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Commit 666f2be5 authored by Nicola Vigano's avatar Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Forward Simulation: fixed twin variant search, and added initial multi-detector search support

(multi-detector not fully implemented yet!)

Signed-off-by: default avatarNicola Vigano <>
parent f3196084
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......@@ -118,8 +118,6 @@ end
labgeo = parameters.labgeo;
samgeo = parameters.samgeo;
det_index = 1;
if (~isfield(parameters.seg, 'writehdf5') || ~parameters.seg.writehdf5)
error('gtForwardSimulate_v2:wrong_parameter', ...
[ 'Segmentation has to write HDF5 blobs in order for ' ...
......@@ -143,13 +141,18 @@ elseif (~isempty(varargin))
% in interactive mode we can modify parameters
[parameters.fsim, rej_pars] = parse_pv_pairs(parameters.fsim, varargin);
twin_params = struct( ...
conf = struct( ...
'det_index', [], ...
'twin_angles', zeros(0, 1), ...
'twin_axes', zeros(0, 3) );
if (~exist('rej_pars', 'var'))
rej_pars = {};
[twin_params, rej_pars] = parse_pv_pairs(twin_params, rej_pars);
[conf, rej_pars] = parse_pv_pairs(conf, rej_pars);
if (isempty(conf.det_index))
conf.det_index = 1:numel(detgeo);
indexgrainModel = fullfile(parameters.acq.dir, '4_grains', 'phase_%02d', 'index.mat');
fprintf('\nLoading indexing results...\n');
......@@ -218,168 +221,181 @@ for n = first : last
%%% Predict spot positions
gr = gtCalculateGrain(gr, parameters);
uvw = gr.allblobs.detector(det_index).uvw;
%%% Get:
% - average difspot X and Y sizes for the current spots in the grain
% - theshold values used during the database search
% - offset in possible lateral grain orientation
% - diffstack Vertical and Horizontal sizes
spotsCommProps = gtFwdSimGetDiffspotsCommonProperties(gr, parameters, det_index);
proj = gtFwdSimProjDefinition('fwd_sim', numel(conf.det_index));
fwd_sim = repmat(gtFwdSimDataStructureDefinition(0), [numel(conf.det_index), 1]);
%%% Get the indices of all spots which fully intersect the active
% region of the detector
onDet = gtFwdSimFindSpotsOnDetector(spotsCommProps, uvw, parameters);
for ii_d = conf.det_index
uvw = gr.allblobs.detector(ii_d).uvw;
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Producing blob masks..')
%%% Get:
% - average difspot X and Y sizes for the current spots in the grain
% - theshold values used during the database search
% - offset in possible lateral grain orientation
% - diffstack Vertical and Horizontal sizes
spotsCommProps = gtFwdSimGetDiffspotsCommonProperties(gr, parameters, ii_d);
proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_indexed( ...
gr, grain, segmentedSpots, spotsCommProps, onDet, parameters, det_index);
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Preallocating structs..')
if (parameters.fsim.assemble_figure)
full = zeros(detgeo(det_index).detsizev, detgeo(det_index).detsizeu);
full = [];
% number of exspected diffraction spots
numspots = numel(onDet);
%%% Get the indices of all spots which fully intersect the active
% region of the detector
ondet = gtFwdSimFindSpotsOnDetector(spotsCommProps, uvw, parameters);
% Diffraction vectors directions
diff_beam_dirs = zeros(numspots, 3);
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Producing blob masks..')
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Matching reflections and spots..');
proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_indexed( ...
gr, grain, segmentedSpots, spotsCommProps, ondet, parameters, ii_d);
%%% Forward simulation:
% We try to match the reflections with the segmented spots, so we
% examine all hklsp and search corresponding spots / intensity on the
% detector..
%%% But also build the diffraction blob stack
[fwd_sim, bl] = forward_simulate_grain(gr, onDet, spotsCommProps, ...
segmentedSpots, proj_bls, parameters, det_index);
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Preallocating structs..')
