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Commit 6f410cca authored by Nicola Vigano's avatar Nicola Vigano Committed by Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Shape-functions: introduced fwd-projected sf generation support

parent 51a9db92
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......@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ classdef GtGrainODFuvwSolver < GtGrainODFwSolver
num_vox_centers = size(self.voxel_centers, 1);
recgeo = self.parameters.recgeo(self.sampler.detector_index);
switch (self.shape_functions_type)
case 'nw2uvw'
recgeo = self.parameters.recgeo(self.sampler.detector_index);
sf_nw = gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateNW(self.sampler, 2, ...
'data_type', self.data_type);
......@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ classdef GtGrainODFuvwSolver < GtGrainODFwSolver
fprintf('(%3d/%03d) ', ii_v, num_vox_centers);
disp_sampler = self.sampler.regenerate_displaced(self.voxel_centers(ii_v, :));
self.shape_functions{ii_v} = gtDefShapeFunctionsFwdProjUVW( ...
disp_sampler, 'factor', 15, ...
'recenter_sf', false, ...
'data_type', self.data_type);
self.shape_functions{ii_v} = gtDefShapeFunctionsFwdProj( ...
disp_sampler, 'recenter_sf', false, ...
'data_type', self.data_type, ...
'rspace_voxel_size', recgeo.voxsize * self.rspace_downscaling);
sfs = self.shape_functions;
save([shape_functions_name '.mat'], 'sfs', '-v7.3')
......@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ function bl = gtDefFwdProjGvdm(grain, ref_sel, gv, fedpars, parameters, det_ind,
uvw_shifts = round(or_uvw)';
linear_interp = ~(isfield(fedpars, 'projector') && strcmpi(projector, 'nearest'));
linear_interp = ~(isfield(fedpars, 'projector') ...
&& strcmpi(fedpars.projector, 'nearest'));
num_oversampling = size(gv.d, 3);
gvpow = gv.pow(1, uinds);
function bl = gtDefFwdProjGvdm2NW(grain, ref_sel, gv, fedpars, parameters, eta_step, det_ind, verbose)
if (~exist('det_ind', 'var'))
det_ind = 1;
if (~exist('verbose', 'var'))
verbose = true;
o = GtConditionalOutput(verbose);
o.fprintf('Forward projection (%s):\n', mfilename)
nbl = numel(ref_sel);
uinds = gv.used_ind;
nv = numel(uinds);
labgeo = parameters.labgeo;
samgeo = parameters.samgeo;
om_step = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(parameters, det_ind);
g = gtMathsRod2OriMat(grain.R_vector);
if (strcmpi(fedpars.defmethod, 'rod_rightstretch'))
if (isfield(grain.allblobs, 'plcry'))
pls_orig = grain.allblobs.plcry(ref_sel, :);
% We bring the plane normals back to the status of pl_cry
pls_orig = grain.allblobs.plorig(ref_sel, :);
pls_orig = gtVectorLab2Cryst(pls_orig, g);
pls_orig = grain.allblobs.plorig(ref_sel, :);
sinths = grain.allblobs.sintheta(ref_sel);
ominds = grain.allblobs.omind(ref_sel);
ref_ws = grain.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ref_sel, 3);
w_shifts = round(ref_ws);
ref_ns = grain.allblobs.eta(ref_sel);
n_shifts = round(ref_ns ./ eta_step);
% The plane normals need to be brought in the Lab reference where the
% beam direction and rotation axis are defined.
% Use the Sample -> Lab orientation transformation assuming omega=0;
% (vector length preserved for free vectors)
pls_orig = gtGeoSam2Lab(pls_orig, eye(3), labgeo, samgeo, true, false);
linear_interp = ~(isfield(fedpars, 'projector') ...
