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Shorter info

Valentin Valls requested to merge shorter-info into main

Here is some small changes on the tonoconfig and tonodetectors __info__.

Closes #118 (closed)

DEMO_SESSION [1]: tomo3_config
         Out [1]: tomo3_config configuration info:
                  Role                           Ref                Value
                  -----------------------------  -----------------  ------------
                  Sample stage
                     Rotation axis               -> srot            0.000000 deg
                        Direction                anticlockwise
                     Translation in x            -> sx              0.370000 mm
                     Translation in y            -> sy              0.000000 mm
                     Translation in z            -> sz              0.000000 mm
                     Sample translation u-motor  -> sampu           0.000000 mm
                     Sample translation v-motor  -> sampv           0.000000 mm
                     Sample translation in x     -> sampx           0.0000 mm
                     Sample translation in y     -> sampy           0.0000 mm

                  Fscan config object            -> tomo3cam_fscan
                  machinfo object                undefined
                  focal position                 0.370 mm
                  source <-> sample              0.000 mm

                  Lima detectors   Type       Pixel size [um]    Mode    Magnification
                  ---------------  ---------  -----------------  ------  ---------------
                  * tomo3_128p     Simulator  0.000 um           AUTO    x1.000
                    tomo3_1024p    Offline    undefined          AUTO    x1.000
                    tomo3_4096p    Offline    undefined          AUTO    x0.209


                  Runners       Scan presets                                    Chain presets
                  ------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------
                  count         FastShutterPreset                               none
                  dark          DarkShutterPreset                               none
                  flat          ReferenceMotorPreset, FastShutterPreset         none
                  return_ref    InhibitAutoProjectionPreset, FastShutterPreset  none
                  tiling        InhibitAutoProjectionPreset, FastShutterPreset  none
                  CONTINUOUS2D  none                                            none
                  SWEEP2D       none                                            none
                  CONTINUOUS    FastShutterPreset                               none
                  SWEEP         none                                            none
                  INTERLACED    none                                            none
                  HELICAL       none                                            none
                  MULTITURNS    none                                            none
                  MESH          none                                            none
                  STEP          FastShutterPreset                               none
DEMO_SESSION [2]: tomo3_config.detectors
         Out [2]: Tomo detectors:

                  --------------------  ---------------------
                  focal position        -1279.000 mm
                  detector axis         -> tomo3_detector_x
                  source <-> detectors  1208.000 mm
                  active detector       -> tomodet_tomo3_128p

                  Tomo detectors         Type       Pixel size [um]    Mode    Optics                        Magnification
                  ---------------------  ---------  -----------------  ------  ----------------------------  ---------------
                  * tomodet_tomo3_128p   Simulator  0.000 um           AUTO    -> tomo3_128p_magnification   x1.000
                    tomodet_tomo3_1024p  Offline    undefined          AUTO    -> tomo3_1024p_magnification  x1.000
                    tomodet_tomo3_4096p  Offline    undefined          AUTO    -> tomo3_4096p_magnification  x0.209

Merge request reports