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Commit bd9f32af authored by Yoann Guilhem's avatar Yoann Guilhem Committed by Nicola Vigano
Browse files

1st step in reorganization of DCT_Documentation

- improved Makefile
- common directory
- fixed layout

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
parent 45b4d976
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
# Variables
# Variables #
# Main documentation
MAIN = main
MAIN_TEXFILES = $(wildcard $(MAIN)/*.tex)
MAIN_TEXFILES = $(wildcard $(MAIN)/*.tex)
# User manual documentation
USER_MANUAL = user_manual
USER_TEXFILES = $(wildcard $(USER_MANUAL)/*.tex)
PHOTO_FILES = $(wildcard photos/*.jpg)
FIGURE_FILES = $(wildcard figures/*.*)
PLOT_FILES = $(wildcard plots/*.*)
USER_TEXFILES = $(wildcard $(USER_MANUAL)/*.tex)
# Common files for each document
COMMON = $(wildcard common/*.tex)
FUNCTIONS = $(wildcard functions/*.tex)
LATEX = pdflatex
# check if all references are there
CHECKCITE = grep 'Citation.*undefined' main.log
# Targets
# Graphics files
PHOTO_FILES = $(wildcard photos/*.jpg)
FIGURE_FILES = $(wildcard figures/*.*)
PLOT_FILES = $(wildcard plots/*.*)
# Dependencies
# Shell and commands
SHELL = /bin/sh
ECHO = /bin/echo -e
RM = /bin/rm
LS = /bin/ls
#LATEX = pdflatex --interaction nonstopmode -shell-escape
LATEX = pdflatex -halt-on-error -shell-escape
BIBTEX = bibtex
VIEWER = evince
# Check if it is needed to rerun LaTeX
RERUN = 'There were undefined references|Rerun to get (cross-references|citations|the bars|outlines) (right|correct)'
# Check if all references and citations are defined
UNDEFINED = '(Reference|Citation) `[[:alnum:]:_-]*[[:punct:]] on page [[:digit:]]+ undefined on input line [[:digit:]]+\.|Label `[[:alnum:]:_-]*[[:punct:]] multiply defined.|Acronym `[[:alnum:]:_-]*[[:punct:]] is not defined on input line [[:digit:]]+\.'
Package acronym Warning: Acronym `OAR' is not defined on input line 105.
# Colors
RED =\033[31m
BOLD =\033[1m
# Targets #
.PHONY: all main user_manual example clean reallyclean help
all: $(MAIN).pdf $(USER_MANUAL).pdf
main: $(MAIN).pdf
manual: $(USER_MANUAL).pdf
example: f_example.tex \
$(LATEX) --interaction nonstopmode f_example.tex
$(LATEX) --interaction nonstopmode f_example.tex
$(MAIN).pdf: $(MAIN).tex \
$(LATEX) --interaction nonstopmode $(MAIN).tex
$(LATEX) --interaction nonstopmode $(MAIN).tex
$(USER_MANUAL).pdf: $(USER_MANUAL).tex \
$(LATEX) --interaction nonstopmode $(USER_MANUAL).tex
$(LATEX) --interaction nonstopmode $(USER_MANUAL).tex
#%.pdf: %.fig
# fig2dev -L pdf $< $@
#%.pdf: src/
# dot -Tpdf -o $@ $<
.PHONY: clean reallyclean
user_manual: $(USER_MANUAL).pdf
example: f_example.tex $(FUNCTIONS)
@$(LATEX) $<
@grep -qE $(RERUN) $(f_example).log && $(LATEX) $<
@grep -qE $(RERUN) $(f_example).log && $(LATEX) $<
@grep -qE $(RERUN) $(f_example).log && $(LATEX) $<
@$(call f_info,f_example)
$(MAIN).pdf: $(MAIN).tex $(MAIN_DEP)
@$(LATEX) $<
@grep -qE $(RERUN) $(MAIN).log && $(LATEX) $<
@grep -qE $(RERUN) $(MAIN).log && $(LATEX) $<
@grep -qE $(RERUN) $(MAIN).log && $(LATEX) $<
@$(call f_info,$(MAIN))
@$(LATEX) $<
@grep -qE $(RERUN) $(USER_MANUAL).log && $(LATEX) $<
@grep -qE $(RERUN) $(USER_MANUAL).log && $(LATEX) $<
@grep -qE $(RERUN) $(USER_MANUAL).log && $(LATEX) $<
@$(call f_info,$(USER_MANUAL))
rm -f *.bbl *.blg
rm -f $(MAIN).pdf $(MAIN).toc $(MAIN).log $(MAIN).out *.aux
rm -f $(USER_MANUAL).toc $(USER_MANUAL).pdf $(USER_MANUAL).log $(USER_MANUAL).out *.aux
rm -f $(MAIN)/*.aux
rm -f $(USER_MANUAL)/*.aux
rm -f functions/*.aux
rm -f f_example.pdf