&& strcmpi(fedpars.projector, 'nearest'));
gvpow = gv.pow(1, uinds);
gvd = gv.d(:, uinds);
% Deformation tensor (relative to reference state) from its components
defT = gtFedDefTensorFromComps(gvd, fedpars.dcomps, fedpars.defmethod, 0);
%%% Computation of indices
o.fprintf(' * Computing indices and bbsizes: ')
t = tic();
nw = cell(nbl, 1);
nw_min = zeros(nbl, 2);
nw_max = zeros(nbl, 2);
valid_voxels = false(nv, nbl);
for ii_b = 1:nbl
num_chars = o.fprintf('%03d/%03d', ii_b, nbl);
% Calculate new detector coordinates
% New deformed plane normals and relative elongations (relative to
% reference state)
pl_orig = pls_orig(ii_b, :)'; % ! use plcry and not plsam to keep omega order below!
[pl_samd, drel] = gtStrainPlaneNormals(pl_orig, defT); % unit column vectors
% New sin(theta)
sinth = sinths(ii_b) ./ drel;
% Predict omega angles: 4 for each plane normal
[om, pl_lab] = gtFedPredictOmegaMultiple(pl_samd, sinth, labgeo.beamdir', ...
labgeo.rotdir', labgeo.rotcomp, ominds(ii_b));
valid_voxels(:, ii_b) = ~isnan(om);
% Delete those where no reflection occurs
if (any(isnan(om)))
inds_bad = find(isnan(om));
gvd(:, inds_bad(1:min(10, numel(inds_bad))))
warning('gtFedFwdProjExact:bad_R_vectors', ...
'No diffraction from some elements after deformation (%d over %d) for blob %d.', ...
numel(inds_bad), numel(om), ii_b)
nw_bl = om ./ om_step;
nw_bl = gtGrainAnglesTabularFix360deg(nw_bl, ref_ws(ii_b), parameters);
nw_bl = nw_bl - w_shifts(ii_b);
n_bl = gtGeoEtaFromDiffVec(pl_lab', parameters.labgeo)';
n_bl = gtGrainAnglesTabularFix360deg(n_bl, ref_ns(ii_b));
n_bl = n_bl ./ eta_step - n_shifts(ii_b);
nw{ii_b} = [n_bl; nw_bl];
nw_min(ii_b, :) = min(nw{ii_b}, [], 2);
nw_max(ii_b, :) = max(nw{ii_b}, [], 2);
o.fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]));
o.fprintf('Done in %g s\n', toc(t));
o.fprintf(' * Computing max BBox size and feasibilities:\n')
if (linear_interp)
blob_nw_sizes = ceil(nw_max) - floor(nw_min) + 1;
blob_orig_nw_shifts = 1 - floor(nw_min);
blob_nw_sizes = round(nw_max) - round(nw_min) + 1;
blob_orig_nw_shifts = 1 - round(nw_min);
o.fprintf(' Computed Blob N sizes: [%s]\n', sprintf(' %d', blob_nw_sizes(:, 1)));
o.fprintf(' Computed Blob W sizes: [%s]\n', sprintf(' %d', blob_nw_sizes(:, 2)));
bl = gtFwdSimBlobDefinition('sf_nw', nbl);
%%% Blob projection
o.fprintf(' * Projecting volumes: ')
t = tic();
for ii_b = 1:nbl
num_chars = o.fprintf('%03d/%03d', ii_b, nbl);
% Detector coordinates U,V in blob
nw_bl = nw{ii_b} + blob_orig_nw_shifts(ii_b * ones(1, nv), :)';
% Let's now filter valid voxels
nw_bl = nw_bl(:, valid_voxels(:, ii_b))';
gvpow_v = reshape(gvpow(valid_voxels(:, ii_b)), [], 1);
% Sum intensities
% Distribute value over 8 pixels
if (linear_interp)
[inds_nw, ints_nw] = gtMathsGetInterpolationIndices(nw_bl, ...
gvpow_v, fedpars.bltype);
inds_nw = round(nw_bl);
ints_nw = gvpow_v;
% Accumulate all intensities in the blob voxel-wise
% 'uvw' needs to be nx1; 'ints' is now 1xnx8
bl(ii_b).intm = accumarray(inds_nw, ints_nw, blob_nw_sizes(ii_b, :));
catch mexc
fprintf(['\n\nERROR\nThe error is probably caused by the' ...
