Z and X translation correlations for COR and pixel calibration
This MR adds :
a run mode for helical pipeline where no reconstruction is performed but diagnostics are collected in the form of partial redundant contributions from radiographies to given chunks.
Based on these redundant contribution, and by correlation:
- Correlates vertically to calibrate the pixel size, and generate a corrected nexus.
- Correlates horizontally to find the axis position and its evolution, and writes the cor values to a file
- based on this file (which in the meanwhile can possibly have been transformed by the user (example: some kind of regression on the cor positions ) generates a corrected nexus. The correction is done by modifying the x_translations to compensate for axis drift.
The diagnostic collection is triggered by --diag_z_pro_run argument to the pipeline
The vertical correlation, and nexus correction, is done by nabu-diag2pix cli
the horizontal correlation is done by nabu-diag2rot cli
The generation of the cor corrected nexus is done by nabu-helical-correct-rot cli
Edited by myron