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Commit e2b13e55 authored by Yoann Guilhem's avatar Yoann Guilhem Committed by Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Update SST inverse pole figure (IPF) functions (2nd commit)

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
parent cc4e7ccb
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function cmap = gtIVPCmap(phaseid, LD, varargin)
% GTIVPCMAP Returns a color map for the specified phase and lab direction.
function cmap = gtIPFCmap(phaseid, LD, varargin)
% GTIPFCMAP Returns a color map for the specified phase and lab direction.
% cmap = gtIVPCmap([phaseid, LD, varargin])
% cmap = gtIPFCmap([phaseid, LD, varargin])
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Makes an IVP colormap of the lab_ direction (LD) in the crystal
% Makes an IPF colormap of the lab_ direction (LD) in the crystal
% coordinates. This can be specified as a second arguement, otherwise we
% assume the z axis [0 0 1]
......@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ function cmap = gtIVPCmap(phaseid, LD, varargin)
% LD = <double> Lab direction to study {[0 0 1]}
% OPTIONAL INPUT (varargin as a list of pairs, see parse_pv_pairs.m)
% 'save' = <bool> Save color map to cmap_phase<phaseid>.mat
% 'saturate' = <logical> Saturate colors in the SST {true}
% 'save' = <logical> Save color map to cmap_phase<phaseid>.mat
% {true}
% 'crystal_system' = <string> Legacy to set (force) the crystal system
% for old datasets
......@@ -20,10 +22,14 @@ function cmap = gtIVPCmap(phaseid, LD, varargin)
% cmap = <double> RGB color map, color code is the inverse
% pole figure in the SST
% Version 001 03-01-2013 by YGuilhem
% Renamed gtIVPCmap to gtIPFCmap, changed color saturation
% Version 001 15-11-2012 by YGuilhem
% Built by gathering old gtIVPcubCmap and gtIVPhexCmap functions
% Default parameters
par.saturate = true; = false;
par.crystal_system = '';
par = parse_pv_pairs(par, varargin);
......@@ -72,7 +78,7 @@ sam2crys = gtMathsRod2RotMat(r_vectors);
LDc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(LD, sam2crys);
% Get the color in the SST triangle
map = gtCrystVector2SST(LDc, par.crystal_system, symm);
map = gtCrystVector2SST(LDc, par.crystal_system, symm, saturate);
cmap = [ 0 0 0 ; map ];
function hf = gtIPFCmapCubicKey(N, saturate, label)
% GTIPFCMAPCUBICKEY Show inverse pole figure color space in the cubic SST
% hf = gtIPFCmapCubicKey([N, saturate, label])
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% N = <int> Number of angular steps (quality of the plot) {30}
% saturate = <logical> Saturate or not the color in the SST
% label = <logical> Draw poles label
% hf = <handle> Resulting figure handle
if ~exist('N', 'var') || isempty(N)
N = 30;
elseif N < 15
warning('gtIPFCmapCubicKey:wrong_parameters', ...
'Cannot use less than 15 angular steps, so using 15 steps.');
N = 15;
if ~exist('saturate', 'var') || isempty(saturate)
saturate = true;
if ~exist('label', 'var') || isempty(label)
label = false;
hf = figure();
hold on;
% Work in radians
phimin = 0;
phimax = pi/4;
inc = phimax/N;
psimin = 0;
psimax = atan(sqrt(2))+inc;
chimin = 0;
chimax = pi/4;
for phi=phimin:inc:(phimax-inc) % Rotation around z-axis
for psi=psimin:inc:(psimax-inc) % Out from z-axis to vector
% For cubic colour map, we need two angles:
% - phi (around z-axis)
% - chi (around y-axis)
z = cos(psi);
x = sin(psi)*cos(phi);
chi = atan2(x, z); % in sst chi 0->pi/4
if chi > chimax + inc/2
