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Resolve "Investigate industry filters"

Marjolaine Bodin requested to merge 377-bug_industrial_investigations into master

Closes #377

The query is now:

select investigation from Investigation investigation JOIN investigation.investigationInstruments investigationInstruments JOIN investigationInstruments.instrument instrument JOIN investigation.investigationUsers as investigationUserPivot JOIN investigationUserPivot.user as investigationUser WHERE (LOWER(investigation.title) LIKE '%title%'  OR LOWER(investigation.summary) LIKE '%title%'  OR LOWER(investigation.doi) LIKE '%title%'  OR LOWER( LIKE '%title%'  OR LOWER( LIKE '%title%' )AND = 'investigationUser' AND ( LIKE 'IX%' OR LIKE 'FX%' OR LIKE 'IN%' OR LIKE 'IM%')  order by investigation.startDate DESC  include  investigation.investigationInstruments investigationInstruments, investigationInstruments.instrument instrument, investigation.parameters p, p.type  LIMIT 0, 10000 

Merge request reports