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Commit fd4956a2 authored by Peter Reischig's avatar Peter Reischig Committed by Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Modified geometry fitting algorithm; now non-linearized rotations.

parent c78b666b
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function handles = gtMatchFitParameters(handles)
% Does the detector and lattice parameter fitting simultaneously for all
% the specified parameters via the reflections marked by the user. It uses
% the specified parameters using the reflections marked by the user. It uses
% Matlab's built-in 'lsqnonlin' algorithm.
% The initial labgeo parameters used in the fitting are loaded from the
% parameters file into handles.fitting.labgeobase when the GUI is launched.
% These values are then corrected by finding the best fitting parameters.
% Some fitting parameters are directly listed in labgeobase and some are
% rotations relative to labgeobase. As an initial guess for the fitting,
% the latest corrections are applied to labgeobase.
% To change labgeobase to the latest (saved) version, the GUI needs
% restarting. In this case the rotations will be reset to 0.
% Check available Optimization Toolbox License
ok = license('checkout','Optimization_Toolbox');
......@@ -138,13 +146,13 @@ allboundshigh(1:3) = handles.DetParsCorrAct(1:3) + ...
% Detector vector directions;
allboundslow([4,6,7]) = -0.5;
allboundshigh([4,6,7]) = 0.5;
% Detector vector rotations in degrees;
allboundslow([4,6,7]) = -30;
allboundshigh([4,6,7]) = 30;
% Detector vectors U-V angle in degrees
allboundslow(5) = 45;
allboundshigh(5) = 135;
allboundslow(5) = 60;
allboundshigh(5) = 120;
% Pixel sizes
allboundslow(8) = handles.DetParsCorrAct(8)*0.5;
......@@ -175,8 +183,10 @@ disp('PARAMETERS FITTING')
@(newvars) sfDeviation(newvars,newvarsind,oldvars,labgeobase,cryst,...
varsguess, boundslow, boundshigh,...
optimset('TolX',handles.fitting.tolx, 'TolFun',handles.fitting.tolfun,...
'TypicalX',handles.fitting.typicalx(newvarsind),'FunValCheck','off', 'Display','iter'));
optimset('TolX',handles.fitting.tolx, 'TolFun',handles.fitting.tolfun, ...
'DiffMinChange',handles.fitting.derstep, 'DiffMaxChange',handles.fitting.derstep, ...
'FunValCheck','off', 'Display','iter'));
%'TypicalX',handles.fitting.typicalx(newvarsind),'FunValCheck','off', 'Display','iter'));
% if any(exitflag==[1,2,3,4])
% disp(' ')
......@@ -165,14 +165,14 @@ handles.fitting.labgeobase.rotdir = handles.parameters.labgeo.rotdir;
% Row names in table
rownames{1} = 'Position X';
rownames{2} = 'Position Y';
rownames{3} = 'Position Z';
rownames{4} = 'Tilt in plane';
rownames{1} = 'Position X (mm)';
rownames{2} = 'Position Y (mm)';
rownames{3} = 'Position Z (mm)';
rownames{4} = 'Tilt in plane (deg)';
rownames{5} = 'Angle U-V (deg)';
rownames{6} = 'Tilt around U';
rownames{7} = 'Tilt around V';
rownames{8} = 'Pixel size mean';
rownames{6} = 'Tilt around U (deg)';
rownames{7} = 'Tilt around V (deg)';
rownames{8} = 'Pixel size mean (um)';
rownames{9} = 'Pixel size ratio';
......@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ set(handles.DetPars_Table,'RowName',rownames);
handles.DetParsCorrSaved = zeros(1,9);
handles.DetParsCorrSaved([1,2,3]) = handles.labgeo.detrefpos(1:3);
handles.DetParsCorrSaved([4,6,7]) = 0;
handles.DetParsCorrSaved(5) = acosd(handles.labgeo.detdiru*handles.labgeo.detdirv'); %handles.labgeo.uvangle;
handles.DetParsCorrSaved(8) = 0.5*(handles.labgeo.pixelsizeu+handles.labgeo.pixelsizev); %handles.labgeo.pixelsizemean;
handles.DetParsCorrSaved(9) = handles.labgeo.pixelsizeu/handles.labgeo.pixelsizev; %handles.labgeo.pixelsizeratio;
handles.DetParsCorrSaved(5) = acosd(handles.labgeo.detdiru * handles.labgeo.detdirv');
handles.DetParsCorrSaved(8) = 1000*0.5*(handles.labgeo.pixelsizeu + handles.labgeo.pixelsizev);
handles.DetParsCorrSaved(9) = handles.labgeo.pixelsizeu / handles.labgeo.pixelsizev;
% Actual and last fitted values
handles.DetParsCorrLast = handles.DetParsCorrSaved;
......@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ set(handles.DetPars_Table,'Data',dettable);