ratioR = 1 - chi/chimax;
ratioB = phi/phimax;
red = ratioR;
green = (1 - ratioR) * (1 - ratioB);
blue = (1 - ratioR) * ratioB;
rgb = [red green blue];
% Ensure that we stay in [0 1]
rgb(rgb < 0) = 0;
rgb(rgb > 1) = 1;
if saturate
% To improve colours distribution
rgb = sqrt(rgb);
% Saturate colours
rgb = rgb./max(rgb);
% Radius distorted for stereographic proj
r_patch = tan([psi/2 (psi+inc)/2]);
[phi_patch, r_patch] = meshgrid([phi phi+inc]', r_patch);
[x_patch, y_patch] = pol2cart(phi_patch, r_patch);
patch(x_patch, y_patch, rgb, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'Faces', [1 2 4 3]);
% Add poles and tart up like gtMakePoleFigure
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', '');
set(gca, 'YTickLabel', '');
set(gca, 'GridLineStyle', 'none');
set(gca, 'Ycolor', 'w');
set(gca, 'Xcolor', 'w');
axis equal;
set(gca, 'xlim', [-0.01 0.45]);
set(gca, 'ylim', [-0.03 0.39]);
% Add a black border around triangle
% For cubic:
% - line from [0 0 1] to [1 0 1] (phi=0)
% - arc from [1 0 1] to [1 1 1] (phi=[0 pi/4], chi=pi/4) i.e z=x
% - line from [1 1 1] to [0 0 1] (phi=pi/4)
line_phi = [0:inc:phimax phimax]';
line_points = [cos(line_phi) sin(line_phi) cos(line_phi)];
% Normalize
line_points = line_points./repmat(sqrt(sum(line_points.*line_points, 2)), 1, 3);
% Convert to polar coordinates
line_psi = acos(line_points(:, 3));
line_r = tan(line_psi/2);
% Stereographic projection x-y
[line_x, line_y] = pol2cart(line_phi, line_r);
xp = [line_x; 0; line_x(1)];
yp = [line_y; 0; line_y(1)];
plot(xp, yp, 'k-');
% Add a white patch to mask the rough outer edge of the triangle
xp = [line_x ; line_x(end) ; 0.45 ; 0.45 ; line_x(1)];
yp = [line_y ; 0.39 ; 0.39 ; 0 ; 0 ];
patch(xp, yp, 'w', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
% Add labels for the 3 corners poles
plot(0, 0, 'k*');
text(0, 0, '[001]', 'fontsize', 18, 'fontweight', 'bold', ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'VerticalAlignment',' top');
plot(0.4142, 0, 'k*');
text(0.4142, 0, '[101]', 'fontsize', 18, 'fontweight', 'bold', ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'top');
plot(0.366, 0.366, 'k*');
text(0.366, 0.366, '[111]', 'fontsize', 18, 'fontweight', 'bold', ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom');
%poles_phi = [0 0 phimax];
%poles_chi = [0 chimax chimax];
%poles_r = tan(poles_psi/2);
%[poles_x, poles_y] = sph2cart(poles_phi, poles_r);
%plot(poles_x, poles_y, 'k*');
%text(poles_x(1), poles_y(1), '[001]', 'fontsize', 18, 'fontweight', 'bold', ...
% 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'VerticalAlignment',' top');
%text(poles_x(2), poles_y(2), '[101]', 'fontsize', 18, 'fontweight', 'bold', ...
% 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'top');
%text(poles_x(3), poles_y(3), '[111]', 'fontsize', 18, 'fontweight', 'bold', ...
% 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle');
if label
uvw_poles(1).n = '[102]'; uvw_poles(1).x = 0.236; uvw_poles(1).y = 0; % 102
uvw_poles(2).n = '[112]'; uvw_poles(2).x = 0.2247; uvw_poles(2).y = 0.2247; % 112
uvw_poles(3).n = '[213]'; uvw_poles(3).x = 0.3; uvw_poles(3).y = 0.153; % 213
uvw_poles(4).n = '[212]'; uvw_poles(4).x = 0.4; uvw_poles(4).y = 0.2; % 212
%uvw_poles(5).n = '[159]'; uvw_poles(5).x = 0.2584; uvw_poles(5).y = 0.0516; % 159
plot([uvw_poles.x], [uvw_poles.y], 'k*');
for ii=1:length(uvw_poles)
text(uvw_poles(ii).x, uvw_poles(ii).y, uvw_poles(ii).n, ...
'fontsize', 18, 'fontweight', 'bold', ...
