Resolve "Add shipping into the data portal via iframe"
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- Alejandro De Maria Antolinos authored
Closes #14 (closed)
This MR is not supposed to be merged! It is just exploratory work to find out the best way to interact with multiple MF
The iframe is a html element tag allows to embed another document (html remote site, for instance). The size (height and width) needs to be specified:
<iframe src="demo_iframe.htm" height="200" width="300" title="Iframe Example"></iframe>
The development consists on creating a 2nd tab so we can compare both implementations (integrated in the data portal) and iframe
This is the result as it is with no modification:
It is easy to embed in microfrontend but the size needs to be known beforehand if you want a seamless integration and a nice look and feel
This approach is a link to a button that open a brand new front-end in the browser. It is like an independent application with the pros and cons.
A button is added to the investigation's table that allows to navigate to the logistics application
This is easier and more nice than the iframe however it has to have a very narrow scope otherwise the user can be lost easily.