@$(call f_clean,$(USER_MANUAL))
@$(call f_clean,$(MAIN))
@for file in `$(LS) functions/*.aux 2> /dev/null` ; do \
echo -n "- Deleting $$file ... " && $(RM) $$file ; done
@rm -f f_example.pdf
reallyclean: clean
rm -f *~;\
rm -f *.aux *.log *.out
rm -f *.idx
@echo "Cleaning pdf files :"
@for proj in $(DOCUMENTS=) ; do \
[ -f $$proj.pdf ] && echo -n "- Deleting $$proj.pdf ... " && \
$(RM) $$proj.pdf && echo done ; done
@$(call f_info,$(USER_MANUAL))
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo "Makefile usage:"
@echo "- all : build the pdf for all documents"
@echo "- main : build the pdf for the main documentation"
@echo "- clean : clean intermediate files"
@echo "- reallyclean : clean intermediate files and resulting pdf file"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Functions #
define f_info
$(ECHO) "-----------------------------------------"
# This work but it is ugly when undefined references
#if [ -f $1.blg ] ; then $(ECHO) -n "BibTeX Warnings : $(RED)" && grep '^Warning' $1.blg || $(ECHO) "$(NORMAL)None ; fi
#grep -iE $(UNDEFINED) $1.log || $(ECHO) "$(NORMAL)None"
# This work better
if [ -f $1.blg ] ; then $(ECHO) -n "BibTeX Warnings : " && ($(ECHO) "$(RED)"; grep '^Warning' $1.blg) | sed '$$s/^\x1b\[31m$$/\x1b[0mNone/' ; fi
$(ECHO) -n "$(NORMAL)Citations or references undefined : "
($(ECHO) "$(RED)"; cat $1.log | tr -d '\n' | grep -Eio $(UNDEFINED)) | sed '$$s/^\x1b\[31m$$/\x1b[0mNone/'
$(ECHO) -n "$(NORMAL)Overfull boxes : " && grep -E -c 'Overfull \\[hv]box' $1.log || true
$(ECHO) -n "$(NORMAL)Underfull boxes : " && grep -E -c 'Underfull \\[hv]box' $1.log || true
$(ECHO) -n "$(BOLD)Size of $1.pdf : " && du -h $1.pdf | cut -f 1 && $(ECHO) -n "$(NORMAL)"
$(ECHO) "-----------------------------------------"
define f_clean
echo "Cleaning compilation files for project : $1"
for ext in log aux dvi toc lot lof maf nav out snm bbl blg tns bmt idx hd spl ; do \
if [ -f $1.$$ext ] ; then \
echo -n "- Deleting $1.$$ext ... " && $(RM) $1.$$ext && echo done ; fi ; done
if [ -d $1 ] ; then \
for f in `$(LS) $1/*.aux 2> /dev/null` ; do \
echo -n "- Deleting $${f%.*}.aux ... " && $(RM) $${f%.*}.aux && echo "done" ; done ; fi
for ext in aux bbl blg ; do \
if [ -f $1.1.$$ext ] ; then \
echo -n "- Deleting $1.XXX.$$ext ... " && $(RM) $1.[0-9].$$ext $1.[0-9][0-9].$$ext && echo done ; fi ; done
if [ -f $1.mtc ] ; then \
echo -n "- Deleting $1.mtc* ... " && $(RM) $1.mtc $1.mtc[0-9]* && echo done ; fi
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % use applemac if you are on an apple laptop, ansinew for Windows, but latin1 should be fine for most systems
\usepackage[pdftex, colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, linkcolor=red, citecolor=green, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref} % hyperlinks
\usepackage{acronym} % texlive-latex-extra should be installed to compile with acronym style
\usepackage{subfigure} % OBSOLETE
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsbsy} % match package, eg align statt eqnarray
\usepackage{amsfonts} % set of miscellaneous TeX fonts that augment the standard Computer Modern set normally distributed with TeX
%\usepackage{bm} % to use bold greek letters % OBSOLETE / USELESS
\usepackage{xspace} % extra spaces and lengths
\usepackage{enumerate} % enumerate geht einfach zu aendern zb zu latein 2 anfangen
\usepackage{longtable} % long tables over multiple pages
%\usepackage{draftcopy} % does not work with pdflatex
\usepackage[cm]{fullpage} % shorten margin, wider text layout
\usepackage{listings} % To insert code
