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Add login route

Axel Bocciarelli requested to merge login-page into master

See item 3. of #372 (closed).

I move the login UI under a /login route. Here is the new behaviour:

  • If the user does not have a sessionId, render the logged-out routes, that is:
    • a /login route that renders the LoginContainer;
    • a default route that renders a <Redirect /> to /login -- this is how the user gets redirected to the login page after logging out.
  • If the user has a sessionId, render the logged-in routes, that is:
    • all the existing routes;
    • a new /login route that renders a <Redirect /> to / -- this is how the user gets redirected to the homepage after logging in.

No dramatic changes, really; it just makes the login flow more transparent for users and the code more robust (i.e. a logged-in component never gets rendered when the user is logged out and vice-versa).

Edited by Axel Bocciarelli

Merge request reports