13th BLISS Steering Committee Meeting Friday 19th June 2020 at 14:00h
# | Item | Time | Speaker | Notes |
1. | Pending Actions | 15 min | J. Bodera | (see Pending Actions below) |
2. | Status update on Beamline converstion to BLISS from SPEC | 15 min max | J. Meyer/L.Claustre | BLISS_Steer_19_6_2020.pdf |
3. | Status update on BLISS Core development and GUI | 15 min max | J. Meyer/M. Guijarro | 13-bliss-steering-committee-meeting.pdf |
4. | AOB | 5 min | J. Bodera |
Pending actions as of 19/05/2020:
# | Action | Owner | Deadline |
13 | Full list of available commands (cheatsheet-like) documentation | M. Guijarro & review by T. Roth & M. Burghammer | June BSC |
19 | Set up a system/place for new features/suggestions/new requirements for BLISS | J. Meyer | August BSC |
23 | MCA Support in BLISS | M. Guijarro | 1st June 2020 |
26 | Plan a session (classroom-like) in June | M. Guijarro + J. Meyer | June BSC |
27 | Bliss instances in BLs having the same version | J. Meyer | 25 August 2020 |
28 | Bliss conversion plan | J. Meyer | June BSC |
29 | Provide experiment planning for USM | H.Reichert | June BSC |
- Actions 1 and 3 were closed during the October 2019 BSC meeting.
- Actions 4, 6, 7 and 9 were closed during November 2019 BSC meeting.
- Actions 8, 17 and 18 closed during December 2019 BSC Meeting
- Actions 2, 10, 11, 12 and 16 closed during January 2020 BSC Meeting
- Actions 14, 15, 20 and 21 closed during February 2020 BSC Meeting
- Actions 5 and 22 closed during March 2020 BSC Meeting
- Action 25 closed during April 2020 BSC Meeting
- Action 24 closed during May 2020 BSC Meeting
Summary of the meeting (19/06/2020)
Attendees : Veijo Honkimaki, Jordi Bodera, Thomas Roth, Wout de Nolf, Jens Meyer, Matias Guijarro, Armando Solé, Laurent Claustre, Harald Reichert, Jean-Claude Biasci, Manfred Burghammer and Andy Gotz.
# 13 Full list of available commands (cheatsheet-like) documentation : Thomas Roth explain that the cheatsheet (cheat_sheet_fundamental.pdf) is in progress and almost completed. ACTION REMAINS OPEN.
# 19 Set up a system/place for new features/suggestions/new requirements for BLISS : Jens reported that this feature will be ready by 25th August
# 23 MCA Support in BLISS : Matias reported progress on this topic (testing ongoing), however it is not yet fully completed. Jordi pointed out that this action is open for a while and we missed the deadline. ACTION REMAINS OPEN.
# 26 Plan a session in May (classroom-like) : Matias reported that a session is planned for Friday 26th June, which will include some videos, so people that cannot attend can still watch the tutorials. ACTION CLOSED.
# 27 Bliss instances in BLs having the same version : Jens reported that this piece of work is planned and will be done by the restart on 25th August. ACTION REMAINS OPEN
Jens presented his slides, noting that ID19 is in orange as it is not clear if it will restart on 25th August. Jens also explain that urgent, critical outstanding items are :
- ID15A's Sinogram handling
- ID21's DCM integration
- ID26's Experimental sequences (to be done by October)
- ID30A due to hardware changes (sample changer, diffractometer, etc.)
Harald raised an issue of the file format issue (raised by ID11 and Carlotta) to which Armando replied that the process of how to deal with the files generated is clear, has been explained and it is documented. It was agreed that Wout will cover this topic during Friday 26th BLISS session and if Carlotta cannot attend he will contact her to ensure that this topic is solved and ID11 staff are satisfied.
Harald also explained that it does not seem to be possible to edit metadata and sometimes this could not be good (due to bug or a later calibration). It was explained that once the data is archived it cannot be changed, however it can be modified before that, it can be noted in the logbook, changed on Icat for data analysis, etc. It was also recommended to always calibrate before capturing sample data, however Manfred pointed out that it is not always possible to do so.
Jens also presented target dates for converting beamlines for the future, with some dates stretching into 2023. For CRGs, beamlines that hired someone will manage to migrate to BLISS, however other beamlines have not done so and therefore they do not have a target date to migrate to BLISS. Harald raised the topic of ending the support for SPEC and Jens said that by the end of the year we could maybe decide when this date could be (maybe early 2023?). NEW ACTION.
Harald also noted that Jen's list of CRGs did not contain BM31.
Matias'presentation included the fact that version 1.5 will go out before the planned training on 26th June with v 1.6 planned for before the restart (25th August). There are a few outstanding items that Matias presented and Harald explained that it is imperative to focus on getting the beamlines operational. A long discussion about Sinograms (each slice of a tomography) followed and it was agreed that Matias will contact Veijo after an initial study in order to decide whether it is worth to prioritise the Sinograms work or not depending on the amount of effort involved.
It was also agreed, that the list of outstanding items to develop from Jens and Matias will be merged in a single list that Jordi will circulate to the Steering Committee members and also with the BRCT. NEW ACTION.
Andy made some questions about a dashboard that Jean Susini presented during the webinar to all staff. He noted that the SWG needs to know the planning for experiments on the beamlines in order to ensure the beamlines are ready in time. Harald said he would provide the experiment planning in USM before the next meeting.
Matias explained that he will work with Jens and Andy to ensure that the holiday planning of BCU allows for some support over the summer.
Next meeting: 14th BLISS Steering Committee 16th July 2020
Minutes from previous meetings: