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Commit e9bd6b11 authored by Laura Nervo's avatar Laura Nervo Committed by Nicola Vigano
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Calculation of reflections : update code to get list of permutations and...

Calculation of reflections : update code to get list of permutations and rotations for each crystal system; create function to read text file output from python

-  Five text files are created running gtCrystCalculateReflections:
      + [filename][type].txt with the list of reflections with the specific unit cell, lambda, sin(theta)/lambda limits
      + rot_[crystal_system].txt with the set of unitary rotation matrices corresponding to the indistinguasible lattice permutations
      + perm_[crystal_system].txt with the set of indistinguasible lattice permutations
      + sg_rot_[crystal_system].txt with rotations (complete list using symmetry operators)
      + sg_trans_[crystal_system].txt with transition values from symmetry operators

-  Renamed zUtilCryst/gtCrystGetReflections.m into zUtil_Help/gtReadTextFile.m

Signed-off-by: default avatarLaura Nervo <>

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
parent b8f222d3
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function [hkl, theta, output_file] = gtCrystCalculateReflections(latticepar, mintheta, maxtheta, sg, typelist, filename)
function [hkl, theta, hkil, sintheta] = gtCrystCalculateReflections(latticepar, mintheta, maxtheta, sg, typelist, filename)
% GTCRYSTCALCULATEREFLECTIONS Calculate the reflections list using python
% from fable library (genhkl_all or genhkl_unique
% scripts)
% [hkl, theta, output_file] = gtCrystCalculateReflections(latticepar, mintheta, maxtheta, sg, typelist, filename)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% [hkl, theta, hkil, sintheta] = gtCrystCalculateReflections(latticepar, mintheta, maxtheta, sg, typelist, filename)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% latticepar = lattice parameters <double 1x6>
......@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ function [hkl, theta, output_file] = gtCrystCalculateReflections(latticepar, min
% filename = filename for output <string>
% hkl = reflection list <double>
% theta = theta value for each reflection <double>
% output_file = path to the output filename <string>
% hkl = reflection list <double>
% theta = theta value for each reflection <double>
% hkil = hkil indexes if needed <double>
% sintheta = sind(theta)/lambda <double>
% Version 001 03-12-2012 by LNervo
......@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ if ~exist('typelist','var') || isempty(typelist)
typelist = 'all';
if ~exist('filename','var') || isempty(filename)
filename = 'reflections.txt';
filename = 'reflections';
latticepar_str = sprintf('%f ', latticepar);
......@@ -55,15 +56,31 @@ cmd = sprintf('python26 %s %s %f %f %d %s %s',...
[hkl,sintheta] = gtCrystGetReflections(filename);
[C,Cmat] = gtReadTextFile([filename typelist '.txt'],'%f %f %f %f','\n','#',[1 3]);
hkl = Cmat(:,1:3);
sintheta = Cmat(:,4);
if nargout > 1
load parameters;
energy =;
theta = asind(sintheta)*gtConvEnergyToWavelength(energy);
if nargout == 3
output_file = fullfile(pwd(),filename);
% for planes with Miller Indexes hkl -> hkil
hkil = hkl;
hkil(:,4) = hkl(:,3);
hkil(:,3) = -hkil(:,1)-hkil(:,2);
disp(' h k i l theta')
for ii=1:size(hkl,1)
fprintf('%3d %3d %3d %3d %7.3f\n',hkil(ii,:),theta(ii))
disp(' h k l sin(theta)/lambda')
for ii=1:size(hkl,1)
fprintf('%3d %3d %3d %7.3f\n',hkl(ii,:),sintheta(ii))
function [hkl, sintheta] = gtCrystGetReflections(filename)
% GTCRYSTGETREFLECTIONS Reads output file from gtCrystCalculateReflections
% [hkl, sintheta] = gtCrystGetReflections(filename)
% -------------------------------------------------
% filename = output file from gtCrystCalculateReflections <string>
% hkl = generated reflections <double>
% sintheta = sin(theta)/lambda <double>
% Version 001 03-12-2012 by LNervo
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
C = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f %f',...
hkl = cell2mat(C(:,1:3));
if nargout == 2
sintheta = cell2mat(C(:,4));
end % end of function
function [Ccell,Cmat] = gtReadTextFile(filename, formatS, delimiter, comments, minsize)
% GTREADTEXTFILE Reads textfiles into matrices
% [Ccell, Cmat] = gtReadTextFile(filename, format, delimiter, comments, minsize)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% filename = text file to be read <string>
% formatS = format pattern as in fprintf <string> i.e. '%f %f %f'
% delimiter = character as delimiter i.e. ' '
% comments = character as comments i.e. '#'