%%% Re-check flag == 1, to see if there's intensity at the predicted
% position, if requested.
if (parameters.fsim.check_spot)
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Checking spots in Raw images..');
toBeChecked = find(fwd_sim.flag == 1);
for ii = reshape(toBeChecked, 1, []);
[found_intensity, spotInfo] = gtFwdSimCheckSpotInRawImages(...
uvw(onDet(ii), :), spotsCommProps, parameters);
if (found_intensity)
% Found intensity in FULL images at predicted position
fwd_sim.flag(ii) = 2;
if (parameters.fsim.assemble_figure)
full = zeros(detgeo(ii_d).detsizev, detgeo(ii_d).detsizeu);
full = [];
if (parameters.fsim.assemble_figure)
full = gtPlaceSubImage2(, full,,, 'summed');
% number of exspected diffraction spots
numspots = numel(ondet);
% Diffraction vectors directions
diff_beam_dirs = zeros(numspots, 3);
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Matching reflections and spots..');
%%% Forward simulation:
% We try to match the reflections with the segmented spots, so we
% examine all hklsp and search corresponding spots / intensity on
% the detector..
%%% But also build the diffraction blob stack
[fwd_sim(ii_d), bl] = forward_simulate_grain(gr, ondet, ...
spotsCommProps, segmentedSpots, proj_bls, parameters, ii_d);
%%% Re-check flag == 1, to see if there's intensity at the
% predicted position, if requested.
if (parameters.fsim.check_spot)
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Checking spots in Raw images..');
toBeChecked = find(fwd_sim(ii_d).flag == 1);
for ii = reshape(toBeChecked, 1, []);
[found_intensity, spotInfo] = gtFwdSimCheckSpotInRawImages(...
uvw(ondet(ii), :), spotsCommProps, parameters);
if (found_intensity)
% Found intensity in FULL images at predicted position
fwd_sim(ii_d).flag(ii) = 2;
if (parameters.fsim.assemble_figure)
full = gtPlaceSubImage2(, full, ...,, 'summed');
fwd_sim(ii_d).check_spots(ii).info = spotInfo;
fwd_sim.check_spots(ii).info = spotInfo;
% Reflections that have been matched to segmented spots
included = find(fwd_sim.flag >= 3);
%%% We now build the diffraction stack
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Building difstack..');
difstack = gtFwdSimBuildDifstackSpots(fwd_sim.spotid, included, ...
parameters, spotsCommProps.stackUSize, spotsCommProps.stackVSize, ...
spotsCommProps.Xsize, spotsCommProps.Ysize, ..., info);
if (parameters.fsim.assemble_figure)
% no padded spots
full = sfBuildFull(fwd_sim.spotid(included), ...
parameters, spotsCommProps,, :));
% Reflections that have been matched to segmented spots
included = find(fwd_sim(ii_d).flag >= 3);
%%% We now build the Geometry
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Building geometry..');
%%% Diffraction geometry
% diff_beam_dirs: direction of diffracted beam used in ASTRA
identif_indexed = fwd_sim.flag(included) == 5;
incl_indx = included(identif_indexed);
incl_not_indx = included(~identif_indexed);
if (isempty(incl_indx))
warning('gtForwardSimulate_v2:wrong_grain', ...
['Grain "%d" is probably a badly indexed grain.' ...
' It will be deselected'], n)
sample.phases{phaseID}.setSelected(n, false);
%%% We now build the diffraction stack
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Building difstack..');
% we found a segmented spot - can use the theoretically
% predicted direction or apparent direction (based on CoM of
% grain and spot) for backprojection
% If available, we want to use the angles as determined from
% the Friedel pairs - interrogate spotpair table
[diff_beam_dirs(incl_indx, :), fwd_sim.uvw(incl_indx, 3)] = sfGetFriedelPair( ...
pairsTable, fwd_sim.spotid(incl_indx), fwd_sim.spot_type(incl_indx) == 'a');
% Otherwise we have two choices
if (parameters.fsim.use_th)
% use theoretically predited directions (default)
fwd_sim.uvw(incl_not_indx, 3) =;
% theoretically predicted beam direction (in sample
% coordinate system)
diff_beam_dirs(incl_not_indx, :) = gr.allblobs.dvecsam(onDet(incl_not_indx), :);
% use experimentally determined omega angles (which we find in:
% fwd_sim.uvw(incl_not_indx, 3))
% projection direction as inferred from grain / spot center
% positions
diff_beam_dirs(incl_not_indx, :) = gtGeoDiffVecInSample( ...