'HorizontalAlignment','left', 'VerticalAlignment','top');
%text(0.1213-0.04, 0.1213, '[114]')
%text(0.1583-0.04, 0.1583, '[113]')
%text(0.2247-0.04, 0.2247, '[112]')
%text(0.2808-0.04, 0.2808, '[223]')
%text(0.3052-0.045, 0.3052, '[334]')
%text(0.3845+0.01, 0.2884, '[434]')
%text(0.3901+0.01, 0.2601, '[323]')
%text(0.4000+0.01, 0.2000, '[212]')
%text(0.4077+0.01, 0.1359, '[313]')
%text(0.4105+0.01, 0.1026, '[414]')
%text(0.1231-0.02, -0.015, '[104]')
%text(0.1623-0.01, -0.015, '[103]')
%text(0.2361-0.015, -0.015, '[102]')
%text(0.3028-0.02, -0.015, '[203]')
%text(0.3333-0.01, -0.015, '[304]')
%text(0.2967+0.01, 0.1483, '[213]')
%text(0.2330+0.01, 0.1165, '[214]')
%text(0.3297+0.01, 0.1099, '[314]')
%text(0.3197+0.01, 0.2131, '[324]')
set(gca, 'Position', get(gca, 'OuterPosition'));
end % end of function
function hf = gtIPFCmapHexagonalKey(N, saturate)
% GTIPFCMAPHEXAGONALKEY Show inverse pole figure color space in the hexagonal SST
% hf = gtIPFCmapHexagonalKey([N, saturate])
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% N = <int> Number of angular steps (quality of the plot) {30}
% saturate = <logical> Saturate or not the color in the SST
% hf = <handle> Resulting figure handle
if ~exist('N', 'var') || isempty(N)
N = 30;
elseif N < 15
warning('gtIPFCmapCubicKey:wrong_parameters', ...
'Cannot use less than 15 angular steps, so using 15 steps.');
N = 15;
if ~exist('saturate', 'var') || isempty(saturate)
saturate = true;
hf = figure();
hold on;
% Work in radians
phimin = 0;
phimax = pi/6;
inc = phimax/N;
psimin = 0;
psimax = pi/2;
for phi=phimin:inc:(phimax-inc) % Rotation around z-axis
for psi=psimin:inc:(psimax-inc) % Out from z-axis to vector
% For hexagonal colour map, we need two angles:
% - phi (around z-axis)
% - psi (from z-axis to vector)
ratioR = 1 - psi/psimax;
ratioB = phi/phimax;
red = ratioR;
green = (1 - ratioR) * (1 - ratioB);
blue = (1 - ratioR) * ratioB;
rgb = [red green blue];
% Ensure that we stay in [0 1]
rgb(rgb < 0) = 0;
rgb(rgb > 1) = 1;
if saturate
% To improve colours distribution
rgb = sqrt(rgb);
% Saturate colours
rgb = rgb./max(rgb);
% Radius distorted for stereographic proj
r_patch = tan([psi/2 (psi+inc)/2]);
[phi_patch, r_patch] = meshgrid([phi phi+inc]', r_patch);
[x_patch, y_patch] = pol2cart(phi_patch, r_patch);
patch(x_patch, y_patch, rgb, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'Faces', [1 2 4 3]);
% Add poles and tart up like gtMakePoleFigure
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', '');
set(gca, 'YTickLabel', '');
set(gca, 'GridLineStyle', 'none');
set(gca, 'Ycolor', 'w');
set(gca, 'Xcolor', 'w');
axis equal;
set(gca, 'xlim', [-0.05 1.05]);
set(gca, 'ylim', [-0.06 0.56]);
% Add a black border around triangle
% For hexagonal:
% - line from [0 0 0 1] to [1 1 -2 0] (phi=0)
% - arc from [1 1 -2 0] to [0 1 -1 0] (phi=[0 pi/6], psi=pi/2)
% - line from [0 0 0 1] to [1 1 -2 0] (phi=pi/6)
line_phi = (phimin:inc:phimax)';
line_r = tan(psimax/2 * ones(size(line_phi)));
% Stereographic projection x-y
[line_x, line_y] = pol2cart(line_phi, line_r);
xp = [line_x; 0; line_x(1)];
yp = [line_y; 0; line_y(1)];
plot(xp, yp, 'k-');
% Add labels for the 3 corners poles
poles_psi = [psimin psimax psimax];
poles_phi = [phimin phimax phimin];
poles_r = tan(poles_psi/2);
[poles_x,poles_y] = pol2cart(poles_phi, poles_r);
plot(poles_x, poles_y, 'k*');
text(poles_x(1), poles_y(1), '[0 0 0 1]', 'fontsize', 20, ...