% Detector position
handles.DetParsIncrement([1,2,3]) = handles.labgeo.detsizeu*handles.labgeo.pixelsizeu*0.01;
% Tilts vectors increment
handles.DetParsIncrement([4,6,7]) = 0.05;
% Tilts increment
handles.DetParsIncrement([4,6,7]) = 0.5;
% UV angle in degrees
handles.DetParsIncrement(5) = 0.5;
% Pixel sizes
handles.DetParsIncrement(8) = handles.labgeo.pixelsizeu*0.1;
handles.DetParsIncrement(8) = handles.DetParsCorrSaved(8)*0.1;
handles.DetParsIncrement(9) = 0.1;
......@@ -267,21 +267,24 @@ handles.LattParsIncrement(4:6) = 0.5;
% 15 = 'beta';
% 16 = 'gamma';
% Typical values for fitting to estimate gradients
handles.fitting.typicalx([1,2,3]) = handles.labgeo.pixelsizeu; % detector position
handles.fitting.typicalx([4,6,7]) = 0.001; % detector vector orientations
handles.fitting.typicalx(5) = 0.1; % detector U-V angle in degrees
handles.fitting.typicalx(8) = handles.labgeo.pixelsizeu*0.001; % mean pixel size
handles.fitting.typicalx(9) = 0.001; % pixel size ratio
handles.fitting.typicalx([10,11,12]) = 0.001; % unit cell size in Angstrom
handles.fitting.typicalx([13,14,15]) = 0.1; % unit cell angles in degrees
% Typical values of fitted parameters to scale finite differences
% handles.fitting.typicalx([1,2,3]) = 1; % detector position in mm
% handles.fitting.typicalx([4,6,7]) = 0.1; % detector vector rotations in degrees
% handles.fitting.typicalx(5) = 0.1; % detector U-V angle in degrees
% handles.fitting.typicalx(8) = 1; % mean pixel size in microns
% handles.fitting.typicalx(9) = 1; % pixel size ratio
% handles.fitting.typicalx([10,11,12]) = 1; % unit cell size in Angstrom
% handles.fitting.typicalx([13,14,15]) = 10; % unit cell angles in degrees
% Termination tolerance on fitted parameters (??)
handles.fitting.tolx = 1e-7;
% Termination tolerance on fitted parameters
handles.fitting.tolx = 1e-6;
% Termination tolerance on the fitting function value
handles.fitting.tolfun = 1e-10;
% Step size of finite differences to calculate derivatives
handles.fitting.derstep = 1e-7;
%% Define blank plot handles
......@@ -317,11 +320,24 @@ handles = gtMatchLoadDifspotData(handles);
%% Theoretical Bragg angles - load crystallographic data
% X-ray beam wavelength in Angstroms
lambda_true = gtConvEnergyToWavelength(;
% {hkl}-s, and theoretical Bragg angles from energy and crystal structure
for ip = 1:handles.nof_phases
handles.CompPhaseThetas{ip} = double(parameters.cryst(ip).theta);
%handles.CompPhaseThetas{ip} = double(parameters.cryst(ip).theta);
handles.CompPhaseHKLs{ip} = double(parameters.cryst(ip).hkl);
handles.CompIntensities{ip} = double(parameters.cryst(ip).int);
% 'B matrix': HLK -> Cartesian transformation
Bmat = gtCrystHKL2CartesianMatrix(handles.LattParsCorrAct(ip,:));
% d-spacings
dsp_comp = gtCrystDSpacing(handles.CompPhaseHKLs{ip}, Bmat);
% Bragg angle theta; avoid using the saved theta values in
% parameters.cryst, so that the angles surely correspond to the energy
handles.CompPhaseThetas{ip} = asind(0.5*lambda_true./dsp_comp);
handles.CompThetaIndices{ip} = 1:length(handles.CompPhaseThetas{ip});
handles.CompThetasTicked{ip} = true(1,length(handles.CompPhaseThetas{ip}));
......@@ -334,16 +350,22 @@ for ip = 1:handles.nof_phases
% Tolerance for distinguishing unique thetas in degrees
handles.ThetaUniqueTol = 1e-6;
% Tolerance for distinguishing unique {hkl} families in degrees
if isfield(parameters.match,'uniquetheta')%
handles.ThetaUniqueTol = parameters.match.uniquetheta;
handles.ThetaUniqueTol = 0.1;
%% Theta filter limits
handles.ThetaLimits = 0.5*[handles.labgeo.detanglemin, ...
if ~isempty(parameters.match.thetalimits)
handles.ThetaLimits = parameters.match.thetalimits;
handles.ThetaLimits = 0.5*[handles.labgeo.detanglemin, ...
handles.ThetaLimLastLow = handles.ThetaLimits(1);
handles.ThetaLimLastHigh = handles.ThetaLimits(2);
......@@ -3,24 +3,27 @@ function labgeo = gtMatchRecalculateLabgeo(newvars,newvarsind,oldvars,...
% Recalculates labgeo parameters based on new and old values relative to
% labgeobase. New values come from the user or from fitting.
