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TomoTiling refactoring

Thomas Vincent requested to merge tilingvis-refactoring into master

This MR splits and restructure the TomoTiling component:

  • The fetching of the information about the tilings is isolated in a useTomovisTilingInfo hook.
  • All the interaction components are handled in TilingInteraction (before it was spread between TomoTiling and TiledHeatmapVis).
  • There is a new TilingVis for the plot of a single "view" (front or side) to spare the duplication of code for both sides.
  • TiledHeatmapVis has been generalized in a LinearVisCanvas (= empty plot) and the tiling is added to the plot in TilingVis as all the rest of the plot content.
  • There is a thin TilingMesh around h5web's TiledHeatmapMesh to handle the coordinate transforms

There is possibly more restructuring to do:

  • The axe synchronisation is done in TomoTiling and that would probably better to handle that somewhere else
  • The tiling info fetching is done in TomoTiling but could probably be moved to TilingVis or even to TilingMesh

Merge request reports