'fontweight', 'bold','VerticalAlignment','top','HorizontalAlignment','left');
text(poles_x(2), poles_y(2), '[0 1 -1 0]', 'fontsize', 20, ...
'fontweight', 'bold','VerticalAlignment','bottom','HorizontalAlignment','right');
text(poles_x(3), poles_y(3), '[1 1 -2 0]', 'fontsize', 20, ...
'fontweight', 'bold','VerticalAlignment','top','HorizontalAlignment','right');
set(gca, 'Position', get(gca, 'OuterPosition'));
end % end of function
function hf = gtIVPhexCmap_key()
% make a color space for the reduced color space for a hexagonal system
% for the moment, something quick to produce a figure.
%analyse the pole data
%%%disp('this current returns green=[01-10], blue=[11-20]')
%%%disp('this is the "wrong" way round!')
%%% this has now been corrected !!!
%%% to the best of my understanding, blue=(psi/90)*(phi-60)/30 is good.
hf = figure();
hold on
% work in degrees
for phi=[phimin:inc:(phimax-inc) (phimax-inc)] %around z-axis
for psi=[psimin:inc:(psimax+inc) psimax+inc] % out from z-axis - go slightly further to avoid gaps at edge of triangle
% for hexagonal colour map need only psi and phi
rgb=[red green blue];
% ensure that we don't leave 0-1
%do we saturate colours?
if 1
%radius distorted for stereographic proj
r_patch=tand([psi/2 (psi+inc)/2]);
[phi_patch,r_patch]=meshgrid([phi phi+inc]',r_patch);
% to use pol2cartphi should be in radians
% also offset by 90 degrees to get triangle "horizontal"
[x_patch,y_patch]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+phi_patch*pi/180, r_patch);
p=patch(x_patch([1 2 4 3]), y_patch([1 2 4 3]), rgb);
set(p, 'edgecolor', 'none')
axis ij
axis equal
%add poles and tart up like gtMakePoleFigure
set(gca, 'XTickLabel','')
set(gca, 'YTickLabel','')
set(gca, 'GridLineStyle','none')
set(gca, 'Ycolor', 'w')
set(gca, 'Xcolor', 'w')
set(gca, 'xlim', [-0.04 1.12])
set(gca, 'ylim', [-0.56 0.1])
% uvw_poles=[0 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 2; 2 1 3];
% % uvw_poles=[0 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1;...
% % 2 0 1; 2 1 1; 2 2 1;...
% % 3 0 1; 3 1 1; 3 2 0; 3 2 1; 3 2 2; 3 3 1; 3 3 2;...
% % 4 0 1; 4 1 1; 4 2 1; 4 3 0; 4 3 1; 4 3 2; 4 3 3; 4 4 1; 4 4 3];
% symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators('cubic');
% uvw_poles2=[];
% for i=1:length(symm)
% uvw_poles2=[uvw_poles2; uvw_poles*symm(i).g];
% end
% uvw_poles=[uvw_poles2; -uvw_poles2];
% dum=find(uvw_poles(:,2)>=0 & uvw_poles(:,2)<=uvw_poles(:,1) & uvw_poles(:,3)>=uvw_poles(:,1));
% uvw_poles=uvw_poles(dum, :);
% % plot these uvw/hkl poles
% phi_uvw=atan2(uvw_poles(:,2), uvw_poles(:,1));
% psi_uvw=acos(uvw_poles(:,3)./(sqrt(sum(uvw_poles.*uvw_poles, 2))));
% r_uvw=tan(psi_uvw/2);
% dummy=find(r_uvw>1);
% r_uvw(dummy)=[];
% phi_uvw(dummy)=[];
% [x_uvw,y_uvw]=pol2cart(phi_uvw, r_uvw);
% dummy=find(x_uvw<-1 | x_uvw>1 | y_uvw<-1 | y_uvw>1);
% x_uvw(dummy)=[];
% y_uvw(dummy)=[];
% plot(x_uvw, y_uvw, 'k*')
