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Faster updates and design tweaks

Axel Bocciarelli requested to merge tweak-debounce into main

A bunch of stuff in separate commits:

  1. Restore VS Code config files; simplify code a bit in Chart; rename env var VITE_OPEN_BROWSER to just OPEN_BROWSER.
  2. Shorten debounce timeout to 50ms for faster updates.
  3. Avoid double renders of ChartDataLoader when receiving live states (this helps with #13 (closed) but still not perfect).
  4. Tweak design/markup of CurrentDate: italic + bring closer to page title.


  1. Tweak design of Messages:
    • use a similar style to some of the cards on the ESRF homepage;
    • increase height of revealed container;
    • add subtle gradient to make it clear that the revealed container is scrollable;
    • replace the details arrow marker with a custom icon;
    • underline on hover;
    • remove overflow:hidden to avoid hiding the focus outline (when tabbing).
closed open
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  1. Remove horizontal crosshair from tooltip, and let tooltip follow the cursor. I find it a bit jarring to have the tooltip and horizontal crosshair jump around to follow the plot. What do you think?


Merge request reports