' projected intensities falling outside the blob volume.' ...
'\nTry increasing the blob volume padding:' ...
' fedpars.detector(det_ind).blobsizeadd, or FIXING' ...
' YOUR CODE!!\n\n'])
disp('Blob ID:')
disp('Blob size:')
disp('Min projected NW coordinate:')
fprintf('\t%g\t%g \t(rounded: %d %d )\n', ...
min(nw_bl, [], 1), min(inds_nw, [], 1))
disp('Max projected W coordinate:')
fprintf('\t%g \t(rounded: %d )\n', ...
max(nw_bl, [], 1), max(inds_nw, [], 1))
new_exc = GtFedExceptionFwdProj(mexc, det_ind, [0 0 0]);
bl(ii_b).bbsize = blob_nw_sizes(ii_b, :);
bl(ii_b).bbnim = ([nw_min(ii_b, 1), nw_max(ii_b, 1)] + n_shifts(ii_b)) .* eta_step;
im_w_low_lim = w_shifts(ii_b) - blob_orig_nw_shifts(ii_b, 2) + 1;
bl(ii_b).bbwim = [im_w_low_lim, im_w_low_lim + bl(ii_b).bbsize(2) - 1];
o.fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]));
o.fprintf('Done in %g s\n', toc(t));
function bl = gtDefFwdProjGvdm2W(grain, ref_sel, gv, fedpars, parameters, det_ind, verbose)
if (~exist('det_ind', 'var'))
det_ind = 1;
if (~exist('verbose', 'var'))
verbose = true;
o = GtConditionalOutput(verbose);
o.fprintf('Forward projection (%s):\n', mfilename)
nbl = numel(ref_sel);
uinds = gv.used_ind;
nv = numel(uinds);
labgeo = parameters.labgeo;
samgeo = parameters.samgeo;
om_step = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(parameters, det_ind);
g = gtMathsRod2OriMat(grain.R_vector);
if (strcmpi(fedpars.defmethod, 'rod_rightstretch'))
if (isfield(grain.allblobs, 'plcry'))
pls_orig = grain.allblobs.plcry(ref_sel, :);
% We bring the plane normals back to the status of pl_cry
pls_orig = grain.allblobs.plorig(ref_sel, :);
pls_orig = gtVectorLab2Cryst(pls_orig, g);
pls_orig = grain.allblobs.plorig(ref_sel, :);
sinths = grain.allblobs.sintheta(ref_sel);
ominds = grain.allblobs.omind(ref_sel);
ref_ws = grain.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ref_sel, 3);
w_shifts = round(ref_ws);
% The plane normals need to be brought in the Lab reference where the
% beam direction and rotation axis are defined.
% Use the Sample -> Lab orientation transformation assuming omega=0;
% (vector length preserved for free vectors)
pls_orig = gtGeoSam2Lab(pls_orig, eye(3), labgeo, samgeo, true, false);
linear_interp = ~(isfield(fedpars, 'projector') ...
&& strcmpi(fedpars.projector, 'nearest'));
gvpow = gv.pow(1, uinds);
gvd = gv.d(:, uinds);
% Deformation tensor (relative to reference state) from its components
defT = gtFedDefTensorFromComps(gvd, fedpars.dcomps, fedpars.defmethod, 0);
%%% Computation of indices
o.fprintf(' * Computing indices and bbsizes: ')
t = tic();
w = cell(nbl, 1);
w_min = zeros(nbl, 1);
w_max = zeros(nbl, 1);
valid_voxels = false(nv, nbl);
for ii_b = 1:nbl
num_chars = o.fprintf('%03d/%03d', ii_b, nbl);
% Calculate new detector coordinates
% New deformed plane normals and relative elongations (relative to
% reference state)
pl_orig = pls_orig(ii_b, :)'; % ! use plcry and not plsam to keep omega order below!
