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Changes for 2024.1.1

Pierre Paleo requested to merge 2024.1.1 into master

To do:

  • Remove warning message for version 2024.1 ; make it the default version
  • Update documentation (especially activation command)
  • Old configuration files should work with new versions (for now at least 2 issues)
  • sigma-clip: one should be able to enter only one threshold instead of 2 required by config file
  • "integrator-config" should always generate the full configuration file (i.e "--advanced" parameter is confusing)
  • sigma-clip: investigate discrepancy issue wrt 2022.X
  • Investigate median filter issue
  • Use integrate1d_ng


The discrepancy for sigma_clip_ng results is due to the pyFAI versions.

  • sigma-clipping is "dangerous" to use when doing pixel splitting (concurrent threads rebinning)
  • When there are large Bragg peaks, the Poisson error model is not correct (very different distributions are mixed together). Better use hybrid.
  • thresh=0 sets the Chauvenet mode

For median filter, one has to use the trim_n_pts parameter. If set to None (default !), it makes medfilt1d crash because npt_azim is not provided. Note that it should be a power of two.

Edited by Pierre Paleo

Merge request reports