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Rework edit cells

Loic Huder requested to merge rework-edit-cells into main

As my understanding of the components improved, I realized that NameTableCell and ValueTableCell abstractions were good progress but ultimately not right.

We have two major usecases for these cells

Input edition (default inputs, execution inputs, conditions)

  1. A cell to edit the name (only type string and perhaps number #253 (closed)) with eventual options. Uses NameTableCell.
  2. A cell to edit the value (this value can be of several types, indicated by the type). No options. Uses ValueTableCell

Data mapping

  1. A cell to edit the source (only type string and perhaps number #253 (closed)) with eventual options. Uses NameTableCell.
  2. A cell to edit the target (only type string and perhaps number #253 (closed)) with eventual options. Uses ValueTableCell 🤔 .

We then notice how 1. of Input edition and 1. 2. of Data mapping are extremely similar but we use different components. One of the reasons we do this is before Data mapping types are flawed: the name field is used for the source, the value field is used for the target. This will have to be changed later.

Based on this, I replace NameTableCell and ValueTableCell by two new abstractions:


  • Allows to edit string fields (number in the future for #253 (closed))
  • Allows to specify options to have a dropdown
  • Has a name prop to fit the usecase (name for input edition, name for data mapping source or value for data mapping output)
  • Does not need to deal with other input types so it relies on a control that can only edit strings (StrEditControl)


  • Allows to edit fields of multiple types (all the ones described by RowType !464 (merged) ).
  • Does not support options to have a dropdown (note that Autocomplete was removed from the underlying control MultiTypeEditControl)
  • Has no name prop since it only deals with value

By having type-specific abstractions, I will be able to rework the TS typings accordingly !462 (comment 308265)

I was also able to remove the allowBoolAndNumberInput flag as I foresaw in !459 (merged)

Edited by Loic Huder

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