% text(0, 0-0.015, '(001)')
% text(0.366+0.01, 0.366-0.005, '(111)')
% text(0.4142-0.015, -0.015, '(101)')
% text(0.2247-0.04, 0.2247, '(112)')
% text(0.3, 0.153, '(213)')
% % text(0.1213-0.04, 0.1213, '(114)')
% % text(0.1583-0.04, 0.1583, '(113)')
% % text(0.2247-0.04, 0.2247, '(112)')
% % text(0.2808-0.04, 0.2808, '(223)')
% % text(0.3052-0.045, 0.3052, '(334)')
% %
% % text(0.3845+0.01, 0.2884, '(434)')
% % text(0.3901+0.01, 0.2601, '(323)')
% % text(0.4000+0.01, 0.2000, '(212)')
% % text(0.4077+0.01, 0.1359, '(313)')
% % text(0.4105+0.01, 0.1026, '(414)')
% %
% % text(0.1231-0.02, -0.015, '(104)')
% % text(0.1623-0.01, -0.015, '(103)')
% % text(0.2361-0.015, -0.015, '(102)')
% % text(0.3028-0.02, -0.015, '(203)')
% % text(0.3333-0.01, -0.015, '(304)')
% %
% % text(0.2967+0.01, 0.1483, '(213)')
% % text(0.2330+0.01, 0.1165, '(214)')
% % text(0.3297+0.01, 0.1099, '(314)')
% % text(0.3197+0.01, 0.2131, '(324)')
%add a black border
% line 0001 - 01-10 (phi 90)
[line_x,line_y]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+line_phi*pi/180, line_r);
plot(line_x, line_y, 'k-')
% line 0001 - 11-20 (phi 60)
[line_x,line_y]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+line_phi*pi/180, line_r);
plot(line_x, line_y, 'k-')
% line 01-10 - 11-20 (phi 60-90, psi 90)
%add a white patch to mask the rough outer edge of the triangle
[line_x,line_y]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+line_phi*pi/180, line_r);
xp=[line_x 1.02 1.02 line_x(1) line_x(1)];
yp=[line_y 0 -0.52 -0.52 line_y(1)];
p=patch(xp, yp, 'w');
set(p, 'edgecolor', 'w')
plot(line_x, line_y, 'k-')
% add labels for the poles
uvtw_poles = [0 0 0 1; 0 1 -1 0; 1 1 -2 0];
poles_psi=[0 90 90];
poles_phi=[0 90 60];
[poles_x,poles_y]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+poles_phi*pi/180, poles_r);
plot(poles_x, poles_y, 'k*')
text(poles_x(1), poles_y(1), '[0 0 0 1]', 'fontsize', 20, ...
'fontweight', 'bold','VerticalAlignment','top','HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(poles_x(2), poles_y(2), '[0 1 -1 0]', 'fontsize', 20, ...
'fontweight', 'bold','VerticalAlignment','top','HorizontalAlignment','right')
text(poles_x(3), poles_y(3), '[1 1 -2 0]', 'fontsize', 20, ...
'fontweight', 'bold','VerticalAlignment','bottom','HorizontalAlignment','right')
set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1])
axis equal
end %end of function
function gtSSTCmap()
%make a color space for the Standard Stereographic Triangle
%analyse the pole data
hold on
for phi=[0:inc:(phimax-inc) (phimax-inc)] %around z-axis
for psi=[0:inc:(psimax+inc) psimax+inc] % out from z-axis - go slightly further to avoid gaps at edge of triangle
%for a colour representation want two angles - phi (around z) and
% alpha (around y)
alpha=atan(x/z); % in sst alpha 0->pi/4
if alpha<=pi/4
rgb=[1-(alpha/(pi/4)) (alpha/(pi/4))*(1-(phi/(pi/4))) (alpha/(pi/4))*(phi/(pi/4))];
% should this be here?
