*note: for now jupyter notebook does not allow to run several `IOLoop`. So until this is fixed, execute the following command in a ternminal:*
sudo luigid --background
**warning: unset any proxy (http, https) if existing**
This should allow you to continue the tutorial.
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``` python
# stop_server()
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# Luigi Task
Luigi allow to execute severals Tasks.
Those tasks can be linked together
To adapt workflows we are making differentiation between 'Single' process (one shot execution) and enfless process (such as the `datawatcher` which is a background process observing for some data)
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## Simple Task execution
The first step is to execute a single task with no dependancy. To do so we can implement 'SingleProcessTask' and 'EndlessProcessTask', respectivly with class inheriting from SingleProcess and EndlessProcess
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### SingleProcessTask
In this example we will create a LuigiSingleProcess which will instancy and execute a 'DarkRef' process
We can imaging that we have some data on rnice that we want to move to lbseam for running darkref and ftseries reconstruction then move those again to rnice