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tiling: Rework the sequence without a simultaneous set of presets

Valentin Valls requested to merge cherry-pick-630b3cec into master

Closes ui/daiquiri-tomo#192 (closed)

In BLISS, the scan presets a executed simultaneously with a gevent spawn.

I was not expecting this behavior for the tiling scan. So in some cases, the execution of the list of preset results in a fail, or an unexpected position of motors.

So instead, a new preset OrderedPresetsPreset was create.

  • It behave like a preset (it can be used normally by the BLISS scan)
  • And can contain sub presets

Here we order the execution of the sub presets in a synchronous order.

The tiling scan was reworked to use this new preset.

Edited by Valentin Valls

Merge request reports