fwd_sim.uvw(incl_not_indx, 1:2), fwd_sim.uvw(incl_not_indx, 3), ..., detgeo(det_index), labgeo, samgeo);
difstack = gtFwdSimBuildDifstackSpots(fwd_sim(ii_d).spotid, ...
included, parameters, ...
spotsCommProps.stackUSize, spotsCommProps.stackVSize, ...
spotsCommProps.Xsize, spotsCommProps.Ysize, ...
fwd_sim(ii_d).bb, info);
%%% Selection of the spots
[selected, goodness] = gtFwdSimSelectSpots(fwd_sim.likelihood, fwd_sim.intensity, ...
fwd_sim.avg_pixel_int, fwd_sim.flag, included, parameters);
%%% We now Build ASTRA's geometry
proj = gtFwdSimBuildProjGeometry(...
diff_beam_dirs(included, :),, fwd_sim.uvw(included, 3), ..., :), parameters, ...
spotsCommProps.stackUSize, spotsCommProps.stackVSize, ...
% Selections
proj.ondet = onDet;
proj.included = included;
proj.selected = selected; % logicals with pre-selected active spots
% blob/spot stacks = bl(included);
proj.stack = difstack(:, included, :);
if (parameters.fsim.assemble_figure)
% no padded spots
full = sfBuildFull(fwd_sim(ii_d).spotid(included), ...
parameters, spotsCommProps, fwd_sim(ii_d).bb(included, :));
%%% We now look for possible twins if asked
if (~isempty(twin_params.twin_angles))
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Searching twins..');
%%% We now build the Geometry
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Building geometry..');
%%% Diffraction geometry
% diff_beam_dirs: direction of diffracted beam used in ASTRA
identif_indexed = fwd_sim(ii_d).flag(included) == 5;
incl_indx = included(identif_indexed);
incl_not_indx = included(~identif_indexed);
if (isempty(incl_indx))
warning('gtForwardSimulate_v2:wrong_grain', ...
['Grain "%d" is probably a badly indexed grain.' ...
' It will be deselected'], n)
sample.phases{phaseID}.setSelected(n, false);
fp_twins = forward_simulate_twin(gr, fwd_sim, proj, twin_params, ...
spotsCommProps, segmentedSpots, parameters, det_index);
% we found a segmented spot - can use the theoretically
% predicted direction or apparent direction (based on CoM of
% grain and spot) for backprojection
% If available, we want to use the angles as determined from
% the Friedel pairs - interrogate spotpair table
[diff_beam_dirs(incl_indx, :), fwd_sim(ii_d).uvw(incl_indx, 3)] = sfGetFriedelPair( ...
pairsTable, fwd_sim(ii_d).spotid(incl_indx), fwd_sim(ii_d).spot_type(incl_indx) == 'a');
% Otherwise we have two choices
if (parameters.fsim.use_th)
% use theoretically predited directions (default)
fwd_sim(ii_d).uvw(incl_not_indx, 3) =;
% theoretically predicted beam direction (in sample
% coordinate system)
diff_beam_dirs(incl_not_indx, :) = gr.allblobs.dvecsam(ondet(incl_not_indx), :);
% use experimentally determined omega angles (which we find in:
% fwd_sim(ii_d).uvw(incl_not_indx, 3))
% projection direction as inferred from grain / spot center
% positions
diff_beam_dirs(incl_not_indx, :) = gtGeoDiffVecInSample( ...
fwd_sim(ii_d).uvw(incl_not_indx, 1:2), ...
fwd_sim(ii_d).uvw(incl_not_indx, 3), ..., detgeo(ii_d), labgeo, samgeo);
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Num spots per twin:\n')
for ii_t = 1:numel(fp_twins)
fprintf(' %d) %d\n', ii_t, numel(fp_twins(ii_t).proj.included));
%%% Selection of the spots
[selected, goodness] = gtFwdSimSelectSpots( ...
fwd_sim(ii_d).likelihood, fwd_sim(ii_d).intensity, ...
fwd_sim(ii_d).avg_pixel_int, fwd_sim(ii_d).flag, ...
included, parameters);
%%% We now Build ASTRA's geometry
[proj(ii_d), fwd_sim(ii_d).gv_verts] = gtFwdSimBuildProjGeometry( ...
diff_beam_dirs(included, :), ..., fwd_sim(ii_d).uvw(included, 3), ...
fwd_sim(ii_d).bb(included, :), parameters, ...
spotsCommProps.stackUSize, spotsCommProps.stackVSize, ...
