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  1. Jul 21, 2012
  2. Sep 27, 2011
    • Alejandro Homs Puron's avatar
      * Implemented Frelon::Camera::waitIdleStatus, to be called · 3b521e98
      Alejandro Homs Puron authored
        after a Stop command is sent, using getMaxIdleWaitTime,
        which includes in the internal exposure time if 2.x <= FW < 3.0
      * Added Frelon::Camera::syncRegsBadHTD to improve
        initialisation sequence if 2.x <= FW < 3.0:
        + If camera is not idle and not in ExtGate, send a Stop command
        + Always attempt to wait for idle status
        + Force an Aurora link reset on startup to trigger
          FPGA reconfiguration, solving blocking problems
        + Added Frelon::Model::hasHTDCmd (from v2.0c on), used to force
          hardware trigger enabled
      * Improved Frelon::Camera::setExpTime:
        + Better error detection and simpler sequence
        + Round to MinExp (1 us) if positive but less than that
        + Only use Microseconds TimeUnit if Milliseconds is not precise enough
      * Do not start Frelon::Camera if already started
      * Better debug around waitIdleStatus in Frelon::Camera::stop,
        printing real time spent waiting
      * Activate Espia SG Roi in Frelon::RoiCtrlObj::checkEspiaRoi only
        if Camera Roi is different than requested one
      * Export CtSaving feature allowing to manually save multiple
        concatenated frames (stripes) as a single image
  3. Jul 04, 2011
  4. Jun 28, 2011
  5. May 06, 2011
  6. Apr 15, 2011
    • Alejandro Homs Puron's avatar
      * Using proper Frelon implementation of HardTrigDisable · d3a2a598
      Alejandro Homs Puron authored
        when TriggerMode is IntTrig or while Idle (not running),
        implemented through set/getExtSyncEnable methods
      * Always call Frelon::Camera::stop at the end of acq.;
        hardware layer acq. status is now given by the camera
      * Implement automatic register write retry if seq. is BuSY
      * Force an Aurora link reset at startup only if CHAN_UP_LED
        is detected inactive; wait 5 seconds for Frelon AMT resetup
      * Added new Sequencer and AMT (SPB2) status commands,
        including getImageCount method
      * Test seq. & AMT status at startup; perform HardReset if not idle
      * Added SPB2 (HD) Precision/Speed config settings
      * Replaced FrelonAcq.set/getKinPars by set/getRoiBinOffset;
        implemented set/getRoiLineBegin
      * Removed setting (the ignored) RoiFast in Kinetic RoiMode
      * Added E2V_4k / NotMPP chips, as well as the Hamamatsu
        linear detector; implemented (non-tested) variable
        MaxFrameDim depending of the detected chip
  7. Jan 20, 2011
  8. Aug 06, 2010
    • ahoms's avatar
      * Using ctypes to call dev_error_push and notify client about errors · b856615c
      ahoms authored
      * Created TACO_SERVER_FUNCT decorator to push TACO error str on exceptions
      * Stop a Taco Frelon acq as soon as a Fault state is returned to the client
      * Fixed CtControl to properly report AcqReady after stopping an acq in
        AcqFault state (saving error) by introducing the m_started variable
      * Frelon DevStatus now also returns the CCD status byte (like in C++ server)
      * Implemented Frelon Firmware in Model to check for ModesAvail and TimeCalc
        features; verify that the requested input channel mode is valid for the CCD
      * When waiting for a Frelon status, for specifying a bit mask and a timeout;
        avoid endless wait if the camera has never send a status byte to the Espia
      * Added kin_win_size and improved kin_line_begin management in Frelon server
      * Silence "unused" warning in CtAcquisition::_hwRead()
      * Simplified RegEx match string management.
      git-svn-id: 45c4679d-1946-429d-baad-37912b19538b
  9. Jul 22, 2010
    • ahoms's avatar
      * Fixed problem catching Exceptions in C++ called from Python · 7ea15f1f
      ahoms authored
        by forcing RTLD_GLOBAL in sys.setdlopenflags
      * Created script to patch SIP-generated C++
        files in order to handle Exception if not already done
        called from sip/ on all SIP-generated files
      * Added stream-like operator << to Exception appending strings 
        to err_desc; added public methods to query Exception fields
      * Unified Exception throw and debug messages creation through
        DebExcProxy, used by the THROW_COM/HW/CTL_FATAL/ERROR macros,
        allowing Exceptions with dynamic error description;
        applied in core-hardware, espia and frelon code
      * Linking Frelon test programs with shared libraries
      * Created the Frelon::Model class managing all model-specific
        information (name, pixel size, ADC, ...)
      * Detect Frelon serial timeout when creating the Camera and
        suggest the verification of the camera power and connection
      git-svn-id: 45c4679d-1946-429d-baad-37912b19538b