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Commit fa752294 authored by Nicola Vigano's avatar Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Improved IPF key generation function

parent db40e542
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function h = gtIPFCmapKey(varargin)
function [h, ax] = gtIPFCmapKey(varargin)
% GTIPFCMAPKEY Show inverse pole figure color space in the hexagonal SST
% h = gtIPFCmapKey(varargin)
......@@ -23,22 +23,24 @@ function h = gtIPFCmapKey(varargin)
app = struct( ...
'crystal_system', '', ...
'N', 30, ...
'N', 45, ...
'poles_label', true, ...
'ipf_label', true, ...
'font_size', 12, ...
'font_size', 20, ...
'font_color', [0 0 0], ...
'drawing', true, ...
'hf', [], ...
'ha', [], ...
'fig_color', [1 1 1], ...
'sample_dir', '' );
'sample_dir', '', ...
'phase_id', 1, ...
'saturate', true );
[app, rej_pars] = parse_pv_pairs(app, varargin);
if (isempty(app.crystal_system))
parameters = gtLoadParameters();
app.crystal_system = parameters.cryst(1).crystal_system;
app.crystal_system = parameters.cryst(app.phase_id).crystal_system;
if (isempty(app.hf))
......@@ -53,69 +55,70 @@ else
hold(ha, 'on');
if (ismember(app.crystal_system, {'hexagonal', 'hex', 'hcp', 'h'}))
% For hexagonal colour map, we need two angles:
% - phi (around z-axis)
% - psi (from z-axis to vector)
% Work in radians
phimin = 0;
phimax = pi/6;
inc = phimax/app.N;
psimin = 0;
psimax = pi/2;
elseif (ismember(app.crystal_system, {'cubic', 'cube', 'c'}))
% For cubic colour map, we need two angles:
% - phi (around z-axis)
% - chi (around y-axis)
% Work in radians
phimin = 0;
phimax = pi/4;
inc = phimax/app.N;
psimin = 0;
psimax = atan(sqrt(2))+inc;
chimax = pi/4;
switch (lower(app.crystal_system))
case {'hexagonal', 'hex', 'hcp', 'h'}
% For hexagonal colour map, we need two angles:
% - phi (around z-axis)
% - psi (from z-axis to vector)
% Work in radians
phimin = 0;
phimax = pi/6;
inc = phimax/app.N;
psimin = 0;
psimax = pi/2;
case {'cubic', 'cube', 'c'}
% For cubic colour map, we need two angles:
% - phi (around z-axis)
% - chi (around y-axis)
% Work in radians
phimin = 0;
phimax = pi/4;
inc = phimax/app.N;
psimin = 0;
psimax = atan(sqrt(2))+inc;
chimax = pi/4;
h_p = [];
for phi = phimin:inc:(phimax-inc) % Rotation around z-axis
for psi = psimin:inc:(psimax-inc) % Out from z-axis to vector
if (ismember(app.crystal_system, {'hexagonal', 'hex', 'hcp', 'h'}))
ratioR = 1 - psi/psimax;
elseif (ismember(app.crystal_system, {'cubic', 'cube', 'c'}))
z = cos(psi);
x = sin(psi)*cos(phi);
chi = atan2(x, z);
if chi > chimax + inc/2
ratioR = 1 - chi/chimax;
ratioB = phi/phimax;
for phi = phimin:inc:(phimax-inc) % Rotation around z-axis
psis = (psimin:inc:(psimax-inc))';
if (ismember(app.crystal_system, {'hexagonal', 'hex', 'hcp', 'h'}))
ratios_R = 1 - psis ./ psimax;
elseif (ismember(app.crystal_system, {'cubic', 'cube', 'c'}))
zs = cos(psis);
xs = sin(psis) * cos(phi);
chis = atan2(xs, zs);
valid_chis = chis <= (chimax + inc / 2);
ratios_R = 1 - chis(valid_chis) / chimax;
psis = psis(valid_chis);
ratioB = phi / phimax;
red = ratioR;
green = (1 - ratioR) * (1 - ratioB);
