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Resolve "Add all graph attributes to the workflow description"

Wout De Nolf requested to merge 38-add-more-keys-to-the-workflow-description into main

Closes #38 (closed)

Add the following keys to the workflow description: keywords, input_schema, execute_arguments and worker_options.

In addition GET /workflows and GET /workflows/descriptions now have an optional argument keywords which can be used to filter.

input_schema is to create a parameter form for execution (would be very useful in ewoksweb as well).

execute_arguments and worker_options are inputs for POST /execute/{identifier}. Note: maybe ewoksserver should merge the ones from the workflow with the ones provided too POST /execute/{identifier}? In this case the client does not have to (but can) provide execution and worker options. In that case, do these still need to be part of the workflow description?

Edited by Wout De Nolf

Merge request reports