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Commit cd777655 authored by Nicola Vigano's avatar Nicola Vigano
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Compiled matlab functions / Batching: introduced XML based record, and faster matlab invocation

parent cb99bd22
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<path absolute="false">bin/compiled/</path>
<path absolute="true">/tmp_14_days/oar/log/</path>
<path absolute="true">/tmp_14_days/oar/submit/</path>
<function name="gtDBBlob2SpotTable">
<path absolute="false">2_difspot/gtDBBlob2SpotTable.m</path>
<function name="gtSeedThreshold_doublethr">
<path absolute="false">2_difspot/gtSeedThreshold_doublethr.m</path>
<function name="gtSegmentDiffractionBlobs_doublethr">
<path absolute="false">2_difspot/gtSegmentDiffractionBlobs_doublethr.m</path>
<function name="gtCopyCorrectUndistortCondor">
<path absolute="false">1_preprocessing/gtCopyCorrectUndistortCondor.m</path>
<function name="gtChangeThreshold3D">
<path absolute="false">5_reconstruction/gtChangeThreshold3D.m</path>
<function name="gtSequenceMedianRefs">
<path absolute="false">1_preprocessing/gtSequenceMedianRefs.m</path>
<function name="gtCreateAbsLive">
<path absolute="false">1_preprocessing/gtCreateAbsLive.m</path>
<function name="gtAbsMedianLive">
<path absolute="false">1_preprocessing/gtAbsMedianLive.m</path>
<function name="gtMovingMedianLive">
<path absolute="false">1_preprocessing/gtMovingMedianLive.m</path>
<function name="gtCreateFullLive">
<path absolute="false">1_preprocessing/gtCreateFullLive.m</path>
<function name="gtSegmentDiffractionBlobs">
<path absolute="false">2_difspot/gtSegmentDiffractionBlobs.m</path>
<function name="gtReconstructGrains">
<path absolute="false">5_reconstruction/gtReconstructGrains.m</path>
<function name="gtForwardSimulate_v2">
<path absolute="false">5_reconstruction/gtForwardSimulate_v2.m</path>
Created on May 2, 2013
@author: ben
import re
import fnmatch
import os
import dct_io_xml
class DCTBatchConf(dct_io_xml.DCTXMLBase):
def getNewFile(xml_file):
tree = dct_io_xml.ET.Element("batch")
etree = dct_io_xml.ET.ElementTree(tree)
etree.write(xml_file, pretty_print = True)
conf = DCTBatchConf(xml_file, read_only = False)
return conf
def __init__(self, xml_file = os.path.join("zUtil_Conf", "batch-dev-conf.xml"), read_only = True):
dct_io_xml.DCTXMLBase.__init__(self, xml_file)
self.read_only = read_only
def fixStructure(self):
if self.tree.find("options") is None:
dct_io_xml.ET.SubElement(self.tree.getroot(), "options")
if self.tree.find("functions") is None:
dct_io_xml.ET.SubElement(self.tree.getroot(), "functions")
def getPath(self, xml_path, base_dir, base_node = None):
if base_node is None:
node = self.tree.find(xml_path)
node = base_node.find(xml_path)
if node is not None:
if node.attrib.get("absolute") == "false":
return os.path.join(base_dir, node.text)
return node.text
raise ValueError("No path defined for '%s" % xml_path)
def getBinDir(self, base_dir):
return self.getPath("options/binaries/path", base_dir)
def addFunction(self, name, path, is_absolute = False):
if self.read_only is True:
raise ValueError("File %s is open in read only mode" % self.xmlFile)
func = self.tree.find("functions/function[@name='%s']" % name)
if func is None:
funcs = self.tree.find("functions")
func = dct_io_xml.ET.SubElement(funcs, "function", {"name" : name})
pathNode = func.find("path")
if pathNode is None:
pathNode = dct_io_xml.ET.SubElement(func, "path")
pathNode.text = path
if is_absolute is True:
pathNode.attrib["absolute"] = "true"
pathNode.attrib["absolute"] = "false"
def getFunctions(self, base_dir):
functions = {}
nodes = self.tree.findall("functions/function")
for node in nodes:
functions[node.attrib.get("name")] = self.getPath("path", base_dir, base_node = node)
return functions
class DCTBatch(object):
def __init__(self, dct_dir = "", dev_mode = False):
if dct_dir is "":
dct_dir = os.getcwd()
self.dct_dir = dct_dir
devel_conf_path = os.path.join(self.dct_dir, "zUtil_Conf", "batch-dev-conf.xml");
self.dev_conf = DCTBatchConf(xml_file = devel_conf_path, read_only = (not dev_mode) )
self.dev_conf = DCTBatchConf.getNewFile(devel_conf_path)
user_conf_path = os.path.join(self.dct_dir, "batch-user-conf.xml");
self.user_conf = DCTBatchConf(xml_file = user_conf_path, read_only = False)
# We assume system configuration is always consistent, so we only
# check user configuration
self.user_conf = DCTBatchConf.getNewFile(user_conf_path)
def autoDetectFunctions(self, user = True):
simpleMatch = 'OAR_make'
searchPattern = re.compile('[^%]*\s*' + simpleMatch + "\s*\(\s*'.*'")
filesList = []
for root, dir_name, file_names in os.walk(self.dct_dir):
for file_name in file_names:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_name, '*.m'):
filesList.append((root, file_name))
# First creating list of file matching methods name
mFiles = {}
for dir_path, file_name in filesList:
filepath = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
mFiles[file_name[:-2]] = filepath
# Then looking for complex regexp inside matching files
for dir_path, file_name in mFiles.iteritems():
filepath = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
fid = open(filepath, 'r')
for line in fid:
if simpleMatch in line:
matched =
if matched:
function_name ="'")[1]
self.addFunction(mFiles[function_name], user)
def addFunction(self, path, user = True):
name = os.path.basename(path)
name = name[0:-2]
# Let's make the path relative
abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
abs_dct_path = os.path.abspath(self.dct_dir)
rel_path = abs_path[len(abs_dct_path)+1:]
if user is True:
