Tomwer provides tools to automate acquisition and reconstruction processes for tomography. The package includes:
- A library to individually access each acquisition process.
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications to control key processes such as reconstruction and data transfer, which can be executed as standalone applications.
- An Orange add-on to help users define custom workflows (Orange3).
Tomwer relies on Nabu for tomographic reconstruction.
Note: Currently, the software is only compatible with Linux.
The latest version of the documentation is available here.
Step 1: Installing Tomwer
To install Tomwer with all features:
pip install tomwer[full]
Alternatively, you can install the latest development branch from the repository:
pip install git+https://gitlab.esrf.fr/tomotools/tomwer/#egg=tomwer[full]
Step 2: (Optional) Update Orange-CANVAS-CORE and Orange-WIDGET-BASE
If you need access to additional 'processing' wheels and 'reprocess action,' you may want to update these Orange forks. This is optional, as the project works with the native Orange libraries.
pip install git+https://github.com/payno/orange-canvas-core --no-deps --upgrade
pip install git+https://github.com/payno/orange-widget-base --no-deps --upgrade
Launching Applications
After installation, Tomwer includes several applications. You can launch an application by running:
tomwer <appName> [options]
- If you run tomwer without arguments, a manual page will be displayed.
- For application-specific help, run:
tomwer <appName> --help
Tomwer Canvas - Orange Canvas
You can launch the Orange canvas to create workflows using the available building blocks:
tomwer canvas
- Alternatively, you can use orange-canvas.
- If you're using a virtual environment, remember to activate it:
source myvirtualenv/bin/activate
Building Documentation
To build the documentation:
sphinx-build doc build/html
The documentation will be generated in doc/build/html, and the entry point is index.html. To view the documentation in a browser:
firefox build/html/index.html
Note: Building the documentation requires sphinx to be installed, which is not a hard dependency of Tomwer. If needed, install it separately.