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Resolve "Improve samples"

Marjolaine Bodin requested to merge 339-update_sample_desc into master

Related to #339 (closed) and linked to Data Portal MR E-DataPortal!657 (merged)

  • Add new rule to allow users and instrumentScientists to create/update sampleParameters:
    • CRU SELECT sampleParameter FROM SampleParameter sampleParameter JOIN sampleParameter.type AS parameterType JOIN sampleParameter.sample AS sample JOIN sample.investigation AS investigation JOIN investigation.investigationUsers AS investigationUser JOIN investigationUser.user AS user WHERE = :user AND = 'Sample_description'
    • CRU SELECT sampleParameter FROM SampleParameter sampleParameter JOIN sampleParameter.type AS parameterType JOIN sampleParameter.sample AS sample JOIN sample.investigation AS investigation JOIN investigation.investigationInstruments AS investigationInstrument JOIN investigationInstrument.instrument AS instrument JOIN instrument.instrumentScientists AS instrumentScientist JOIN instrumentScientist.user AS user WHERE = :user AND = 'Sample_description'
Edited by Marjolaine Bodin

Merge request reports