[pl_samd, drel] = gtStrainPlaneNormals(pl_orig, defT); % unit column vectors
% New sin(theta)
sinth = sinths(ii_b) ./ drel;
% Predict omega angles: 4 for each plane normal
om = gtFedPredictOmegaMultiple(pl_samd, sinth, labgeo.beamdir', ...
labgeo.rotdir', labgeo.rotcomp, ominds(ii_b));
valid_voxels(:, ii_b) = ~isnan(om);
% Delete those where no reflection occurs
if (any(isnan(om)))
inds_bad = find(isnan(om));
gvd(:, inds_bad(1:min(10, numel(inds_bad))))
warning('gtFedFwdProjExact:bad_R_vectors', ...
'No diffraction from some elements after deformation (%d over %d) for blob %d.', ...
numel(inds_bad), numel(om), ii_b)
w_bl = om ./ om_step;
w_bl = gtGrainAnglesTabularFix360deg(w_bl, ref_ws(ii_b), parameters);
w_bl = w_bl - w_shifts(ii_b);
w{ii_b} = w_bl;
w_min(ii_b, :) = min(w{ii_b});
w_max(ii_b, :) = max(w{ii_b});
o.fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]));
o.fprintf('Done in %g s\n', toc(t));
o.fprintf(' * Computing max BBox size and feasibilities:\n')
if (linear_interp)
blob_w_sizes = ceil(w_max) - floor(w_min) + 1;
blob_orig_w_shifts = 1 - floor(w_min);
blob_w_sizes = round(w_max) - round(w_min) + 1;
blob_orig_w_shifts = 1 - round(w_min);
o.fprintf(' Computed Blob W sizes: [%s]\n', sprintf(' %d', blob_w_sizes));
bl = gtFwdSimBlobDefinition('sf_w', nbl);
%%% Blob projection
o.fprintf(' * Projecting volumes: ')
t = tic();
for ii_b = 1:nbl
num_chars = o.fprintf('%03d/%03d', ii_b, nbl);
% Detector coordinates U,V in blob
w_bl = w{ii_b} + blob_orig_w_shifts(ii_b * ones(1, nv))';
% Let's now filter valid voxels
w_bl = w_bl(:, valid_voxels(:, ii_b))';
gvpow_v = reshape(gvpow(valid_voxels(:, ii_b)), [], 1);
% Sum intensities
% Distribute value over 8 pixels
if (linear_interp)
[inds_w, ints_w] = gtMathsGetInterpolationIndices(w_bl, ...
gvpow_v, fedpars.bltype);
inds_w = round(w_bl);
ints_w = gvpow_v;
% Accumulate all intensities in the blob voxel-wise
% 'uvw' needs to be nx1; 'ints' is now 1xnx8
bl(ii_b).intm = accumarray(inds_w, ints_w, [blob_w_sizes(ii_b), 1]);
catch mexc
fprintf(['\n\nERROR\nThe error is probably caused by the' ...
' projected intensities falling outside the blob volume.' ...
'\nTry increasing the blob volume padding:' ...
' fedpars.detector(det_ind).blobsizeadd, or FIXING' ...
' YOUR CODE!!\n\n'])
disp('Blob ID:')
disp('Blob size:')
disp('Min projected W coordinate:')
fprintf('\t%g \t(rounded: %d )\n', ...
min(w_bl, [], 1), min(inds_w, [], 1))
disp('Max projected W coordinate:')
fprintf('\t%g \t(rounded: %d )\n', ...
max(w_bl, [], 1), max(inds_w, [], 1))
new_exc = GtFedExceptionFwdProj(mexc, det_ind, [0 0 0]);
bl(ii_b).bbsize = blob_w_sizes(ii_b);
im_low_lim = w_shifts(ii_b) - blob_orig_w_shifts(ii_b) + 1;
bl(ii_b).bbwim = [im_low_lim, im_low_lim + bl(ii_b).bbsize - 1];
o.fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]));
o.fprintf('Done in %g s\n', toc(t));
function shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsFwdProjUVW(sampler, varargin)
function shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsFwdProj(sampler, varargin)
conf = struct( ...
