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Update TTCF diagonal

Pierre Paleo requested to merge tinker_diagonal into master

The new reference code does the following operation on the main diagonal:

    for i in range(1,ltimes):  # was ltimes-1, so res[-1] was always 1 !
        dia_n = np.diag(num, k=i)
        dia_d = np.diag(denom, k=i)
        res[i-1] = np.sum(dia_n) / np.sum(dia_d)
        if calc_std:
            dev[i-1] = np.std(dia_n / dia_d) / np.sqrt(len(dia_d))
    if ttcf_par>0:
        trc = num/denom
            tmp = np.diag(trc,k=1)
            tmp = np.mean(tmp[tmp>0])
            for j in range(ltimes):
            del tmp

This MR adds the "diagonal tinkering" to MatMulCorrelator and EventMatrixCorrelator.


  • This is a post-processing step done in numpy. OpenCL implementation will take more time to do.
  • This will have to be done in Fourier-based correlators

Merge request reports
