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  • 1-generic-data-loading-layer
  • 10-create-twin-cluster-fwd-proj
  • 11-add-calculation-of-2DIGM-and-IGM-components
  • 2-add-TRD-fwd-proj
  • 5-git-commit-hooks
  • 5-git-commit-hooks-2
  • 6-py-bkg-rm
  • 7-notebook-preprocessing-and-segmentation
  • 7-pytest
  • 8-virtualenv
  • Some-additional-functions-from-Zheheng
  • charles_rmn
  • dev/python-bkg-rm
  • master default protected
  • new_diffractometer
  • patch-1
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.028AprUsing gtError for error messages...gtSampleGeometry : better axes limits for the sample envelopegtDrawGrainUnitCells : add functionality to draw cubic unit cell with function, returns the colorbar handlegtCrystAxis* : small changes... plotting, formatting and commentinggtRenderGrains : add option to reverse an axisgtMakePoleFigure : added options to the plot and used sub functionsUpdate code with the new repository (sourceforge upgrade) with minor setup modificationsBugfix for gtTIFVolReaderFormatting and commenting...Small bug fixed : commented linesgtPlotHexagon : bug fixed with r_vectors' sizes.gtCrystAxisCmap : old CaxisCmap and AaxisCmap unified. Poles are calculated in gtCrystAxisPolesgtCalculateDensityPhiPsi : calculates [x,y,density(x,y)] for the surface plot in the PF and IPF. Tested on hexagonal.gtIPFCmapHexagonalKey : adjust a bit the plot, add title and option to remove the patch in order to draw a density plot for the IPFgtHex2Cart : Transforms from direct hexagonal to cartesian coordinates and normalize. Same as the old function gtCrystHKL2CartGeneral commenting and formattinggtDrawGrainUnitCells : adapt the code to changes in gtHexagonalUnitCell, in which I have added more options for drawing.gtINDEXMatchGrains : added line to save the Rvector after moving in the fundamental zone.Twins analysis : modified a bit the input/output list for each function, fixed bug in saving grains after forward simulationTwins analysis : added normalization to rotation axis in cartesian coordinatesBug fix of missing commas introduced when cleaning the code.gtMakePoleFigure : Removed default phi range. Now it is 360 degrees.Update SST inverse pole figure (IPF) functions (2nd commit)Update SST inverse pole figure (IPF) functions (1st commit)gtIVPCmap : removed reading of from analysis directory. It is read from 4_grains/phase_## folder only.Taper data : updated and improved the conversion from Fable output to DCT object.Conversion from hexagonal to orthogonal system and viceversa: created gtHex2Cart and moved gtCart2Hex into zUtil_Cryst folder.General commenting and small bug solving in gtHklsp2hklColour Maps : unified functions gtAaxisCmap and gtCaxisCmap into gtRandomAxisCmap, giving phaseid, plane normal and r_vectors list.Cleaning testTwin variants and forward simulation code : not ready but running..... not finished!!!Some header formatting and drawing improving... try to compare gtPlotHexagon and gtHexagonalUnitCellAdapt the code to the changed output 'theta' instead of 'twotheta' of : Added lines to .bashrc_private to source fable scriptexport_fig : add package to matlabDCT folder (placed in zUtil_Drawing). Useful utility to export figuresgtCrystCalculateReflections : modified output (now as structure) with all the info inside (to be imported in cryst), remove 'typelist' from input arguments (the calculation is made for both the unique and full lists of reflections)Add zUtil_Taper to the matlab pathColour maps : general formatting and small bug fixing (check size(r_vectors,2), saving cmap in 6_rendering folder, get proper cryst(phaseid) infoTaper analysis with fable : tools to convert output from fable to matlab variablesgtCrystCalculateSymmetryOperators : changed output format for this function