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Olof Svensson's avatar
Olof Svensson authored
Issue #53 : Removed raise runtime error if find person by protein acronym web service failed

Closes #53

See merge request !95

BES - The Beamline Expert System

The BES project can be installed like any python package.

Start BES

Start the BES Flask server for testing (werkzeug WSGI)

flask --app bes.bin.ppf_server run [--host] [--port 5000] [--debug]

Start the BES Flask server in production (gunicorn WSGI)

gunicorn bes.bin.ppf_server:app [--host] [--port 8000] [--log-level DEBUG]

These environment variables are used by BES

  • BESDB_HOST: Mongo database host where workflow events are stored
  • BESDB_PORT: Mongo database port where workflow events are stored

These variables are also used by the workflows, in addition to the following list

  • EDNA_SITE: Facility + Beamline name for the EDNA workflow system
  • EDNA2_SITE: Facility + Beamline name for the EDNA2 workflow system
  • PYPUSHFLOW_INITIATOR: Beamline name for the pypushflow workflow engine

BES Mongo database

All BES workflows triggered through the BES server need a BES Mongo database.

Install and start a Mongo database

conda install -c conda-forge mongodb
mkdir mongodb
mongod --dbpath $(pwd)/mongodb [--bind_ip] [--port 27017]

Install the MongoDb shell

mkdir mongosh
wget -qO- "" | tar xvz -C ./mongosh --strip-components=1
alias mongo=$(pwd)/mongosh/bin/mongosh

Create the bes user

mongo --authenticationDatabase admin --eval 'db = db.getSiblingDB("bes"); db.createUser({user: "bes", pwd: "bes", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "bes"}]})' [--host] [--port 27017]

Run a Workflow

The test workflow is called BesTestExecution and needs an XML-RPC server

python -m bes.tests.utils.xmlrpc_server [--host] [--port 8080] [--log-level DEBUG]

Run the BesTestExecution workflow without the BES server

JSON_DATA="{ \"callBackHost\": \"\", \"callBackPort\": \"8080\", \"besParameters\": {\"request_id\": \"$(uuidgen)\"} }"

bes-run-workflow BesTestExecution --inData="${JSON_DATA}" [--log-level DEBUG] [--ppf-log-level DEBUG] [--ewoks-log-level DEBUG]

Run a workflow with the BES server (besParameters is provided by the server)

JSON_DATA="{ \"callBackHost\": \"\", \"callBackPort\": \"8080\", \"sleep\": 1 }"

requestid=$(curl -s -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$JSON_DATA")

Get the workflow status

curl -s -X GET "$requestid"



If you are having issues, please let us know via the issue tracker.


The source code of bes is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE <>_ and copyright <>_ files for details.