blue = (1 - ratioR) * ratioB;
rgb = [red green blue];
red = ratios_R;
green = (1 - ratios_R) .* (1 - ratioB);
blue = (1 - ratios_R) .* ratioB;
rgb = [red, green, blue];
% Ensure that we stay in [0 1]
rgb(rgb < 0) = 0;
rgb(rgb > 1) = 1;
% Ensure that we stay in [0 1]
rgb = max(rgb, 0);
rgb = min(rgb, 1);
if (app.saturate)
rgb = gtCrystSaturateSSTColor(rgb);
if (app.saturate)
rgb = gtCrystSaturateSSTColor(rgb);
% Radius distorted for stereographic proj
r_patch = tan([psi/2 (psi+inc)/2]);
[phi_patch, r_patch] = meshgrid([phi phi+inc]', r_patch);
[x_patch, y_patch] = pol2cart(phi_patch, r_patch);
if (app.drawing)
for ii = 1:numel(psis)
% Radius distorted for stereographic proj
r_patch = tan([psis(ii)/2 (psis(ii)+inc)/2]);
[phi_patch, r_patch] = meshgrid([phi phi+inc]', r_patch);
[x_patch, y_patch] = pol2cart(phi_patch, r_patch);
if (app.drawing)
h_p(end+1) = patch(x_patch, y_patch, rgb, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'Faces', [1 2 4 3], 'Parent', ha);
h_p(end+1) = patch(x_patch, y_patch, rgb(ii, :), 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'Faces', [1 2 4 3], 'Parent', ha);
......@@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ if (ismember(app.crystal_system, {'hexagonal', 'hex', 'hcp', 'h'}))
elseif (ismember(app.crystal_system, {'cubic', 'cube', 'c'}))
uvw_poles_x = [0 0.366 0.4142 0.236 0.2247 0.3 0.4];
uvw_poles_y = [0 0.366 0 0 0.2247 0.153 0.2];
uvw_poles_l = {'[0 0 1]', '[1 1 1]', '[1 0 1]', '[1 0 2]', '[1 1 2]', '[2 1 3]', '[2 1 2]'};
uvw_poles_l = {'[0 0 1]', '[1 1 1]', ' [1 0 1]', '[1 0 2] ', '[1 1 2] ', '[2 1 3]', '[2 1 2]'};
%uvw_poles_l(end+1) = {'[159]'};
%uvw_poles_x(end+1) = 0.2584;
%uvw_poles_y(end+1) = 0.0516; % 159
......@@ -201,7 +204,7 @@ end
h_t = [];
if (app.poles_label)
for ii = 1:length(uvw_poles_x)
plot(uvw_poles_x(ii), uvw_poles_y(ii), '*', ...
plot(uvw_poles_x(ii), uvw_poles_y(ii), 'o', 'LineWidth', 5, ...
'Tag', 'h_points_plot', 'Color', app.font_color, 'Parent', ha);
h_t{ii} = text(uvw_poles_x(ii), uvw_poles_y(ii), uvw_poles_l{ii}, ...
......@@ -212,6 +215,12 @@ if (app.poles_label)
if (ii == 2)
set(h_t{ii}, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom')
if (ii == 7)
set(h_t{ii}, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom')
if (ii == 5)
set(h_t{ii}, 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right')
......@@ -222,7 +231,7 @@ set(hf, 'Color', app.fig_color)
set(ha, 'Visible', 'off');
if (app.ipf_label)
label and sample direction to plot
% label and sample direction to plot
h_ipf = text(0, 0.6, 0, 'IPF', ...
'FontSize', app.font_size, 'Color', app.font_color, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
......@@ -236,13 +245,14 @@ h_ipf_dir = text(0, 0.52, 0, app.sample_dir, ...
if (ismember(app.crystal_system, {'cubic', 'cube', 'c'}))
if (app.ipf_label)
set(h_ipf, 'Position', [0, 0.35, 0])
set(h_ipf, 'Position', [-0.1, 0.40, 0])
set(h_ipf_dir, 'Position', [0, 0.32, 0])
set(h_ipf_dir, 'Position', [-0.1, 0.35, 0])
if (nargout > 0)
h = guihandles(hf);
ax = ha;
end % end of function
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