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Commit 8e846e78 authored by Peter Reischig's avatar Peter Reischig Committed by Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Added gtIndexFwdSimGrains and gtIndexFwdSimPairs.

Forward simulation of (u,v,w) diffraction spot positions on the detector.

Signed-off-by: default avatarPeter Reischig <>
parent 203eb63f
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function grain = gtIndexFwdSimGrains(grain, parameters)
% GTINDEXFWDSIMGRAINS Forward simulates the spot positions for all
% reflections in all grains.
% grain = gtIndexFwdSimGrains(grain, parameters)
% ---------------------------------------------------
% grain - cell array containing grains as in index.mat
% parameters - parameters as in the parameters file
% grain.fsim. - added field containing fwd simulation data:
% .cu - U coordinate of center
% .cv - U coordinate of center
% .cw - W (image no.) coordinate of center
% .eta - eta diffraction angle in degrees
% .sinth - sin(theta)
% .plref - plane normal in reference crystal (unstrained theoretical)
% .refind - linear index of reflection in grain
% .thetatype - thetatype
if ~exist('parameters','var')
parameters = load('parameters.mat');
parameters = parameters.parameters;
labgeo = parameters.labgeo;
samgeo = parameters.samgeo;
cryst = parameters.cryst;
energy =;
omstep = 180/parameters.acq.nproj;
% Scaling for Lab -> Detector transformation (mm -> pixels)
detscaleu = 1/labgeo.pixelsizeu ;
detscalev = 1/labgeo.pixelsizev ;
% Rotation tensor components
rotcomp = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(labgeo.rotdir','col');
% Detector projection matrix
Qdet = gtFedDetectorProjectionTensor(labgeo.detdiru', labgeo.detdirv', ...
detscaleu, detscalev);
% B matrix for transformation from (hkl) to Cartesian Crystal reference
Bmat = gtCrystHKL2CartesianMatrix(cryst.latticepar);
% Coordinates of the plane normals in the Cartesian Crystal system
pl_ref = gtCrystHKL2Cartesian(double(cryst.hklsp), Bmat);
refind0 = 1:size(pl_ref,2);
% D-spacings in the reference crystal for the given reflections
dsp_ref = gtCrystDSpacing(double(cryst.hkl(:,cryst.thetatypesp)), Bmat);
% Rotation tensor describing crystal orientation; calculate all grains
% at once for speed-up.
% (gtCrystRodriguesVector and gtFedRod2RotTensor (or Rod2g) used together
% gives the transformation tensor from CRYSTAL TO SAMPLE coordinates)
Rvec = gtIndexAllGrainValues(grain,'R_vector',[],1,1:3);
cry2sam = gtFedRod2RotTensor(Rvec');
% Parallel loop through grains
parfor ii = 1:length(grain)
% Plane normals in the Sample reference
pl_sam = cry2sam(:,:,ii) * pl_ref;
% Impose strain on grain
if ~isfield(grain{ii},'strain')
grain{ii}.strain.strainT = NaN(3,3);
if any(isnan(grain{ii}.strain.strainT(:)))
%fprintf('No strain info in grain #%d. Using as measured plane normals.\n',ii)
pl_samd = pl_sam;
drel = ones(1,size(pl_sam,2));
% New deformed plane normals and relative elongations
[pl_samd, drel] = gtStrainPlaneNormals(pl_sam, grain{ii}.strain.strainT);
% d-spacing after applying the strain tensor
dsp_d = drel .* dsp_ref;
% Bragg angles theta in the deformed state
sinth = 0.5*gtConvEnergyToWavelength(energy)./dsp_d;
% The plane normals need to be brought in the Lab reference where the
% beam direction and rotation axis are defined.
% Use the Sample -> Lab orientation transformation assuming omega=0;
% (vector length preserved for free vectors)
sam2lab = [samgeo.dirx; samgeo.diry; samgeo.dirz]';
pl_labd = sam2lab*pl_samd;
% Predict omega angles: 4 for each (hkl) plane normal (the Friedel pairs are
% om1-om3 and om2-om4); -(hkl) plane normals are assumed not to be in the list
[om4, pllab4, ~, rot4, omind4] = gtFedPredictOmegaMultiple(...
pl_labd, sinth, labgeo.beamdir', labgeo.rotdir', rotcomp, []);
% warning('Check function here! Possible bug!')