% It uses all the 'newvars' that are specified. For those parameters which
% have no new value specified, it uses the 'oldvars'. 'Labgeo' is then
% recalculated according to this complete list relative to 'labgeobase'.
% List of parameters in oldvars:
% 1 = 'Position X';
% 2 = 'Position Y';
% 3 = 'Position Z';
% 4 = 'Tilt in plane';
% 5 = 'Angle U-V';
% 6 = 'Tilt around U';
% 7 = 'Tilt around V';
% 8 = 'Pixel size mean';
% 9 = 'Pixel size ratio';
% 10 = 'lengtha';
% 12 = 'lengthb';
% 13 = 'lengthc';
% 14 = 'alpha';
% 15 = 'beta';
% 16 = 'gamma';
% 1 = Position X (mm)
% 2 = Position Y (mm)
% 3 = Position Z (mm)
% 4 = Tilt in plane (deg)
% 5 = Angle U-V (deg)
% 6 = Tilt around U (deg)
% 7 = Tilt around V (deg)
% 8 = Pixel size mean (um)
% 9 = Pixel size ratio (1)
% 10 = lengtha (A)
% 12 = lengthb (A)
% 13 = lengthc (A)
% 14 = alpha (deg)
% 15 = beta (deg)
% 16 = gamma (deg)
......@@ -32,24 +35,28 @@ actvars = oldvars;
actvars(newvarsind) = newvars;
% Detector position
labgeo.detrefpos = actvars(1:3);
labgeo.detrefpos(1,:) = actvars(1:3);
% Pixel sizes
labgeo.pixelsizeu = actvars(8)*sqrt(actvars(9));
labgeo.pixelsizev = actvars(8)/sqrt(actvars(9));
labgeo.pixelsizeu = 0.001*actvars(8)*sqrt(actvars(9));
labgeo.pixelsizev = 0.001*actvars(8)/sqrt(actvars(9));
% Tilt in plane (increment U vector appr. along V)
detdiru = labgeobase.detdiru + cross(labgeobase.detnorm,...
% Tilts around U,V and detector normal
rmcU = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(labgeobase.detdiru, 'row');
rmcV = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(labgeobase.detdirv, 'row');
rmcN = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(labgeobase.detnorm, 'row');
% Tilt around V - right handed rotation
detdiru = detdiru - labgeobase.detnorm*actvars(6);
detdiru = detdiru/sqrt(detdiru*detdiru');
labgeo.detdiru = detdiru;
rotU = gtMathsRotationTensor(actvars(6), rmcU);
rotV = gtMathsRotationTensor(actvars(7), rmcV);
rotN = gtMathsRotationTensor(actvars(4), rmcN);
% Complete rotation matrix
rot = rotU*rotV*rotN;
% Apply rotation matrix to row vectors
detdiru = labgeobase.detdiru*rot;
detdirv = labgeobase.detdirv*rot;
% Tilt around U - right handed rotation
detdirv = labgeobase.detdirv + labgeobase.detnorm*actvars(7);
detdirv = detdirv/sqrt(detdirv*detdirv');
%% Recalculate V according to angle between U and V
......@@ -58,22 +65,24 @@ detdirv = detdirv/sqrt(detdirv*detdirv');
% Actual U-V angle
actangle = acosd(detdiru*detdirv');
% Difference vector normalised
diffvec = detdirv - detdiru;
diffvec = diffvec/sqrt(diffvec*diffvec');
% Update detector normal
detnorm = cross(detdiru, detdirv);
detnorm = detnorm/sqrt(detnorm*detnorm');
% Correction vector along diffvec
corrvec = diffvec*sind(actvars(5)-actangle)/...
% Rotation matrix to adjust angle between U-V
rmcN = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(detnorm, 'row');
rotN = gtMathsRotationTensor(0.5*(actvars(5) - actangle), rmcN);
% Apply correction
detdirv = detdirv + corrvec;
% Apply correction opposite ways
detdiru = detdiru*rotN';
detdirv = detdirv*rotN;
% Renormalise V vector
% Renormalise U and V vector
labgeo.detdiru = detdiru/sqrt(detdiru*detdiru');
labgeo.detdirv = detdirv/sqrt(detdirv*detdirv');
% Recalculate angle for checking (should be = actvars(5))
%labgeo.uvangle = acosd(labgeo.detdiru*labgeo.detdirv');
%uvangle = acosd(labgeo.detdiru*labgeo.detdirv')
......@@ -81,8 +90,7 @@ labgeo.detdirv = detdirv/sqrt(detdirv*detdirv');
% Update detector normal
detnorm = cross(labgeo.detdiru, labgeo.detdirv);
labgeo.detnorm = detnorm/sqrt(detnorm*detnorm');
labgeo.detnorm = detnorm;
% Update detector origin: pixel (0,0) coordinates in LAB ref.
labgeo.detorig = labgeo.detrefpos - ...
......@@ -90,3 +98,4 @@ labgeo.detorig = labgeo.detrefpos - ...
end % of function
\ No newline at end of file
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