option
- ID16B summary
- No Dark Correction
- Object Supervisor Display
- absolute value for 32bits casting widget
- Installing tomwer breaks orange
- make sure definition of 'standard' and 'half' acquisitions are in the doc
- "Send All" in the scan selector
- Possibility To have Save Parameters for semi-auto cor and d/b widgets outputs
- Possibility to skip nabu_slice_reconstruction when using semi-auto delta/beta or semi-auto cor
- cast volume: allow user to provide min and max from the interface
- check - rework future supervisor
- improve accessibility (using ewoks)
- scan watcher: add placeholder to the filter QLE
- data viewer: rename darks and flats to `raw darks` and `raw flats` and add `reduced darks` and `reduced flats`
- replace distutils Version classes b ypackagaing.version
- nabu slices: provide reconstructed slices as a tuple of numpy array.
- nxtomomill: check processing wheel: not present in 1.0
- cast-volume: allow user to provide min and max manually (instead of percentiles)
- add pylint to the CI
- processing blocked when there are multiple darks
- better handle of non standard output for nabu lsice and volume
- Axis: have a mode without croping frames
- Widget forms not loading with error
- rename `static_inputs` to `_ewoks_default_inputs`
- imageJ: raise an error when load a slice
- nabu reconstruction: display error when cannot retrieve the url file path at least
- add CTF option to nabu slice
- define serie
- nabu: add ctf
- manage several series of darks