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Commit 92468b4f authored by Nicola Vigano's avatar Nicola Vigano
Browse files

6D-Reconstruction-Twins: added masking out what is outside the parent convex shape for raw images

parent 113b40b3
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......@@ -292,6 +292,9 @@ function [samp_ors, estim_space_bbox_pix, estim_orient_bbox] = gt6DCreateProjDat
% Using the same because it gives the same size/uvw-limits
if (ii_g > 1)
blobs(extended_projs(ii_g).shared_refl) = samp_ors(1).proj(conf.det_index).bl(extended_projs(ii_g).shared_refl_pos_in_parent);
proj_bl_masks = project_masks(samp_ors(ii_g), extended_projs(ii_g), grs(1).fwd_sim(conf.det_index).gv_verts, p, conf);
blobs = assign_masks(blobs, proj_bl_masks, ~extended_projs(ii_g).shared_refl);
fprintf(' - Loading segmented blobs..')
......@@ -689,4 +692,37 @@ function blob = load_blob(img_bboxes, img_sizes, stackUSize, stackVSize, p, conf
blob.intensity = blob_int;
function proj_bl_masks = project_masks(refor, eproj, parent_verts, p, conf)
sel = eproj.ondet(eproj.included);
proj_bl_masks = gt6DSpreadProjectVertices2Det(refor, parent_verts, sel, p, conf.det_index);
function blobs = assign_masks(blobs, proj_mask_blobs, sel)
blobs_u_lims = cat(1, blobs(sel).bbuim);
blobs_v_lims = cat(1, blobs(sel).bbvim);
proj_masks_u_lims = cat(1, proj_mask_blobs(sel).bbuim);
proj_masks_v_lims = cat(1, proj_mask_blobs(sel).bbvim);
shifts = [ ...
(proj_masks_u_lims(:, 1) - blobs_u_lims(:, 1)), ...
(proj_masks_v_lims(:, 1) - blobs_v_lims(:, 1)) ];
shifts(:, 3) = 0;
inds = find(sel);
for ii = 1:numel(inds)
ii_b = inds(ii);
mask = uint8(proj_mask_blobs(ii_b).mask);
mask = mask(:, :, ones(blobs(ii_b).bbsize(3), 1));
blobs(ii_b).mask = gtPlaceSubVolume( ...
zeros(blobs(ii_b).bbsize, 'uint8'), mask, shifts(ii, :) );
blobs(ii_b).intm(~blobs(ii_b).mask) = 0;
blob_int = gtMathsSumNDVol(blobs(ii_b).intm);
blobs(ii_b).intensity = blob_int;
function proj_bls = gt6DSpreadProjectVertices2Det(gr, verts_rec, ondet, parameters, det_ind, verbose)
% FUNCTION proj_bls = gt6DSpreadProjectVertices2Det(gr, verts_rec, ondet, parameters, det_ind, verbose)
if (~exist('verbose', 'var') || isempty(verbose))
verbose = false;
detgeo = parameters.detgeo(det_ind);
labgeo = parameters.labgeo;
samgeo = parameters.samgeo;
recgeo = parameters.recgeo(det_ind);
omstep = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(parameters, det_ind);
r_vecs = cat(1, gr.bb_ors(:).R_vector);
r_vecs = unique(r_vecs, 'rows');
if (size(r_vecs, 1) ~= 8)
error('gt6DSpreadProjectVertices2Det:wrong_argument', ...
'Incoming bb orientations have %d unique orietations (8 were expected)', ...
size(r_vecs, 1))
ors = cell(8, 1);
for ii_o = 1:8
ors{ii_o} = struct('id',, 'phaseid', gr.phaseid, ...
'center',, 'R_vector', r_vecs(ii_o, :));
ors = gtCalculateGrain_p(ors, parameters, 'ref_omind', gr.allblobs.omind);
ors = [ors{:}];
num_blobs = numel(ondet);
proj_bls = gtFwdSimBlobDefinition('blob', num_blobs);
dvecs_lab = zeros(num_blobs, 3, 8);
omegas = zeros(num_blobs, 8);
rot_l2s = zeros(3, 3, num_blobs, 8);
for ii_o = 1:8
dvecs_lab(:, :, ii_o) = ors(ii_o).allblobs.dvec(ondet, :);
omegas(:, ii_o) = ors(ii_o);
rot_l2s(:, :, :, ii_o) = ors(ii_o).allblobs.srot(:, :, ondet);
rot_s2l = permute(rot_l2s, [2 1 3 4]);
if (verbose)
uv = gr.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ondet, 1:2);
ones_verts = ones(size(verts_rec, 1), 1);
gc_sam =, :);
verts_sam = repmat(gtGeoSam2Sam(verts_rec, recgeo, samgeo, false) + gc_sam, [8, 1]);
% Now we project the vertices to the spots and take the convex hull
for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
rot_s2l_w = rot_s2l(:, :, ii_b .* ones_verts, :);
rot_s2l_w = reshape(rot_s2l_w, 3, 3, []);
verts_lab = gtGeoSam2Lab(verts_sam, rot_s2l_w, labgeo, samgeo, false);
dvec_vers = dvecs_lab(ii_b .* ones_verts, :, :);
dvec_vers = reshape(permute(dvec_vers, [1 3 2]), [], 3);
verts_det_pos = gtFedPredictUVMultiple([], dvec_vers', verts_lab', ...
detgeo.detrefpos', detgeo.detnorm', detgeo.Qdet, ...
[detgeo.detrefu, detgeo.detrefv]')';
if (verbose)
f = figure();
ax = axes('parent', f);
hold(ax, 'on')
scatter(ax, verts_det_pos(:, 1), verts_det_pos(:, 2));
scatter(ax, uv(ii_b, 1), uv(ii_b, 2), 30, 'r');
hold(ax, 'off')
verts_idxs = convhull(verts_det_pos);
verts_det_pos = verts_det_pos(verts_idxs, :);
bb_2d = [floor(min(verts_det_pos, [], 1)), ceil(max(verts_det_pos, [], 1))];
bb_2d = [bb_2d(1:2), (bb_2d(3:4) - bb_2d(1:2) + 1)];
mask = zeros(bb_2d(3:4));
verts_mask_pos = round(verts_det_pos) - bb_2d(ones(numel(verts_idxs), 1), 1:2) + 1;
verts_mask_indx = verts_mask_pos(:, 1) + bb_2d(3) * (verts_mask_pos(:, 2) - 1);
mask(verts_mask_indx) = 1;
mask = bwconvhull(mask);
proj_bls(ii_b).bbuim = [bb_2d(1), (bb_2d(1) + bb_2d(3) - 1)];
proj_bls(ii_b).bbvim = [bb_2d(2), (bb_2d(2) + bb_2d(4) - 1)];
proj_bls(ii_b).bbwim = [ ...
floor(min(omegas(ii_b, :)) / omstep), ...
ceil(max(omegas(ii_b, :)) / omstep) ];
proj_bls(ii_b).bbsize = [bb_2d(3:4), 1];
proj_bls(ii_b).mask = mask;
if (verbose)
f = figure();
ax = axes('parent', f);
imshow(mask, 'parent', ax)
0% Loading or .
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