% rgb=rgb/max(rgb);
rgb=[1-(alpha/(pi/4)) (alpha/(pi/4))*(1-(phi/(pi/4))) (alpha/(pi/4))*(phi/(pi/4))];
% rgb=rgb/max(rgb);
%rgb=[1 1 1];
test_normal=[x y z];
%radius distorted for stereographic proj
r_patch=tan([psi/2 (psi+inc)/2]);
[phi_patch,r_patch]=meshgrid([phi phi+inc]',r_patch);
p=patch(x_patch([1 2 4 3]), y_patch([1 2 4 3]), rgb);
set(p, 'edgecolor', 'none')
%add poles and tart up like gtMakePoleFigure
set(gca, 'XTickLabel','')
set(gca, 'YTickLabel','')
set(gca, 'GridLineStyle','none')
set(gca, 'Ycolor', 'w')
set(gca, 'Xcolor', 'w')
set(gca, 'xlim', [-0.02 sqrt(2)-1+0.045])
set(gca, 'ylim', [-0.025 0.3769])
uvw_poles=[0 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 2; 2 1 3];
%uvw_poles=[0 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1;...
% 2 0 1; 2 1 1; 2 2 1;...
% 3 0 1; 3 1 1; 3 2 0; 3 2 1; 3 2 2; 3 3 1; 3 3 2;...
% 4 0 1; 4 1 1; 4 2 1; 4 3 0; 4 3 1; 4 3 2; 4 3 3; 4 4 1; 4 4 3];
symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators('cubic');
for i=1:length(symm)
uvw_poles2=[uvw_poles2; uvw_poles*symm(i).g];
uvw_poles=[uvw_poles2; -uvw_poles2];
dum=find(uvw_poles(:,2)>=0 & uvw_poles(:,2)<=uvw_poles(:,1) & uvw_poles(:,3)>=uvw_poles(:,1));
uvw_poles=uvw_poles(dum, :);
% plot these uvw/hkl poles
phi_uvw=atan2(uvw_poles(:,2), uvw_poles(:,1));
psi_uvw=acos(uvw_poles(:,3)./(sqrt(sum(uvw_poles.*uvw_poles, 2))));
[x_uvw,y_uvw]=pol2cart(phi_uvw, r_uvw);
dummy=find(x_uvw<-1 | x_uvw>1 | y_uvw<-1 | y_uvw>1);
plot(x_uvw, y_uvw, 'k*')
text(0, 0-0.015, '(001)')
text(0.366+0.01, 0.366-0.005, '(111)')
text(0.4142-0.015, -0.015, '(101)')
text(0.2247-0.04, 0.2247, '(112)')
text(0.3, 0.153, '(213)')
%text(0.1213-0.04, 0.1213, '(114)')
%text(0.1583-0.04, 0.1583, '(113)')
%text(0.2247-0.04, 0.2247, '(112)')
%text(0.2808-0.04, 0.2808, '(223)')
%text(0.3052-0.045, 0.3052, '(334)')
%text(0.3845+0.01, 0.2884, '(434)')
%text(0.3901+0.01, 0.2601, '(323)')
%text(0.4000+0.01, 0.2000, '(212)')
%text(0.4077+0.01, 0.1359, '(313)')
%text(0.4105+0.01, 0.1026, '(414)')
%text(0.1231-0.02, -0.015, '(104)')
%text(0.1623-0.01, -0.015, '(103)')
%text(0.2361-0.015, -0.015, '(102)')
%text(0.3028-0.02, -0.015, '(203)')
%text(0.3333-0.01, -0.015, '(304)')
%text(0.2967+0.01, 0.1483, '(213)')
%text(0.2330+0.01, 0.1165, '(214)')
%text(0.3297+0.01, 0.1099, '(314)')
%text(0.3197+0.01, 0.2131, '(324)')
% Add a black border line from 101 to 111 is z=x
line_phi=[0:0.01:pi/4 pi/4];
line_points=[linex' liney' linez'];
line_points=line_points./repmat(sqrt(sum(line_points.*line_points, 2)), 1, 3);
%convert to stereographic proj.
%stereographic projection x-y
[linex,liney]=pol2cart(line_phi', line_r);
plot([linex; 0; linex(1)], [liney; 0; liney(1)], 'k-')
%add a white patch to mask the rough outer edge of the triangle
xp=[linex; linex(end); 0.55; 0.55; linex(1)];
yp=[liney; 0.379; 0.379; 0; 0];
p=patch(xp, yp, 'w');
set(p, 'edgecolor', 'none')
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