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Commit 1ce9fc67 authored by Peter Reischig's avatar Peter Reischig Committed by Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Added 7_fed2 folder with vectorised fwd projection functions.

parent fd4956a2
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function [dfac, clab] = gtFedPredictDiffFacMultiple(Rottens, dlab, csam, ...
detrefpos, detnorm)
% GTFEDPREDICTDIFFFACMULTIPLE Diffraction vector scalar multiplicator
% to calculate where the beam hits the detector. Vectorised for speed.
% [dfac, clab] = gtFedPredictDiffFac(Rottens, dlab, csam, detrefpos, detnorm)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Diffraction vector dlab doesn't have to be normalised. 'csam' and
% 'detrefpos' must be in identical units.
% Rottens - rotation matrices that transform the Sample coordinates 'csam'
% into Lab coordinates (3x3xn or 3x(3xn); for column vectors);
% if empty, no rotation will be applied
% dlab - diffraction vectors (diffracted beam direction) in Lab
% reference (3xn)
% csam - positions in Sample reference (or in Lab if Rottens is empty)
% to be projected along 'dlab'; i.e. usually the grain centers;
% (3xn)
% detrefpos - any point in the detector plane (3x1)
% detnorm - detector plane normal pointing towards beam (3x1; unit vector)
% dfac - scalar multiplicators; NaN where projection point away from detector
% (1xn)
% clab - Lab coordinates of 'csam' (3xn)
% Position of centre after rotation (Sample -> Lab coord.)
if isempty(Rottens)
clab = csam;
csamt = reshape(csam,1,[]);
rc = reshape(reshape(Rottens,3,[]).*csamt([1 1 1],:),9,[]);
clab(3,:) = sum(rc([3 6 9],:),1);
clab(2,:) = sum(rc([2 5 8],:),1);
clab(1,:) = sum(rc([1 4 7],:),1);
% the scalar multiplicator of the diffraction vector
dfac = detnorm'*(detrefpos(:,ones(1,size(clab,2))) - clab) ./ (detnorm'*dlab);
% beam won't hit the detector if dfac is negative
dfac(dfac <= 0) = NaN;
end % of function
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function dlab = gtFedPredictDiffVecMultiple(pllab, beamdir)
% GTFEDPREDICTDIFFVECMULTIPLE Diffraction vectors from plane normals and
% beam directions in the Lab reference. Vectorised for speed.
% dlab = gtFedPredictDiffVecMultiple(pllab, beamdir)
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Returns the diffraction vectors for a set of plane normals and beam
% directions. All given in the Lab reference (i.e. turned into the omega
% rotational position). Output 'dlab' is NOT normalised!
% pllab - normalised plane normals (3xn)
% beamdir - normalised beam direction(s) (3x1) or (3xn)
% dlab - diffraction vectors (diffracted beam directions);
% NOT normalised! (3xn)
if size(beamdir,1)==3 && size(beamdir,2)==1
dotpro = (2*beamdir')*pllab;
dlab = beamdir(:,ones(1,size(pllab,2))) - dotpro([1 1 1],:).*pllab;
dotpro = 2*sum(beamdir.*pllab, 1);
dlab = beamdir - dotpro([1 1 1],:).*pllab;
% % Another way could be using sin(theta), but it's inefficient unless
% % the sign is known in advance.
% if isempty(sinth)
% ...
% else
% if size(beamdir,1)==3 && size(beamdir,2)==1
% % Need to consider the plane normal pointing opposite to the beam:
% pllabsign = -sign(beamdir'*pllab);
% pllab = pllabsign([1 1 1],:).*pllab;
% % Diffraction vector:
% dlab = 2*sinth([1 1 1],:).*pllab + beamdir(:,ones(1,size(pllab,2))) ;
% else
% % Need to consider the plane normal pointing opposite to the beam:
% pllabsign = -sign(sum(beamdir.*pllab,1));
% pllab = pllabsign([1 1 1],:).*pllab;
% % Diffraction vector:
% dlab = 2*sinth([1 1 1],:).*pllab + beamdir ;
% end
% end
end % end of function
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function [om, plrot, plsigned, rot, omind] = gtFedPredictOmegaMultiple(...
pl, sinth, beamdir, rotdir, rotcomp, omind)
% GTFEDPREDICTOMEGAMULTIPLE Omega angles where reflection occur from the
% the plane normals (Bragg's law is satisifed). Vectorised for speed.
% [om, pllab, plsigned, rot, omind] = gtFedPredictOmegaMultiple(...