% Delete those where no reflection occurs
todel = (isnan(om4(1,:)) | isnan(om4(3,:)));
om4(:,todel) = [];
omind4(:,todel) = [];
sinth(todel) = [];
pllab4(:,todel,:) = [];
rot4(:,:,todel,:) = [];
plref = pl_ref(:,~todel);
refind = refind0(~todel);
thtype = cryst.thetatypesp(~todel);
hklsp = cryst.hklsp(:,~todel);
om = reshape(om4',[],1)';
plref4 = [plref, plref, plref, plref];
sinth4 = [sinth, sinth, sinth, sinth];
thtype4 = [thtype, thtype, thtype, thtype];
refind4 = [refind, refind, refind, refind];
% Diffraction vectors in Lab and Sample
dveclab = gtFedPredictDiffVecMultiple(reshape(pllab4,3,[]), labgeo.beamdir');
%dvecsam = gtGeoLab2Sam(dveclab', om, labgeo,...
% parameters.samgeo, 1, 1)';
% Etend grain center
gc_sam = grain{ii}.center';
gc_sam = gc_sam(:,ones(size(dveclab,2),1));
% Absolute detector coordinates U,V in pixels
uv = gtFedPredictUVMultiple(rot4, dveclab, gc_sam, labgeo.detrefpos', ...
labgeo.detnorm', Qdet, [labgeo.detrefu; labgeo.detrefv]);
% Keep only those spots that fall on the detector
keep = (uv(1,:) >= 1) & (labgeo.detsizeu >= uv(1,:)) & ...
(uv(2,:) >= 1) & (labgeo.detsizev >= uv(2,:));
% Absolute coordinates U,V,W (pixel,pixel,image); to account for
% measurement errors, do not correct for the image number
% to be mod(om,360)/omstep
grain{ii} = uv(1,keep);
grain{ii} = uv(2,keep);
grain{ii} = om(keep)/omstep;
grain{ii}.fsim.eta = gtGeoEtaFromDiffVec(dveclab(:,keep)', labgeo)';
grain{ii}.fsim.sinth = sinth4(keep);
grain{ii}.fsim.plref = plref4(:,keep);
grain{ii}.fsim.refind = refind4(:,keep);
grain{ii}.fsim.thetatype = thtype4(keep);
%grain{ii}.fsim.dveclab = reshape(dveclab,3,[],4);
%grain{ii}.fsim.dvecsam = reshape(dvecsam,3,[],4);
end % of main function
function grain = gtIndexFwdSimPairs(grain, labgeo, samgeo, drift, ...
latticepar, omstep, energy)
% GTINDEXFWDSIMPAIRS Forward simulates spot positions on the detector
% for all spots indexed as Friedel pairs.
% grain = gtIndexFwdSimPairs(grain, labgeo, samgeo, drift, ...
% latticepar, omstep, energy)
% ---------------------------------------------------
% grain - cell array containing grains as in index.mat
% labgeo - as in parameters.labgeo
% samgeo - as in parameters.samgeo
% drift - sample drifts; if empty, no drifts are considered
% latticepar - lattice parameters (1x6)
% omstep - omega rotational stepping (degrees/image)
% energy - beam energy in keV
% grain.fsimA - added field containing fwd simulation data for spots A
% grain.fsimB - added field containing fwd simulation data for spots B
%% Prepare input
% B matrix for transformation from (hkl) to Cartesian Crystal reference
Bmat = gtCrystHKL2CartesianMatrix(latticepar);
% Scaling for Lab -> Detector transformation (mm -> pixels)
detscaleu = 1/labgeo.pixelsizeu ;
detscalev = 1/labgeo.pixelsizev ;
% Rotation tensor components
rotcomp = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(labgeo.rotdir','col');
% Detector projection matrix
Qdet = gtFedDetectorProjectionTensor(labgeo.detdiru', labgeo.detdirv', ...
detscaleu, detscalev);
% Rotation tensor describing crystal orientation; calculate all grains
% at once for speed-up.
