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Draft: Simplify props in editable table

Giannis Koumoutsos requested to merge 153-1-fixing-tables into main

After the refactoring and the split of the editable table there were some props not needed and were removed as well some changes in the models. In specific:

  1. The types for DataMapping, DefaultInputs and Conditions were split in 2 depending if they are part of the ewoks-model to be saved or adjusted for using them in the frontEnd. In general the effort here and in !247 (closed) is to transform the above models when they are being brought from server and before saving back to avoid mixing the way they should be saved with their form used in the frontend.
  2. The type in the editableTable with the type in the row and the typeOfValues were duplicating some information making it hard to understand the editableTable and the DataMappingTable that both use the customTableCell. Type was taken from the row and removed from other places.
  3. DefaultInputs and Conditions were finalized in !247 (closed) were some bugs, the tests didn't catch, appeared.
Edited by Giannis Koumoutsos

Merge request reports