tomwer is offering tools to automate acquisition and reconstruction processes for Tomography. It contains:
- a library to access each acquisition process individually
- gui and applications to control main processes (reconstruction, data transfert...) and execute them as a stand alone application.
- an orange add-on to help users defining their own workflow (

Documentation of latest release is available at
Step 1 - Create a virtual env (recommended)
It is recommended to create a python virtual environment to run the workflow tool. Virtual environment might avoid some conflict between python packages. But you can also install it on your 'current' python environment and move to step 1.
virtualenv --python=python3 --system-site-packages myvirtualenv
Then activate the virtual environment
source myvirtualenv/bin/activate
First update pip and setuptools to avoid some potential errors
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install setuptools --upgrade
To quit the virtual environment
Step 2 - tomwer (madatory)
To install it with all 'features':
pip install tomwer[full]
alternatively you can install the master branch from
pip install git+[full]
Step 3 - update orange-canvas-core and orange-widget-base (recommended)
To access 'processing' wheels you might want to install forks of update orange-canvas-core and orange-widget-base
pip install --no-deps --upgrade
pip install --no-deps --upgrade
Launching applications
After the installation tomwer is embedding several applications.
Those applications can be launched by calling:
tomwer appName {options}
if you only call tomwer then the man page will be displayed.
You can access each application help using ``
tomwer appName --help
tomwer canvas - orange canvas
You can launch the canvas to create workflows from the different 'bricks'
tomwer canvas
you can also use orange-canvas
if your installed a virtual environment do not forget to active it :
source myvirtualenv/bin/activate
cd doc
make html
The documentation is build in doc/build/html and the entry point is index.html
firefox build/html/index.html
the build of the documentation need sphinx to be installed. This is not an hard dependacy. So you might need to install it.
You also should generate documentation to be accessible from Orange GUI (pressing the F1 key).
cd doc
make htmlhelp