% (gtCrystRodriguesVector and gtFedRod2RotTensor (or Rod2g) used together
% gives the transformation tensor from CRYSTAL TO SAMPLE coordinates)
Rvec = gtIndexAllGrainValues(grain,'R_vector',[],1,1:3);
cry2sam = gtFedRod2RotTensor(Rvec');
for ii = 1:length(grain)
if ~isfield(grain{ii},'strain')
grain{ii}.strain.strainT = NaN(3,3);
%% Theoretical plane normals in deformed state
% Coordinates of the plane normals in the Cartesian Crystal system
pl_cry = gtCrystHKL2Cartesian(grain{ii}.hklsp, Bmat);
grain{ii}.plref = pl_cry;
% Plane normals in the undrifted SAMPLE reference
pl_sam = cry2sam(:,:,ii) * pl_cry;
% Impose strain on grain
if any(isnan(grain{ii}.strain.strainT(:)))
%fprintf('No strain info in grain #%d. Using as measured plane normals.\n',ii)
pl_samd = pl_sam;
drel = ones(1,size(pl_sam,2));
% New deformed plane normals and relative elongations
[pl_samd, drel] = gtStrainPlaneNormals(pl_sam, grain{ii}.strain.strainT);
% D-spacings in the reference crystal for the given reflections
dsp_ref = gtCrystDSpacing(grain{ii}.hkl, Bmat);
% d-spacing after applying the strain tensor
dsp_d = drel .* dsp_ref;
%% Apply rotational drift
if ~isempty(drift)
% In case of drifts, need to calculate the omega angles for A and
% B reflections separately.
grain{ii}.fsimA = sfApplyDrifts(pl_samd, dsp_d, grain{ii}.center',...
grain{ii}.omegaA, drift, labgeo, samgeo, rotcomp, Qdet, omstep, energy);
grain{ii}.fsimB = sfApplyDrifts(pl_samd, dsp_d, grain{ii}.center',...
grain{ii}.omegaB, drift, labgeo, samgeo, rotcomp, Qdet, omstep, energy);
% In case of no drifts, the omega angles for reflections A and B
% can be calculated together.
% Bragg angles theta in the deformed state
sinth_d = 0.5*gtConvEnergyToWavelength(energy)./dsp_d;
% The plane normals need to be brought in the Lab reference where the
% beam direction and rotation axis are defined.
% Use the Sample -> Lab orientation transformation assuming omega=0;
% (vector length preserved for free vectors)
sam2lab = [samgeo.dirx; samgeo.diry; samgeo.dirz]';
pld = sam2lab*pl_samd;
% Predict omega angles: 4 for each plane normal (the Friedel pairs are
% om1-om3 and om2-om4)
% Do it only once, for A and B at the same time.
[om4, pl_lab4, ~, rot4, omind4] = gtFedPredictOmegaMultiple(...
pld, sinth_d, labgeo.beamdir', labgeo.rotdir', rotcomp, []);
% Check if all reflections occur
noref = any(isnan(om4), 1);
if any(noref)
msg = sprintf('No reflection was predicted for some pairs in grain #%d', ii);
% Get fwd simulated data for reflections A and B.
% Find the correct omega index for the pairs where the difference is
% the smallest (shouldn't matter if is the measured one
% or the one corrected for the pair).
grain{ii}.fsimA = sfFwdSim(grain{ii}.omegaA, grain{ii}.center', ...
sinth_d, om4, pl_lab4, rot4, omind4, labgeo, samgeo, Qdet, omstep);
grain{ii}.fsimB = sfFwdSim(grain{ii}.omegaB, grain{ii}.center', ...
sinth_d, om4, pl_lab4, rot4, omind4, labgeo, samgeo, Qdet, omstep);
% Extra info
if 1
grain{ii}.fsimA.drel = drel;
grain{ii}.fsimB.drel = drel;
grain{ii}.fsimA.plsam = pl_samd;
grain{ii}.fsimB.plsam = pl_samd;
end % of main function
function fsim = sfApplyDrifts(pl, dsp, gc, om, drift, labgeo, ...
samgeo, rotcomp, Qdet, omstep, energy)
% pl - plane normals before drifts
% sinth - sin(theta) in deformed state
% om - omega-s to interpolate the rotational drift
% gc - grain center in Sample reference before drift
% Use the measured omega position as an approximation to calculate
% the drifts, because the fwd simulated is not yet known. As the
% drifts are assumed smooth and slow, this is a good approximation.