% minsize = minimum size of element to be consider as object (like
% matrix 3x3 or vector 1x3)
% Ccell = content of the text file (read as columns) <cell>
% Cmat = read matrix <double>
% Version 001 03-12-2012 by LNervo
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
C = textscan(fid, formatS,...
'Delimiter', delimiter,...
'CommentStyle', comments);
Cmat = cell2mat(C);
if minsize(1)>0 && minsize(2)>0
for ii = 1 : size(Cmat,1)/minsize(1)
C{ii} = Cmat((ii-1)*minsize(1)+1:minsize(1)*ii,1:minsize(2));
Ccell = C;
end % end of function
......@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
Created on Dec 03, 2012
@author: lnervo
Based on the algorithm described in
Le Page and Gabe (1979) J. Appl. Cryst., 12, 464-466
and implemented in python by
Henning Osholm Sorensen, University of Copenhagen, July 22, 2010.
import sys, os, numpy as np
......@@ -11,10 +17,10 @@ from xfab import *
from xfab import symmetry
from xfab.symmetry import *
from xfab.symmetry import tools
from xfab import sg
index = 1;
_a = float(sys.argv[index])
_b = float(sys.argv[index+1])
_a = float(sys.argv[1])
_b = float(sys.argv[2])
_c = float(sys.argv[3])
_alpha = float(sys.argv[4])
_beta = float(sys.argv[5])
......@@ -32,9 +38,9 @@ print(" lattice parameters: (%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f)"
% (_a, _b, _c, _alpha, _beta, _gamma))
print(" sin(theta)/lambda range: %f,%f" % (_mintheta, _maxtheta))
print(" spacegroup: %s" % _sgno)
print(" type: %s" % _type)
print(" type: %s" % _type)
print("Reflections list calculation...")
print(" *** Reflections list calculation ***")
if _type == 'all':
list =[_a,_b,_c,_alpha,_beta,_gamma],
......@@ -48,14 +54,108 @@ else:
print("Type not known...Existing")
list = None
_outputfile = _output + _type
if list is not None:
print("Saving reflections list in:\n %s..." % _output)
print("Saving %d reflections generated for spacegroup %d - from\n"
% (len(list), _sgno, _type))
with file(_output,'w') as outfile:
with file(_outputfile + '.txt','w') as outfile:
outfile.write('# Reflection list: {0}\n'.format(list.shape))
for data_hkl in list:
np.savetxt(outfile, data_hkl)
outfile.write('# New reflection\n')
outfile.write('# h k l sin(theta)/lambda\n')
np.savetxt(outfile, list, fmt=('%d','%d','%d','%f'))
# list of symmetry operators for crystal system
if _sgno != None:
spg =
# number of symmetry operators
nsymop = spg.nsymop
# rotations list
rot = spg.rot
# crystal system
crystal_system = spg.crystal_system
# trans info
trans = spg.trans
if rot is not None:
print("Saving %d rotations for crystal system '%s' - from\n"
% (len(rot), crystal_system, _sgno))
with file("sg_rot_%s.txt" % crystal_system,'w') as outfile:
outfile.write('# Rotations list: {0}\n'.format(rot.shape))
for data_rot in rot:
np.savetxt(outfile, data_rot, fmt='%5.3f')
outfile.write('# New rotation\n')
if trans is not None:
print("Saving %d trans for crystal system '%s' - from\n"
% (len(trans), crystal_system, _sgno))
with file("sg_trans_%s.txt" % crystal_system,'w') as outfile:
outfile.write('# Trans list: {0}\n'.format(trans.shape))
np.savetxt(outfile, trans, fmt=('%f','%f','%f'))
outfile.write('# New trans\n')
if crystal_system == "triclinic":
nsystem = 1
elif crystal_system == "monoclinic":
nsystem = 2
elif crystal_system == "orthorhombic":
nsystem = 3
elif crystal_system == "tetragonal":
nsystem = 4
elif crystal_system == "trigonal":
nsystem = 5
elif crystal_system == "hexagonal":
nsystem = 6
elif crystal_system == "cubic":
nsystem = 7
print("Crystal system is not know")
# calculation of rotations
calc_rot = symmetry.rotations(nsystem)
# calc_rot_nf = calc_rot.reshape( calc_rot.shape[0]*calc_rot.shape[1], calc_rot.shape[2])
if calc_rot is not None:
print("Saving %d rotations for crystal system '%s' - from symmetry.rotations(%d)\n"
% (len(calc_rot), crystal_system, nsystem))
with file("rot_%s.txt" % crystal_system,'w') as outfile:
outfile.write('# Rotations list: {0}\n'.format(calc_rot.shape))
for data_rot in calc_rot:
np.savetxt(outfile, data_rot, fmt='%5.3f')
outfile.write('# New rotation\n')
# calculation of permutations
calc_perm = symmetry.permutations(nsystem)
if calc_perm is not None:
print("Saving %d permutations for crystal system '%s' - from symmetry.permutations(%d)\n"
% (len(calc_perm), crystal_system, nsystem))
with file("perm_%s.txt" % crystal_system,'w') as outfile:
outfile.write('# Permutations list: {0}\n'.format(calc_perm.shape))
for data_perm in calc_perm:
np.savetxt(outfile, data_perm, fmt='%5.3f')
outfile.write('# New permutation\n')
raise ValueError, 'No space group information given'
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