% Selections
proj(ii_d).ondet = ondet;
proj(ii_d).included = included;
% selected: logicals with pre-selected active spots
proj(ii_d).selected = selected;
% blob/spot stacks
proj(ii_d).bl = bl(included);
proj(ii_d).stack = difstack(:, included, :);
%%% We now look for possible twins if asked
if (~isempty(conf.twin_angles))
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Searching twins..');
fp_twins = forward_simulate_twin(gr, fwd_sim(ii_d), proj, ...
conf, spotsCommProps, segmentedSpots, parameters, ii_d);
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Num spots per twin:\n')
for ii_t = 1:numel(fp_twins)
fprintf(' %d) %d\n', ii_t, numel(fp_twins(ii_t).proj.included));
fprintf(' - Assembling final data-structure..')
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Assembling final data-structure..')
fprintf(' - Assembling final data-structure..')
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Assembling final data-structure..')
......@@ -391,39 +407,40 @@ for n = first : last
out.R_vector = gr.R_vector; =;
out.allblobs = gr.allblobs;
out.fwd_sim = fwd_sim;
out.check = fwd_sim.check;
out.flag = fwd_sim.flag;
out.check = fwd_sim(1).check;
out.flag = fwd_sim(1).flag;
out.pairid = gr.pairid;
out.spotid = fwd_sim.spotid;
out.spotid = fwd_sim(1).spotid;
% only included spots info
out.cands = fwd_sim.cands(included);
out.likelihood = fwd_sim.likelihood(included);
out.difspotID = fwd_sim.spotid(included);
out.uv_exp = fwd_sim.uvw(included, 1:2);
out.om_exp = fwd_sim.uvw(included, 3);
out.bb_exp =, :);
out.intensity = fwd_sim.intensity(included);
out.cands = fwd_sim(1).cands(included);
out.likelihood = fwd_sim(1).likelihood(included);
out.difspotID = fwd_sim(1).spotid(included);
out.uv_exp = fwd_sim(1).uvw(included, 1:2);
out.om_exp = fwd_sim(1).uvw(included, 3);
out.bb_exp = fwd_sim(1).bb(included, :);
out.intensity = fwd_sim(1).intensity(included);
% save full image
out.full = full;
% check spot info
out.checkSpots = fwd_sim.check_spots;
out.checkSpots = fwd_sim(1).check_spots;
% diffraction geometry
out.proj = proj;
if (~isempty(twin_params.twin_angles))
if (~isempty(conf.twin_angles))
out.twin_vars = fp_twins;
out.twin_vars = [];
found_reflections = numel(find(fwd_sim.flag > 1));
found_reflections = numel(find(fwd_sim(1).flag > 1));
out.completeness = found_reflections / numspots;
out.completeness_incl = numel(find(fwd_sim.flag >= 3)) / numspots;
out.completeness_incl = numel(find(fwd_sim(1).flag >= 3)) / numspots;
out.goodness = goodness;
out.goodness_sel = mean(out.likelihood(selected));
out.confidence = out.goodness * out.completeness_incl;
......@@ -476,7 +493,7 @@ for n = first : last
fprintf('\n Grain number %d:\n', n);
newspots = length(find(fwd_sim.flag == 4));
newspots = length(find(fwd_sim(1).flag == 4));
fprintf(['Forward simulation found intensity at %d out of %d expected ' ...
'spot positions \n'], found_reflections, numspots);
fprintf('Completeness estimate: %f\n', out.completeness);
......@@ -539,7 +556,8 @@ function fwd_sim = gtFwdSimDataStructureDefinition(numspots)
'likelihood_dev_w', cell(numspots, 1) ), ...
'uvw', zeros(numspots, 3), ... % CoM positions of difspots from difspottable
'spot_type', char(zeros(numspots, 1)), ...