% Plane normals, grain centers and sin(theta) after drifts
[pld, gcd, sinthd] = gtFitApplyDrifts(pl, gc, dsp, om, drift, energy);
% The plane normals need to be brought in the Lab reference where the
% beam direction and rotation axis are defined.
% Use the Sample -> Lab rotation assuming omega=0;
% (samgeo.dir norm is always 1, so sam2lab will be preserve vector norms)
sam2lab = [samgeo.dirx; samgeo.diry; samgeo.dirz]';
pld = sam2lab*pld;
% Predict omega angles: 4 for each plane normal (the Friedel pairs are
% om1-om3 and om2-om4)
[om4, pllab4, ~, rot4, omind4] = gtFedPredictOmegaMultiple(...
pld, sinthd, labgeo.beamdir', labgeo.rotdir', rotcomp, []);
% Check if all reflections occur
noref = any(isnan(om4), 1);
if any(noref)
error('No reflection was predicted for some pairs in grain.');
% Find the correct omega index for the pairs where the difference is
% the smallest (shouldn't matter if is the measured one
% or the one corrected for the pair).
% Get fwd simulated data for the observed reflections
fsim = sfFwdSim(om, gcd, ...
sinthd, om4, pllab4, rot4, omind4, labgeo, samgeo, Qdet, omstep);
function fsim = sfFwdSim(om_mes, gcsam, sinth, om4, pllab4, rot4, ...
omind4, labgeo, samgeo, Qdet, omstep)
% Provides the fwd simulation data for a given omega index set.
% Absolute differences
dom = om4 - om_mes([1 1 1 1],:);
% Find the indices with the smallest absolute difference; consider
% errors and periodicity of 360deg in omega
[~, ind] = min( abs( [dom; dom - 360; dom + 360] ) , [], 1);
% Predicted omega is 360deg more
omhigh = ( (5 <= ind) & (ind <= 8) );
% Predicted omega is 360deg less
omlow = ( (9 <= ind) & (ind <= 12) );
% Correct indices
ind(omhigh) = ind(omhigh) - 4;
ind(omlow) = ind(omlow) - 8;
% Get final omega angles (can be <0) using the corresponding linear
% indices of omind4
linind = ind + (0:length(ind)-1)*4; = om4(linind); = - 360; = + 360;
% Omega index
fsim.omind = omind4(linind);
% Omegas in a column vector
ind1 = (ind==1);
ind2 = (ind==2);
ind3 = (ind==3);
ind4 = (ind==4);
% Extract the correct pllab vectors according to omind
fsim.pllab = zeros(3, length(ind));
fsim.pllab(:,ind1) = pllab4(:,ind1,1);
fsim.pllab(:,ind2) = pllab4(:,ind2,2);
fsim.pllab(:,ind3) = pllab4(:,ind3,3);
fsim.pllab(:,ind4) = pllab4(:,ind4,4);
% Extract the correct rotation matrices according to omind
fsim.rot = zeros(3, 3, length(ind));
fsim.rot(:,:,ind1) = rot4(:,:,ind1,1);
fsim.rot(:,:,ind2) = rot4(:,:,ind2,2);
fsim.rot(:,:,ind3) = rot4(:,:,ind3,3);
fsim.rot(:,:,ind4) = rot4(:,:,ind4,4);
% Diffraction vector
fsim.dveclab = gtFedPredictDiffVecMultiple(fsim.pllab, labgeo.beamdir');
fsim.dvecsam = gtGeoLab2Sam(fsim.dveclab',, labgeo, samgeo, 1, 1)';
% Make sure grain center is extended
gcsam = gcsam(:,ones(size(fsim.dveclab,2),1));
% Absolute detector coordinates U,V in pixels
uv = gtFedPredictUVMultiple(fsim.rot, fsim.dveclab, gcsam, labgeo.detrefpos', ...
labgeo.detnorm', Qdet, [labgeo.detrefu; labgeo.detrefv]);
% Absolute coordinates U,V,W (pixel,pixel,image); to account for
% measurement errors, do not correct for the image number
% to be mod(om,360)/omstep
fsim.uvw = [uv;];
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