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Move JSON edition dialog inside edition button

Loic Huder requested to merge move-edition-dialog into main

Another refactoring opportunity I stumbled upon as mentionned in !460 (comment 308032).

The edition dialog was handled in the high-level components that were calling ValueTableCell. However, the operations of this dialog are low-level (it can be seen as a low-level control as already touched on !460 (comment 308035)).

This mismatch meant that a lot of things needed to be passed from high-level components for low-level operations. This is what the callbackProps were for.

By moving the edition dialog in a low-level component (a new component called EditJsonButton), I was able to get rid of these pesky callbackProps. I also took the opportunity to refactor DraggableDialog (now EditJsonDialog) by streamlining the props and removing all the useless React state inside.

Edited by Loic Huder

Merge request reports