Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- remove from scan list
- check colored log on lbs
- nabu volume: better management of z limits
- axis: add information regarding radio shape
- BM18: Elodie feedbacks
- move dependencies of ewoks orange from Orange to orange-base-canvas and orange-core-widget
- check semi automated cor + tiff
- check output directory from nxtomomill is saved in orange settings
- add some output type for data conversion
- add "black" flags as coding style
- clean tomwer third party
- reduce exceptions of used for flake8
- Volume reconstruction: rename `from` and `to` for `from slice` and `to slice`
- axis: avoid to add axis research if already on going
- check padding type take into account in sliding_window
- nabu slices: Add an option to lock mode and ignore automatic set of it from the dataset.
- improve test coverage
- Get ride of the Orange3 dependancy (and only get `orange-canvas-core` and `orange-widget-base` ?)
- nabu: composite_coarse-to-fine
- add `sinogram destripping`
- improve port management for slurm
- image key editor - clarify editor
- connection between tomwer and bliss broken
- issue corase to fine on cluster
- rename darkfref application darkandflat
- axis: issue with mode value when in manual
- nabu slice - output dir
- stand alone application - handling dark-flat
- application: make entry optional when possible
- increase maximal number of file that user can open ?
- lbsram synchronization to /data
- issue disrtibuted - cluster
- nabu axis method
- volume: reconstruct add a 16bits options
- nabu - monitor and launch slurm job
- Diff viewer - shift
- axis - add manual flip options
- axis - select any angle to compute the cor from
- Volume viewer dataset duplicated along Z
- clear up `set_properties` / `set_configiration` ...
- check silx deprecation warning
- refactor Process ?
- nabu: automatic load of mode should be in a setting
- nabu - unsharp mask without paganin
- rename `DKRFRP.overwrite_ref` `overwrite_flat`
- looks at orange-canvas-core and orange-widget-base