self.user_conf.addFunction(name, rel_path)
self.dev_conf.addFunction(name, rel_path)
def getBinDir(self):
bin_path = self.user_conf.getBinDir(self.dct_dir)
except ValueError:
bin_path = self.dev_conf.getBinDir(self.dct_dir)
return bin_path
def getFunctions(self):
functions = self.dev_conf.getFunctions(self.dct_dir)
return functions
if __name__ == '__main__':
import re
import fnmatch
import os
import sys
......@@ -11,10 +9,6 @@ import dct_matlab_invocation
class FunctionsBuilder(object):
submitMethods = [ 'OAR_make',
# 'condor_make' # Disabled since we moved to OAR
def getInstanceFromArgs(args, dct_dir = ""):
if dct_dir is "":
......@@ -33,6 +27,7 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
will_compile = True
will_generate = True
force_compile = False
scan_sources = False
verbose = 1
mfiles_to_consider = [ ]
......@@ -47,6 +42,8 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
elif args[index] == "-force-compile":
will_compile = True
force_compile = True
elif args[index] == "-scan-sources":
scan_sources = True
elif args[index] == "-c":
skip_next = True
if len(args) > (index-1):
......@@ -74,12 +71,13 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
mfiles_to_consider = mfiles_to_consider, \
do_compile = will_compile, \
do_generate = will_generate, \
scan_sources = scan_sources, \
verboseLevel = verbose)
def __init__(self, matlab_path, dct_dir = os.getcwd(), \
script_dir = None, bin_dir = None, force_compile = False, \
mfiles_to_consider = [], do_compile = True, \
do_generate = True, verboseLevel = 1):
do_generate = True, scan_sources = False, verboseLevel = 1):
self.dct_dir = dct_dir
if script_dir is None:
script_dir = os.path.join(self.dct_dir, 'bin', 'scripts')
......@@ -95,9 +93,8 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
self.do_compile = do_compile
self.do_generate = do_generate
self.scan_sources = scan_sources
self.call_funcs = { }
self.m_files = { }
self.compile_records = { }
self.out = DCTOutput(verboseLevel = verboseLevel);
......@@ -114,69 +111,23 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
print(" -force-compile : to force the compilation even if not needed")
print(" -just-compile : to skip the generation of the script")
print(" -just-generate : to skip the actual compilation")
def _findFuncs(self):
searchPatterns = [ ]
for method in FunctionsBuilder.submitMethods:
regexpString = '[^%]*\s*' + method + "\s*\(\s*'.*'"
#print('Regular expression: "' + regexpString + '"')
regexp = re.compile(regexpString)
self.out.printSubJob("Finding functions that may be compiled, from: '%s'" % self.dct_dir)
filesList = []
for root, dir_name, file_names in os.walk(self.dct_dir):
for file_name in file_names:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_name, '*.m'):
filesList.append((root, file_name))
# First creating list of file matching methods name
matchingFilesList = []
for dir_path, file_name in filesList:
filepath = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
self.m_files[file_name[:-2]] = filepath
for method in FunctionsBuilder.submitMethods:
if method in open(filepath).read():
matchingFilesList.append((dir_path, file_name))
# Then looking for complex regexp inside matching files
for dir_path, file_name in matchingFilesList:
filepath = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
fid = open(filepath, 'r')
filecontent = fid.readlines()
for line in filecontent:
for reg in searchPatterns:
matched =
if matched:
function_name ="'")[1]
if filepath in self.call_funcs:
if function_name not in self.call_funcs[filepath]:
self.call_funcs[filepath] = [function_name]
self.out.printSubJob("These functions were found:")
for file_name in self.call_funcs:
self.out.printSubSubJob('In file', file_name)
for func in self.call_funcs[file_name]:
self.out.printSubSubSubJob("Function", func)
def _prepareFuncsList(self):
self.out.printSubJob("Adding information about functions that may not need to be compiled..")
for caller in self.call_funcs:
callerFuncName = os.path.basename(caller)[:-2]
for function in self.call_funcs[caller]:
if function not in self.compile_records.keys():
outpath = os.path.join(self.bin_dir, function)
self.compile_records[function] = (outpath, self.m_files[function])
except KeyError:
DCTOutput.printWarning("-> function: '%' is NOT a local function (may be from ID19) <-" % function)
self.compile_records[callerFuncName][function] = (' ',' ')
print(" -scan-sources : to scan the matlab sources")
def _buildFuncsList(self):
import dct_batch
batch = dct_batch.DCTBatch(self.dct_dir)
if self.scan_sources is True:
self.out.printSubJob("Finding functions that may be compiled, from: '%s'" % self.dct_dir)
self.out.printSubJob("Functions available for compilation:")
funcs = batch.getFunctions()
for function in funcs:
self.out.printSubSubJob(function, funcs[function])
bin_dir = batch.getBinDir()
self.out.printSubJob("Adding information about functions..")
for function in funcs:
outpath = os.path.join(bin_dir, function)
self.compile_records[function] = (outpath, funcs[function])
def _generateMCompileFile(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.script_dir):
......@@ -229,8 +180,7 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
def generateMfile(self):
def buildMatlabFunctions(self):
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class DCTMakeInstallBundle(object):
'', \
'', \
'', \
'', \
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class DCTXMLBase(object):
def save(self, newName = None):
if newName is not None:
self.xmlFile = newName
self.tree.write(self.xmlFile, pretty_print = True)
class DCTCheck(object):
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