# Instructions to install the DCT code # # Prerequisites: # - python (version >= 2.6) www.python.org # - git (version >= 1.6) www.git-scm.com # - g++ (version >= 4.4) www.gcc.gnu.org # - matlab (version >= 2012) www.mathworks.com # - astra (version >= 1.0) www.code.google.com/p/astra-toolbox # - cuda (version >= 4.0) www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_home_new.html 1. Download the DCT install bundle from http://sourceforge.net/projects/dct/ 2. Extract the zip in a temporary directory (here it is /tmp) user1@host1 ~/Downloads $ ls dct-install.zip user@host1 ~/Downloads $ unzip dct-install.zip -d /tmp Archive: dct-install.zip extracting: dct-install/dct_compile_matlab_functions.py extracting: dct-install/dct_compile_mex_functions.py extracting: dct-install/dct_io_xml.py extracting: dct-install/dct_utils_git.py extracting: dct-install/dct_utils_platform.py extracting: dct-install/dct_setup.py user1@host1 ~/Downloads $ cd /tmp/dct-install user1@host1 /tmp/dct-install $ ls dct_compile_matlab_functions.py dct_setup.py dct_compile_mex_functions.py dct_utils_git.py dct_io_xml.py dct_utils_platform.py dct_matlab_invocation.py 3. Then, run the python script to print help to install the code (need python >= 2.6) user1@host1 /tmp/dct-install $ python dct_setup.py -h Installs DCT for both users and developers Options: -h | --help : to show this help -v | --verbose : to show more detailed output -b <branch_name> : to select a specific branch from the listed here: master stable_1.0 -d <dir_name> : to specify directory name, where dct will be -u <user_name> : selects developer mode and specifies the developer sf_username -m <matlab_version> : selects the matlab version to be used -mp <matlab_dir> : selects the path to matlab 4. Now you can run the installation with your personal settings. As a user, you don't need to specify a user name (only for developers). So to install the master version in ~/dct directory, let's run, for instance at ESRF: user1@host1 /tmp/dct-install $ python dct_setup.py -b master -d ~/dct -m 2013a -mp /sware/com/matlab_2013a Checking system... Done. System information: System Description: debian6 x86_64 Matlab Version: 2013a Gcc Version: 4.4.5 Git Version: Git repository information: Mode: User Branch: master DCT Dir: /users/user1/dct Installing... * Cloning repository... Cloning into /users/user1/dct... remote: Counting objects: 1978, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1632/1632), done. remote: Total 1978 (delta 506), reused 1435 (delta 329) Receiving objects: 100% (1978/1978), 26.10 MiB | 5.15 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (506/506), done. Done. Initializing configuration files.. Creating new file: 'conf.xml' New file path: /users/user1/dct/conf.xml Updated '/users/user1/dct/conf.xml' with: 'matlab/version' <- '2013a' Done. Compiling MEX files.. [...] Done. Compiling batch functions... (may take several minutes) [...] Done. DCT is now Installed in: '/users/user1/dct' 5. Using the dct_launch.py script with the proper argument, you can: - run matlab with the DCT code [ matlab ] (works also with no arguments) - update the code [ update ] - update the configuration [ update_conf ] - recompile the mex functions [ compile_mex ] (sub-options, see --help) - recompile the matlab functions [ compile_matlab ] (sub-options, see --help) - list all options [ -h | --help ] $ python /users/user1/dct/dct_launch.py 6. Have fun with DCT! 7. Update regularly the code with "update" command and the configuration with "update_conf" command. 8. Submit bug reports to https://sourceforge.net/p/dct/tickets 9. For more information or support, contact graintracking@esrf.fr