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Draft: Resolve "Need for variables units"

Wout De Nolf requested to merge 60-need-for-variables-units into master

Closes #60

Instead of fixed units for fields like MRT_doseRate

<doseRate ESRF_description="Dose Rate" NAPItype="NX_CHAR" units="Gy/s/mA">${MRT_doseRate}</doseRate>

allow variable units by adding a field MRT_doseRate@units

<field name="doseRate" icat="MRT_doseRate" type="NX_FLOAT">
    <doc>Measured dose rate the object received</doc>
    <units type="NX_DOSERATE_PER_CURRENT" default="Gy/s/mA">

In pyicat-plus we can use this with pint to validate the units coming from the beamline.

In addition the XML definition is now using a schema. Best to avoid "mixed content" for auto-formatting.

Edited by Wout De Nolf

Merge request reports