Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- bug - Axis - colormap
- axis: handle nabu sinogram algorithm.
- add edf output
- release 0.7
- saaxis: nabu log not saved
- nabu: several delta / beta values
- data validator: missing add scan
- Data viewer - handle concurency
- data viewer: check. slice might be duplicated ???!!!!!
- axis: missing process started log
- diff widget
- error when remove a scan from nxtomomill
- raise error before nabu if nb projection for HA is odd
- SAAxis: should be hide when validated
- scan not recognized as a bliss scan ?
- SAAxis
- use 'estimated_cor'
- cor score: improvement
- nabu: increase subsampling max
- gui: axis: insure we can opy and past center of rotation
- tomwer - gif for front page
- add a stable branch
- Warning if we are not using the latest released version or if this is a dev version
- datalist / dataselector : add file filters
- datalist - add an option to copy the string and get the file path
- add an option to reset nabu configuration
- orangecontrib settings: save file path
- issue nabu slice when removed
- volume viewer: add recosntruction parameter information
- data listener
- widget to display scan states
- nxtomomill - define output folder
- axis colormap - define from a ROI
- use tomoscan - flat field correction
- h5_to_nx: add an option to define Progress
- use tomoscan - get_sinogram