Fix feedbacks from bm23
- orange widgets
- Autobk
make Rbkg, kmin, kweigh QDoulbeSpinBoxes
make Kmin, kmax, dk, dk2 floats
- Autobk
- noise:
make Estart and Eend relative to the Edge energy. Default values can be the same as for norm range in autobk. -
display both normalized an raw mean noise average -
plot verticals lines for eMin and eMax -
rename "window size" by "number of points" -
add labels to X and Y markers
- XFTF: make k_max optional. If set must be in absolute. If not then take it at 90%.
kweight is present in xfcf and autobk but are two differentes elements. Precisions should be provided for it.
close #68 (closed) and close #71 (closed)
Edited by Wout De Nolf