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Commit cb34db68 authored by Alessandro Mirone's avatar Alessandro Mirone
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simplified version for simple weighting

parent e3de402a
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......@@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ def fit_spectra_roi( ref, datas, user_de , beta, niter, niterLip ):
## calculating the longitudinal position along the line ( to weight with the projected response_line_intensity)
posx_inref = int( round( (ix-( (ref.line_infos.Xintercept-CRX+ fNmiddle*ref.line_infos.Xslope ) + ii * ref.line_infos.Xslope ) )))
# posx_inref = int( round( (ix-( (ref.line_infos.Xintercept-CRX+ fNmiddle*ref.line_infos.Xslope ) + ii * ref.line_infos.Xslope ) )))
if posx_inref>=0 and posx_inref< len(response_line_intensity):
freq = response_line_intensity[posx_inref] # a weigthing factor
# if posx_inref>=0 and posx_inref< len(response_line_intensity):
if True:
# freq = response_line_intensity[posx_inref] # a weigthing factor
fipos = (E-mine)/de # the position in pixel units of the contribution to the spectra array (which starts from mine)
ipos = int(fipos) # the integer part of fipos
f = fipos - ipos # the fractional residu of fipos
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