'shape_function_type', 'uvw', ...
'recenter_sf', true, ...
'data_type', 'double', ...
'factor', 1, ...
'factor', 5, ...
'rspace_oversampling', 1, ...
'rspace_voxel_size', [1 1 1], ...
'interpolated_voxel', false);
'interpolated_voxel', false, ...
'projector', 'nearest');
conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
num_detectors = numel(sampler.parameters.detgeo);
......@@ -22,15 +24,20 @@ function shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsFwdProjUVW(sampler, varargin)
'bltype', conf.data_type, ...
'dcomps', [1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] == 1, ...
'defmethod', 'rod_rightstretch', ...
'detector', repmat( fed_pars_detector, [num_detectors, 1]));
'detector', repmat( fed_pars_detector, [num_detectors, 1]), ...
'projector', conf.projector );
voxel_factor = conf.factor([1 1 1]);
num_sub_voxels = prod(voxel_factor);
voxel_size = sampler.stats.sampling.gaps;
space_res = tand(sampler.estimate_maximum_resolution() ./ 2);
voxel_sampling = max(ceil(voxel_size ./ space_res * conf.factor), 5);
num_sub_voxels = prod(voxel_sampling);
ones_nsv = ones(num_sub_voxels, 1);
gv = struct('pcs', [], 'ind', [], 'd', [], 'pow', []);
[gv.ind(:, 1), gv.ind(:, 2), gv.ind(:, 3)] = ind2sub(voxel_factor, 1:num_sub_voxels);
[gv.ind(:, 1), gv.ind(:, 2), gv.ind(:, 3)] = ind2sub(voxel_sampling, 1:num_sub_voxels);
gv.ind = gv.ind';
ref_gr = sampler.get_reference_grain();
......@@ -40,10 +47,10 @@ function shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsFwdProjUVW(sampler, varargin)
voxel_size = sampler.stats.sampling.gaps;
if (conf.interpolated_voxel)
half_voxel_size = voxel_size; % Enlarging to neighbours
steps = voxel_size ./ voxel_factor * 2;
steps = voxel_size ./ voxel_sampling * 2;
half_voxel_size = voxel_size ./ 2;
steps = voxel_size ./ voxel_factor;
steps = voxel_size ./ voxel_sampling;
half_steps = steps ./ 2;
beg_pos = - half_voxel_size + half_steps;
......@@ -83,7 +90,7 @@ function shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsFwdProjUVW(sampler, varargin)
num_ors = numel(sampler.lattice(1).gr);
shape_funcs = cell(num_ors, 1);
fprintf('Computing UVW shape functions: ')
fprintf('Computing %s shape functions: ', upper(conf.shape_function_type))
c = tic();
for ii_g = 1:num_ors
num_chars = fprintf('%03d/%03d', ii_g, num_ors);
......@@ -91,10 +98,20 @@ function shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsFwdProjUVW(sampler, varargin)
or = sampler.lattice(1).gr{ii_g};
or_gv = gv;
or_gv.d = gtMathsRodSum(or.R_vector', or_gv.d);
shape_funcs{ii_g} = gtDefFwdProjGvdm(or, sel_bls, or_gv, ...
fedpars, sampler.parameters, det_ind, false);
or_gv.d = gtMathsRodSum(gv.d, or.R_vector');
switch (lower(conf.shape_function_type))
case 'w'
shape_funcs{ii_g} = gtDefFwdProjGvdm2W(or, sel_bls, or_gv, ...
fedpars, sampler.parameters, det_ind, false);
case 'nw'
eta_step = 2 * atand(space_res(1));
shape_funcs{ii_g} = gtDefFwdProjGvdm2NW(or, sel_bls, or_gv, ...
fedpars, sampler.parameters, eta_step, det_ind, false);
case 'uvw'
shape_funcs{ii_g} = gtDefFwdProjGvdm(or, sel_bls, or_gv, ...
fedpars, sampler.parameters, det_ind, false);
fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]));
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