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%\usepackage{subcaption} % latest caption package % TOO RECENT FOR REDHAT4
% If you put this into your preamble, floats on pages of their own will appear at the top of the page.
% If it's too high just take a different value than 0pt.
% fig or tab alone on page no longer in center
% Use \index{word} to tag special expressions \printindex will then give you word-page-index
\uchyph=0 % stop hypenation of upper case words
% Distance to figures in floatin environment
%\setlength{\intextsep}{3mm plus2mm minus2mm}
% Fix header layout and space
% Remove all indentation
% autoref names, you can change here the default behaviour link names
% Cosmetics
% define here useful and often used commands to shorten writing unless you define it in acronyms
\newcommand{\dct}{Diffraction Contrast Tomography}
DIV13,%12,% type area
twoside,% bookstyle, even and odd pages style different
openright,% %chapter always starts on the right page
openright,% chapter always starts on the right page
......@@ -16,116 +16,40 @@
pointlessnumbers,% srcreprt
BCOR=15mm, % binding correction
draft %final
%If you put this into your preamble, floats on pages of their own will appear at the top of the page. If it's too high just take a different value than 0pt.
%fig or tab alone on page no longer in center
% put here the usepackage commands
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}%use applemac if you are on an apple laptop, ansinew for Windows, but latin1 should be fine for most systems
\usepackage[pdftex, colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, linkcolor=red, citecolor=green, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref} %hyperlinks
\usepackage{acronym} % texlive-latex-extra should be installed to compile with acronym style
\usepackage[bf, footnotesize, normal]{caption2}[2002/08/03]
\usepackage{amsmath} %match package, eg align statt eqnarray
\usepackage{bm} %to use bold greek letters
\usepackage{xspace} %extra spaces and lengths
\usepackage{enumerate} %enumerate geht einfach zu aendern zb zu latein 2 anfangen
\usepackage{amsfonts} %set of miscellaneous TeX fonts that augment the standard Computer Modern set normally distributed with TeX
\usepackage{longtable} %long tables over multiple pages
%\usepackage{draftcopy} does not work with pdflatex
% use \index{word} to tag special expressions \printindex will then give you word-page-index
\uchyph=0 %stop hypenation of upper case words
%Distance to figures in floatin environment
%\setlength{\intextsep}{3mm plus2mm minus2mm}
%define here useful and often used commands to shorten writing unless you define it in acronyms
\newcommand{\dct}{Diffraction Contrast Tomography}
%autoref names, you can change here the default behaviour link names
% All the packages, settings and commands should be put in the Preamble.tex file
%use include only on top chapter level, in the chapters use \input{sub-file}
% use include only on top chapter level, in the chapters use \input{sub-file}
% put acronyms and technical terms in this chapter, they are then also available in shortform and hyperlinked via \acs{DCT},\acf{DCT},\acl{DCT}
% put acronyms and technical terms in this chapter, they are then also available in shortform and hyperlinked via \acs{DCT},\acf{DCT},\acl{DCT}
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
onelinecaption,% 1st line: centered, otherwise
......@@ -24,99 +24,31 @@
% If you put this into your preamble, floats on pages of their own will appear at the top of the page.
