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Projections subsampling: reconstruct from even or odd projections

Pierre Paleo requested to merge even_odd_projs into master


ID16 needs to reconstruct from even / odd projections (see #397 (closed) ). With nabu it's possible (using [dataset] projections_subsampling) to reconstruct from a subset of the projections. In this case the simplest is probably to define something like subsampling_step:beginning (eg. 2:1 to reconstruct from odd projections).

Close #397 (closed)

To do

  • Update nabu_config and validators
  • Update ProcessConfig and validation
  • Update chunk reader
  • Unit test
  • Update changelog/documentation
  • End-to-end reconstruction test


The implementation is not so obvious. For the record:

  • When parsing a dataset, tomoscan build a dictionary of projections in the form {idx: data_url} (see example below)
  • However for performances, it's better to read a big data subvolume rather than individual images (eg. h5_dataset[begin:end, :, :] rather than many calls to h5_dataset[i, :, :])
  • So nabu uses a get_compacted_dataslices() function which builds a minimal collection of DataUrl(..., data_slice=(begin, end, step)), so that only a few calls to h5_read are done. The implementation of get_compacted_dataslices is not so trivial when subsampling is considered.


from import ChunkReader
from nabu.resources.dataset_analyzer import analyze_dataset
from import get_compacted_dataslices
di = analyze_dataset("/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx")
reader_full = ChunkReader(di.projections)
reader_odd = ChunkReader(di.projections, dataset_subsampling=(2,1))
reader_even = ChunkReader(di.projections, dataset_subsampling=(2,0))

# projection indices: [26, 27, ..., 525] [551, ...., 1050] 
# (the "jump" in the middle is due to the presence of a series of flats)
# subsampling-odd: [27, 29, 31, ..., 523, 525] [552, 554, 556, ..., 1048, 1050]
# subsampling-even: [26, 28, ..., 522, 524] [551, 553, ..., 1047, 1049]




{26: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(26, 526, 1)),
 27: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(26, 526, 1)),
 28: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(26, 526, 1)),
 29: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(26, 526, 1)),
# ...
 524: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(26, 526, 1)),
 525: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(26, 526, 1)),
 551: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(551, 1051, 1)),
 552: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(551, 1051, 1)),
# ...
 1049: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(551, 1051, 1)),
 1050: DataUrl(valid=True, scheme=None, file_path='/tmp/nabu_testdata_paleo/bamboo_reduced.nx', data_path='/entry0000/instrument/detector/data', data_slice=slice(551, 1051, 1))}

(note the "jump" in indices in the middle).


slice_to_tuple = lambda s: (s.start, s.stop, s.step)
set([slice_to_tuple(u.data_slice()) for u in get_compacted_dataslices(reader_even.files, subsampling=reader_even.dataset_subsampling, begin=reader_even._files_begin_idx).values()])
# returns {(26, 526, 2), (551, 1051, 2)}

set([slice_to_tuple(u.data_slice()) for u in get_compacted_dataslices(reader_odd.files, subsampling=reader_odd.dataset_subsampling, begin=reader_odd._files_begin_idx).values()])
# returns {(27, 526, 2), (552, 1051, 2)}
Edited by Pierre Paleo

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