% pl, sinth, beamdir, rotdir, rotcomp, omind)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Predicts the four omega angles where diffraction occurs for multiple
% plane normals 'pl '. Rotating 'pl' around 'rotdir' will bring them
% in a position where the angle between 'pl' and 'beamdir' will be theta
% (the Bragg angle).
% All inputs have to be given in the same reference.
% The output 'plsigned' is as follows:
% plsigned(:,:,1:2) = pl
% plsigned(:,:,3:4) = -pl
% These vectors result in rotated plane normals such that their dot products
% with the beam direction is always negative, i.e they satisfy:
% plrot(:,i,j) = rot(:,:,i,j)*plsigned(:,i,j) , 1<=j<=4
% beamdir'*plrot(:,i,j) = -sinth
% The omega angles are arranged in the output as follows:
% - om(1,:)-om(3,:) are one Friedel pair, and om(2,:)-om(4,:) are the
% other Friedel pair in an orthogonal setup ('beamdir' perpendicular
% to 'rotdir')
% - om1 is always smaller than om2
% Therefore the omega indices are NOT necessarily ORDERED and are returned
% in 'omind'. These indices can be re-used later as input for speed-up, so
% that only the relevant omega angles are (re)computed.
% pl - normalised unit plane normals (3xn)
% sinth - sin(theta) corresponding to 'pl' (1x1 or 1xn)
% beamdir - normalised beam direction (3x1 or 3x1)
% rotdir - normalised rotation axis direction (right-handed) (3x1)
% rotcomp - rotational matrix components for COLUMN vectors !
% (pl_rotated = Srot*pl)
% omind - omega index (1..4) to be computed; empty to get
% all four; (1x1 or 1xn)
% om - the four omegas in degrees where reflections appear;
% contains NaN where no solution exists (1xn or 4xn)
% plrot - the plane normals rotated in the diffraction positions;
% no. 3 and 4 are inverted after rotation (pointing oppposite
% to beam) to ease calculation at a later stage;
% size (3xn or 3xnx4)
% plsigned - the original input plane normals with no. 3 and 4 inverted;
% plrot(:,i,j) = rot(:,:,i,j)*plsigned(:,i,j) the is where (3xn or 3xnx4)
% rot - rotation matrices (3x3xn or 3x3xnx4)
% omind - omega indices (1xn or 4xn)
% % Polychromatic case
% if rotdir == [0 0 0]
% om = 0;
% plrot = -pl*sign(pl'*beamdir);
% plsigned = plrot;
% return
% end
%% Quadratic equation for omega angles
nn = size(pl,2);
if size(beamdir,1)==3 && size(beamdir,2)==1
A = beamdir'*(rotcomp.cos*pl);
B = beamdir'*(rotcomp.sin*pl);
C = beamdir'*(rotcomp.const*pl);
A = sum(beamdir.*(rotcomp.cos*pl),1);
B = sum(beamdir.*(rotcomp.sin*pl),1);
C = sum(beamdir.*(rotcomp.const*pl),1);
D = A.^2 + B.^2 ;
if ~isempty(omind)
%% Single omega index
if length(omind)==1
omind = omind(1,ones(1,nn));
ssp = ((omind==1) | (omind==2));
ss = ssp - ~ssp;
ss3 = ss([1 1 1],:);
CC = C + ss.*sinth;
DD = D - CC.^2;
E = sqrt(DD);
ok = DD > 0;
ssp = ((omind==2) | (omind==3));
ss = ssp - ~ssp;
ss = ss.*ok;
om = 2*atand((-B + ss.*E) ./ (CC - A));
om(~ok) = NaN;
% Limit range
om = mod(om,360);
% Get rotation matrix and multpily the input plane normals to get
% them in the diffracting position
rot = gtMathsRotationTensor(om, rotcomp);
% expand for multiplication
plt = reshape(pl,1,[]);
plt = plt([1 1 1],:);
plrot = reshape(rot,3,[]).*plt;
plrot = plrot(:,1:3:end) + plrot(:,2:3:end) + plrot(:,3:3:end);
plrot = reshape(plrot,3,[]);
plrot = ss3.*plrot;
plsigned = ss3.*pl;
%% All four omega indices
om = NaN(4,nn);
% Diffraction condition 1
% Pl_rot and beamdir dotproduct equals -sin(th)
CC = C + sinth;
DD = D - CC.^2;
ok = DD > 0;
E = sqrt(DD(ok));
om(1,ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)-E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
om(2,ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)+E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
% Diffraction condition 2
% Pl_rot and beamdir dotproduct equals +sin(th)
CC = C - sinth;
DD = D - CC.^2;
ok = DD > 0;
E = sqrt(DD(ok));
om(3,ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)+E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