'check_spots', struct('info', cell(numspots, 1)) );
'check_spots', struct('info', cell(numspots, 1)), ...
'gv_verts', [] );
function [fwd_sim, bl] = forward_simulate_grain(gr, onDet, ...
......@@ -685,12 +703,12 @@ function g_twins = forward_simulate_twin(gr, fwd_sim, proj, twin_params, ...
twin.difspotidB = [];
uvw = twin.allblobs.detector(det_index).uvw;
ondet = gtFwdSimFindSpotsOnDetector(spotsCommProps, uvw, parameters);
ondet_twin = gtFwdSimFindSpotsOnDetector(spotsCommProps, uvw, parameters);
proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_fwdsimgrain(twin, proj, ondet, parameters, det_index);
proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_fwdsimgrain(twin, gr, proj, fwd_sim, ondet_twin, parameters, det_index);
[twin.fwd_sim, bl] = forward_simulate_grain(...
twin, ondet, spotsCommProps, segmentedSpots, proj_bls, parameters, det_index);
twin, ondet_twin, spotsCommProps, segmentedSpots, proj_bls, parameters, det_index);
included = find(twin.fwd_sim.flag >= 3);
......@@ -700,7 +718,7 @@ function g_twins = forward_simulate_twin(gr, fwd_sim, proj, twin_params, ...
twin.proj(det_index).stack = permute(cat(3, spots{:}), [1 3 2]);
twin.proj(det_index).ondet = ondet;
twin.proj(det_index).ondet = ondet_twin;
twin.proj(det_index).included = included;
twin.proj(det_index).selected = false(numel(included), 1);
......@@ -770,7 +788,7 @@ function displayShowFsim(phaseID, grain, varargin)
function proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_indexed(gr, grain_INDX, ...
segmentedSpots, spotsCommProps, onDet, parameters, det_ind)
segmentedSpots, spotsCommProps, ondet, parameters, det_ind)
samgeo = parameters.samgeo;
labgeo = parameters.labgeo;
......@@ -798,7 +816,9 @@ function proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_indexed(gr, grain_INDX, ...
projvecs = gtGeoDet2Lab(projvecs, detgeo, false);
projvecs = gtGeoLab2Sam(projvecs, Ws, labgeo, samgeo, 0, 0) - gr_center;
proj_bls = gtFwdSimPredictProjectedGrainBBox(gr, projvecs, BBs, Ws, onDet, parameters, det_ind);
verts_rec = gtFwdSimComputeCircumscribingPolyhedron(, projvecs, Ws, BBs, parameters, det_ind, 'convhull');
proj_bls = gtFwdSimProjectVertices2Det(gr, verts_rec, ondet, parameters, det_ind);
% Producing original blobs' boundingboxes (as by original segmentation
% info)
......@@ -808,7 +828,9 @@ function proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_indexed(gr, grain_INDX, ...
segmentedSpots.BoundingBoxXsize(difspotID_INDXTR), ...
segmentedSpots.BoundingBoxYsize(difspotID_INDXTR) ];
proj_bls_original = gtFwdSimPredictProjectedGrainBBox(gr, projvecs, BBs, Ws, onDet, parameters, det_ind);
verts_rec = gtFwdSimComputeCircumscribingPolyhedron(, projvecs, Ws, BBs, parameters, det_ind, 'convhull');
proj_bls_original = gtFwdSimProjectVertices2Det(gr, verts_rec, ondet, parameters, det_ind);
for ii_b = 1:numel(proj_bls)
proj_bls(ii_b).mbbsize = proj_bls_original(ii_b).bbsize;
......@@ -820,35 +842,48 @@ function proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_indexed(gr, grain_INDX, ...
function proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_fwdsimgrain(gr, proj, onDet, parameters, det_ind)
function proj_bls = predict_spot_masks_from_fwdsimgrain(new_gr, main_gr, proj, main_gr_fwd_sim, new_gr_ondet, parameters, det_ind)
% We here produce the expected bounding box using the main grain's proj
% datastructure, and then we produce the projected blobs at the predicted
% new grain's positions
if (isempty(main_gr_fwd_sim.gv_verts))
centroids_w = zeros(numel(, 1);
for ii_b = 1:numel(
int_profile = reshape(sum(sum(, 1), 2), 1, []);
num_slices = numel(int_profile);
centroids_w(ii_b) = sum((0:num_slices-1) .* int_profile) / num_slices;
Ws = cat(1,;
Ws = (Ws(:, 1) + centroids_w) .* gtGetOmegaStepDeg(parameters, det_ind);
centroids = zeros(numel(, 1);
for ii_b = 1:numel(
int_profile = reshape(sum(sum(, 1), 2), 1, []);
num_slices = numel(int_profile);
centroids(ii_b) = sum((0:num_slices-1) .* int_profile) / num_slices;
Ws = cat(1,;
Ws = Ws(:, 1) + centroids;
% Producing image blobs' boundingboxes (as by blob size info)
BBus = cat(1,;
BBvs = cat(1,;
BBsizes = cat(1,;
BBs = [BBus(:, 1), BBvs(:, 1), BBsizes(:, 1:2)];
% Producing image blobs' boundingboxes (as by blob size info)
BBus = cat(1,;
BBvs = cat(1,;
BBsizes = cat(1,;
BBs = [BBus(:, 1), BBvs(:, 1), BBsizes(:, 1:2)];
projvecs = main_gr.allblobs.dvecsam(proj.ondet(proj.included), :);
projvecs = gr.allblobs.dvecsam(onDet, :);
verts_rec = gtFwdSimComputeCircumscribingPolyhedron(, projvecs, Ws, BBs, parameters, det_ind, 'convhull');
verts_rec = main_gr_fwd_sim.gv_verts;
proj_bls = gtFwdSimPredictProjectedGrainBBox(gr, projvecs, BBs, Ws, onDet, parameters, det_ind);
proj_bls = gtFwdSimProjectVertices2Det(new_gr, verts_rec, new_gr_ondet, parameters, det_ind);
% Producing original blobs' boundingboxes (as by original segmentation
% info)
BBus = cat(1,;
BBvs = cat(1,;
BBsizes = cat(1,;
BBs = [BBus(:, 1), BBvs(:, 1), BBsizes(:, 1:2)];
if (isempty(main_gr_fwd_sim.gv_verts))
% Producing original blobs' boundingboxes (as by original segmentation
% info)
BBus = cat(1,;
BBvs = cat(1,;
BBsizes = cat(1,;
BBs = [BBus(:, 1), BBvs(:, 1), BBsizes(:, 1:2)];
verts_rec = gtFwdSimComputeCircumscribingPolyhedron(, projvecs, Ws, BBs, parameters, det_ind, 'convhull');
proj_bls_original = gtFwdSimPredictProjectedGrainBBox(gr, projvecs, BBs, Ws, onDet, parameters, det_ind);
proj_bls_original = gtFwdSimProjectVertices2Det(new_gr, verts_rec, new_gr_ondet, parameters, det_ind);
for ii_b = 1:numel(proj_bls)
proj_bls(ii_b).mbbsize = proj_bls_original(ii_b).bbsize;
function proj = gtFwdSimBuildProjGeometry(diff_beam_dirs, gr_center, omegas, bb, parameters, stackUSize, stackVSize, selected, det_ind)
function [proj, verts] = gtFwdSimBuildProjGeometry(diff_beam_dirs, gr_center, omegas, bb, parameters, stackUSize, stackVSize, selected, det_ind)
% FUNCTION proj = gtFwdSimBuildProjGeometry(diff_beam_dirs, gr_center, omegas, bb, parameters, stackUSize, stackVSize, selected, det_ind)
if (~exist('det_ind', 'var') || isempty(det_ind))
......@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ function proj = gtFwdSimBuildProjGeometry(diff_beam_dirs, gr_center, omegas, bb,
bbpos_det_abs, [], detgeo, labgeo, samgeo, recgeo, ...
proj = gtFwdSimProjDefinition('fwd_sim');
% diffraction geometry
proj.geom = proj_geom;
proj.geom_full = proj_geom_full;
......@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ function proj = gtFwdSimBuildProjGeometry(diff_beam_dirs, gr_center, omegas, bb,
vol_size = 2 * max(abs(max(verts, [], 1)), abs(min(verts, [], 1)));
verts = [];
% We should in the future handle properly vertical detector
% (general geometry) maybe determining a convex shape of the grain!