% If it's too high just take a different value than 0pt.
% fig or tab alone on page no longer in center
% put here the usepackage commands
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % use applemac if you are on an apple laptop, ansinew for Windows, but latin1 should be fine for most systems
\usepackage[pdftex, colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, linkcolor=red, citecolor=green, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref} % hyperlinks
\usepackage{acronym} % texlive-latex-extra should be installed to compile with acronym style
\usepackage{amsmath} % match package, eg align statt eqnarray
\usepackage{bm} % to use bold greek letters
\usepackage{xspace} % extra spaces and lengths
\usepackage{enumerate} % enumerate geht einfach zu aendern zb zu latein 2 anfangen
\usepackage{amsfonts} % set of miscellaneous TeX fonts that augment the standard Computer Modern set normally distributed with TeX
\usepackage{longtable} % long tables over multiple pages
\usepackage[bf, footnotesize, normal]{caption2}[2002/08/03]
%\usepackage{draftcopy} does not work with pdflatex
\uchyph=0 % stop hypenation of upper case words
% Distance to figures in floatin environment
%\setlength{\intextsep}{3mm plus2mm minus2mm}
% define here useful and often used commands to shorten writing unless you define it in acronyms
\newcommand{\dct}{Diffraction Contrast Tomography}
% All the packages, settings and commands should be put in the Preamble.tex file
% use include only on top chapter level, in the chapters use \input{sub-file}
% autoref names, you can change here the default behaviour link names
% use include only on top chapter level, in the chapters use \input{sub-file}
% put acronyms and technical terms in this chapter, they are then also available in shortform and hyperlinked via \acs{DCT},\acf{DCT},\acl{DCT}
%\include{texfiles/bibliography} % not used at the moment
% Put acronyms and technical terms in this chapter, they are then also available in shortform and hyperlinked via \acs{DCT},\acf{DCT},\acl{DCT}
%\include{texfiles/bibliography} % not used at the moment
% \pagestyle{empty}
% \begin{center}
% \vspace*{3cm}
% {\Huge DCT User Manual}
{\Huge DCT User Manual}
% \vspace*{1cm}
% Compiled on: \today\par
% % Don't edit the following line (especially between $s because it is automatically put by SVN
% %Subversion $ $Rev$ $
Compiled on: \today\par
% Don't edit the following line (especially between $s because it is automatically put by SVN
%Subversion $ $Rev$ $
% \vspace{2cm}
% {\it editors}\par
{\it editors}\par
% \vspace{5mm}
% % Add your name here if you contribute
% Y. Guilhem, A. King, W. Ludwig, L. Nervo, N. Vigano, P. Reischig, S. Schmiederer
% Add your name here if you contribute
Y. Guilhem, A. King, W. Ludwig, L. Nervo, N. Vigano, P. Reischig, S. Schmiederer
% \end{center}
\title{DCT User Manual\\[1em]Compiled on: \today}
\author{Y. Guilhem \and A. King \and W. Ludwig \and L. Nervo \and N. Vigano \and P. Reischig \and S. Schmiederer}
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