om(4,ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)-E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
% Limit range
om = mod(om,360);
% Omegea indices
omind = [1; 2; 3; 4];
omind = omind(:,ones(1,nn));
% For output conventions:
% make sure om1 is smaller then om2
chom = om(1,:) > om(2,:);
om(1:2,chom) = [om(2,chom); om(1,chom)];
omind(1:2,chom) = [omind(2,chom); omind(1,chom)];
plsigned = zeros(3,nn,4);
plsigned(:,:,1) = pl;
plsigned(:,:,2) = pl;
plsigned(:,:,3) = -pl;
plsigned(:,:,4) = -pl;
% Get rotation matrices and multpily the input plane normals to get
% them in the diffracting position (avoid looping)
rot(:,:,:,4) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(4,:), rotcomp);
rot(:,:,:,3) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(3,:), rotcomp);
rot(:,:,:,2) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(2,:), rotcomp);
rot(:,:,:,1) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(1,:), rotcomp);
plt = reshape(pl,1,[]);
plt = plt([1 1 1],:);
plrot = reshape(rot,3,[]).*[plt, plt, plt, plt];
plrot = plrot(:,1:3:end) + plrot(:,2:3:end) + plrot(:,3:3:end);
plrot = reshape(plrot,3,nn,[]);
% Exchange om3 and om4 if needed, so that om1-om3 and om2-om4 are the
% opposite reflections (Friedel pairs in case the rotation axis is
% perpendicular to the beam).
% Midplane of setup is defined by beam direction and rotation axis.
% This is needed to consider consistently all possible setups where
% the beam and rotation axis are not perpendicular.
% Cross product beamdir and rotdir
br = [beamdir(2,:)*rotdir(3) - beamdir(3,:)*rotdir(2); ...
beamdir(3,:)*rotdir(1) - beamdir(1,:)*rotdir(3); ...
beamdir(1,:)*rotdir(2) - beamdir(2,:)*rotdir(1)];
% Dot product of br and pllab
if size(beamdir,1)==3 && size(beamdir,2)==1
dot1 = br'*plrot(:,:,1);
dot3 = br'*plrot(:,:,3);
dot1 = sum(br.*plrot(:,:,1),1);
dot3 = sum(br.*plrot(:,:,3),1);
% Indices to be swapped
chom = (((dot1.*dot3) > 0) & ~isnan(dot1) & ~isnan(dot3)) ;
% Swap 3rd and 4th
om([3,4],chom) = om([4,3],chom);
omind([3,4],chom) = omind([4,3],chom);
plrot(:,chom,[3,4]) = plrot(:,chom,[4,3]);
rot(:,:,chom,[3,4]) = rot(:,:,chom,[4,3]);
% Change all pllab to opposite direction
plrot(:,:,[3,4]) = -plrot(:,:,[3,4]);
end % of function
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function uv = gtFedPredictUVMultiple(Rottens, dlab, csam, detrefpos, ...
detnorm, Qdet, detrefuv)
% GTFEDPREDICTUVMULTIPLE Predicts (u,v) peak positions on the detector
% plane. Vectorised for speed.
% uv = gtFedPredictUVMultiple(Rottens, dlab, csam, detrefpos, detnorm, ...
% Qdet, detrefuv)
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Predicts peak positions [u,v] on the detector plane.
% Note:
% Diffraction vectors 'dlab' don't have to be normalised.
% 'csam','detrefpos','detrefuv' must be in identical units.
% Qdet is in units that scales lab units into detector pixels.
% Rottens - rotation matrices that transform the Sample coordinates 'csam'
% into Lab coordinates (3x3xn or 3x(3xn); for column vectors);
% if empty, no rotation will be applied
% dlab - diffraction vectors (diffracted beam direction) in Lab
% reference (3xn)
% csam - positions in Sample reference (or in Lab if Rottens is empty)
% to be projected along 'dlab'; i.e. usually the grain centers;
% (3xn)
% detrefpos - any point in the detector plane (3x1)
% detnorm - detector plane normal pointing towards beam (3x1; unit vector)
% Qdet - detector projection matrix (2x3)
% detrefuv - detector reference position (u,v) (2x1)
% uv - (u,v) positions on the detector plane (2xn)
% Multiplicator for dlab
% 'dfac' is NaN where the beam is diffracted away from the detector plane,
% i.e. where the spot is not detected
[dfac, clab] = gtFedPredictDiffFacMultiple(Rottens, dlab, csam, detrefpos, detnorm);
% u,v position on detector plane
uv = detrefuv(:,ones(1,size(dlab,2))) + Qdet*(clab + dfac([1 1 1],:).*dlab - ...