vol_size = [stackUSize, stackUSize, stackVSize] / fsim.oversize;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ function verts = gtFwdSimComputeCircumscribingPolyhedron(gr_center, projvecs, om
% All functions that use the same omegas, need the same rotation tensors:
rot_comp_w = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(labgeo.rotdir', 'col');
rot_omega = gtMathsRotationTensor(omegas, rot_comp_w);
rot_s2l_w = gtMathsRotationTensor(omegas, rot_comp_w);
gc_pos_rec = gtGeoSam2Sam(gr_center, samgeo, recgeo, true);
gc_pos_rec = gc_pos_rec(ones(numel(omegas), 1), :);
......@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ function verts = gtFwdSimComputeCircumscribingPolyhedron(gr_center, projvecs, om
cbr_pos_lab = gtGeoDet2Lab([(bb(:, 1) + bb(:, 3)), (bb(:, 2) + bb(:, 4))], detgeo, false);
% positions in the reconstruction coordinates
ctl_pos_rec = gtGeoLab2Sam(ctl_pos_lab, rot_omega, labgeo, recgeo, 0, 0);
ctr_pos_rec = gtGeoLab2Sam(ctr_pos_lab, rot_omega, labgeo, recgeo, 0, 0);
cbl_pos_rec = gtGeoLab2Sam(cbl_pos_lab, rot_omega, labgeo, recgeo, 0, 0);
cbr_pos_rec = gtGeoLab2Sam(cbr_pos_lab, rot_omega, labgeo, recgeo, 0, 0);
ctl_pos_rec = gtGeoLab2Sam(ctl_pos_lab, rot_s2l_w, labgeo, recgeo, 0, 0);
ctr_pos_rec = gtGeoLab2Sam(ctr_pos_lab, rot_s2l_w, labgeo, recgeo, 0, 0);
cbl_pos_rec = gtGeoLab2Sam(cbl_pos_lab, rot_s2l_w, labgeo, recgeo, 0, 0);
cbr_pos_rec = gtGeoLab2Sam(cbr_pos_lab, rot_s2l_w, labgeo, recgeo, 0, 0);
projvecs_rec = gtGeoSam2Sam(projvecs, samgeo, recgeo, true);
projvecs_rec = gtMathsNormalizeVectorsList(projvecs_rec);
......@@ -2,78 +2,8 @@ function proj_bls = gtFwdSimPredictProjectedGrainBBox(gr, sel_projvecs, sel_bb,
if (~exist('det_ind', 'var') || isempty(det_ind))
det_ind = 1;
detgeo = parameters.detgeo(det_ind);
labgeo = parameters.labgeo;
samgeo = parameters.samgeo;
recgeo = parameters.recgeo(det_ind);
omstep = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(parameters, det_ind);
% We first compute the bbox of the grain volume
verts_rec = gtFwdSimComputeCircumscribingPolyhedron(, sel_projvecs, sel_omegas, sel_bb, parameters, det_ind, 'convhull');
% Now we project the vertices to the spots and take the convex hull
dvecs_lab = gr.allblobs.dvec(ondet, :);
omegas =;
% uv = gr.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ondet, 1:2);
num_omegas = numel(omegas);
proj_bls = struct( ...
'mask', cell(1, num_omegas), ...
'bbuim', cell(1, num_omegas), ...
'bbvim', cell(1, num_omegas), ...
'bbwim', cell(1, num_omegas), ...
'bbsize', cell(1, num_omegas) ...
% All functions that use the same omegas, need the same rotation tensors:
% Notice the sign of W !! This is going to be used for a Sam -> Lab
rot_comp_w = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(labgeo.rotdir', 'col');
rot_omega = gtMathsRotationTensor(-omegas, rot_comp_w);
ones_verts = ones(size(verts_rec, 1), 1);
gc_sam =, :);
verts_sam = gtGeoSam2Sam(verts_rec, recgeo, samgeo, false) + gc_sam;
for ii = 1:num_omegas
rotw = rot_omega(:, :, ii);
verts_lab = gtGeoSam2Lab(verts_sam, rotw, labgeo, samgeo, false);
dvec_vers = dvecs_lab(ii .* ones_verts, :);
verts_det_pos = gtFedPredictUVMultiple([], dvec_vers', verts_lab', ...
detgeo.detrefpos', detgeo.detnorm', detgeo.Qdet, ...
