tomwer is offering tools to automate acquisition and reconstruction processes for Tomography. It contains:
- a library to access each acquisition process individually
- gui and applications to control main processes (reconstruction, data transfert...) and execute them as a stand alone application.
- an orange add-on to help users defining their own workflow (

Step 1 - tomwer
To install it with all 'features':
pip install tomwer[full]
alternatively you can install the master branch from
pip install git+[full]
Step 2 - update orange-canvas-core and orange-widget-base (Optional)
To access 'processing' wheels and 'reprocess action' you might want to install forks of update orange-canvas-core and orange-widget-base. This is optional and projects works with native orange projects
pip install git+ --no-deps --upgrade
pip install git+ --no-deps --upgrade
Launching applications
After the installation tomwer is embedding several applications.
Those applications can be launched by calling:
tomwer appName {options}
if you only call tomwer then the man page will be displayed.
You can access each application help using ``
tomwer appName --help
tomwer canvas - orange canvas
You can launch the canvas to create workflows from the different 'bricks'
tomwer canvas
you can also use orange-canvas
if your installed a virtual environment do not forget to active it :
source myvirtualenv/bin/activate
sphinx-build doc build/html
The documentation is build in doc/build/html and the entry point is index.html
firefox build/html/index.html
the build of the documentation need sphinx to be installed. This is not an hard dependacy. So you might need to install it.