Fails to define energy and distance if unknown
If we try to add energy or distance for example when they are unknow then we end up with the following error:
[ERROR ] Fail to overwrite NXtomo (hdf5:scan:/gpfs/jazzy/data/scisofttmp/paleo/debug/ID15A/test_henri.nx?path=/entry). Error is sequence item 2: expected str instance, NoneType found [orangecontrib.tomwer.widgets.edit.NXtomoEditorOW](
2024-06-11 11:05:47,608:ERROR:orangecontrib.tomwer.widgets.edit.NXtomoEditorOW: Fail to overwrite NXtomo (hdf5:scan:/gpfs/jazzy/data/scisofttmp/paleo/debug/ID15A/test_henri.nx?path=/entry). Error is sequence item 2: expected str instance, NoneType found