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function uvw = gtFedPredictUVWMultiple(Rottens, dlab, csam, detrefpos, ...
detnorm, Qdet, detrefuv, om, omstep)
% GTFEDPREDICTUVWMULTIPLE Predicts (u,v,w) peak positions on the detector
% plane. Vectorised for speed.
% uv = gtFedPredictUVWMultiple(Rottens, dlab, csam, detrefpos, detnorm, ...
% Qdet, detrefuv, om, omstep)
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Predicts peak positions [u,v] on the detector plane.
% Note:
% Diffraction vectors 'dlab' don't have to be normalised.
% 'csam','detrefpos','detrefuv' must be in identical units.
% Qdet is in units that scales lab units into detector pixels.
% 'om' is in degrees; 'omstep' is degrees/image
% Rottens - rotation matrices that transform the Sample coordinates 'csam'
% into Lab coordinates (3x3xn or 3x(3xn); for column vectors);
% if empty, no rotation will be applied
% dlab - diffraction vectors (diffracted beam direction) in Lab
% reference (3xn)
% csam - positions in Sample reference (or in Lab if Rottens is empty)
% to be projected along 'dlab'; i.e. usually the grain centers;
% (3xn)
% detrefpos - any point in the detector plane (3x1)
% detnorm - detector plane normal pointing towards beam (3x1; unit vector)
% Qdet - detector projection matrix (2x3)
% detrefuv - detector reference position (u,v) (2x1)
% om - omega positions in degrees (1xn)
% omstep - omega step size in degrees/image
% uvw - (u,v,w) positions on the detector plane;
% [pixel, pixel, image no.] (3xn);
uv = gtFedPredictUVMultiple(Rottens, dlab, csam, detrefpos, detnorm, ...
Qdet, detrefuv);
uvw = [ uv; mod(om,360)/omstep ];
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function rot = gtFedRod2RotTensor(r)
% GTFEDROD2ROTTENSOR Rotation tensors from Rodrigues vectors. Vectorised
% for speed.
% rot = gtFedRod2RotTensor(r)
% -----------------------------------------------------
% Transforms a set of Rodrigues vectors into rotation tensors. It uses the
% general mathematical definition, that is right-handed rotations
% around 'r' with alpha according to norm(r) = tan(alpha/2) . I.e. it does
% NOT imply any crystallographic notation or definitions.
% r = Rodrigues vectors (1x3 or 3x1 or 3xn)
% rot = rotation matrices (3x3xn)
% If one single entry
if (numel(r) == 3)
rs1 = r(1)^2;
rs2 = r(2)^2;
rs3 = r(3)^2;
r1r2 = r(1)*r(2);
r1r3 = r(1)*r(3);
r2r3 = r(2)*r(3);
rot = [rs1 - rs2 - rs3 + 1, 2*(r1r2 - r(3)), 2*(r1r3 + r(2)); ...
2*(r1r2 + r(3)), rs2 - rs1 - rs3 + 1, 2*(r2r3 - r(1)); ...
2*(r1r3 - r(2)), 2*(r2r3 + r(1)), rs3 - rs1 - rs2 + 1];
rot = rot/(rs1 + rs2 + rs3 + 1);
% Otherwise vectorize computation
n = size(r,2);
rot = zeros(9, n, class(r));
% Diagonals (1,1) (2,2) (3,3)
r2 = r.^2;
rot(1,:) = r2(1,:);
rot(5,:) = r2(2,:);
rot(9,:) = r2(3,:);
% Off diagonals (1,2) (2,1)
rr = r(1,:).*r(2,:);
rot(2,:) = rr + r(3,:);
rot(4,:) = rr - r(3,:);
% Off diagonals (1,3) (3,1)
rr = r(1,:).*r(3,:);
rot(3,:) = rr - r(2,:);
rot(7,:) = rr + r(2,:);
% Off diagonals (2,3) (3,2)
rr = r(2,:).*r(3,:);
rot(6,:) = rr + r(1,:);
rot(8,:) = rr - r(1,:);
% Multiply all by two
rot = rot*2;
% Add term to diagonals
r2s = sum(r2,1);
rot(1,:) = rot(1,:) - r2s + 1;
rot(5,:) = rot(5,:) - r2s + 1;
rot(9,:) = rot(9,:) - r2s + 1;
% Divide all
r2s = 1 + r2s;
rot = rot./r2s(ones(9,1),:);
% Reshape for output
rot = reshape(rot, 3, 3, []);
end % of function
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