[detgeo.detrefu, detgeo.detrefv]')';
% f = figure();
% ax = axes('parent', f);
% hold(ax, 'on')
% scatter(ax, verts_det_pos(:, 1), verts_det_pos(:, 2));
% scatter(ax, uv(ii, 1), uv(ii, 2), 30, 'r');
% hold(ax, 'off')
verts_idxs = convhull(verts_det_pos);
verts_det_pos = verts_det_pos(verts_idxs, :);
bb_2d = [floor(min(verts_det_pos, [], 1)), ceil(max(verts_det_pos, [], 1))];
bb_2d = [bb_2d(1:2), (bb_2d(3:4) - bb_2d(1:2) + 1)];
mask = zeros(bb_2d(3:4));
verts_mask_pos = round(verts_det_pos) - bb_2d(ones(numel(verts_idxs), 1), 1:2) + 1;
verts_mask_indx = verts_mask_pos(:, 1) + bb_2d(3) * (verts_mask_pos(:, 2) - 1);
mask(verts_mask_indx) = 1;
mask = bwconvhull(mask);
% f = figure();
% ax = axes('parent', f);
% imshow(mask, 'parent', ax)
proj_bls(ii).bbuim = [bb_2d(1), (bb_2d(1) + bb_2d(3) - 1)];
proj_bls(ii).bbvim = [bb_2d(2), (bb_2d(2) + bb_2d(4) - 1)];
proj_bls(ii).bbwim = round([omegas(ii), omegas(ii)] / omstep);
proj_bls(ii).bbsize = [bb_2d(3:4), 1];
proj_bls(ii).mask = mask;
% pause
proj_bls = gtFwdSimProjectVertices2Det(gr, verts_rec, ondet, parameters, det_ind);
\ No newline at end of file
function proj = gtFwdSimProjDefinition(type, num_projs)
proj = struct( ...
'stack', [], ...
'num_rows', 0, ...
'num_cols', 0, ...
'bl', [], ...
'vol_size_x', 0, ...
'vol_size_y', 0, ...
'vol_size_z', 0, ...
'centerpix', zeros(1, 3), ...
'shift', zeros(1, 3), ...
'ondet', zeros(0, 1), ...
'included', zeros(0, 1), ...
'selected', zeros(0, 1) );
if (exist('type', 'var') && ~isempty(type) && strcmpi(type, 'fwd_sim'))
proj.geom = zeros(0, 12);
proj.geom_full = zeros(0, 12);
proj.geom_abs = zeros(0, 12);
if (exist('num_projs', 'var') && ~isempty(num_projs))
proj(2:num_projs) = proj;
function proj_bls = gtFwdSimProjectVertices2Det(gr, verts_rec, ondet, parameters, det_ind, verbose)
% FUNCTION proj_bls = gtFwdSimProjectVertices2Det(gr, verts_rec, ondet, parameters, det_ind, verbose)
if (~exist('verbose', 'var') || isempty(verbose))
verbose = false;
detgeo = parameters.detgeo(det_ind);
labgeo = parameters.labgeo;
samgeo = parameters.samgeo;
recgeo = parameters.recgeo(det_ind);
omstep = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(parameters, det_ind);
% Now we project the vertices to the spots and take the convex hull
dvecs_lab = gr.allblobs.dvec(ondet, :);
omegas =;
if (verbose)
uv = gr.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ondet, 1:2);
num_omegas = numel(omegas);
proj_bls = gtFwdSimBlobDefinition('blob', num_omegas);
% All functions that use the same omegas, need the same rotation tensors:
% Notice the sign of W !! This is going to be used for a Sam -> Lab
rot_l2s = gr.allblobs.srot(:, :, ondet);
rot_s2l = permute(rot_l2s, [2 1 3]);
ones_verts = ones(size(verts_rec, 1), 1);
gc_sam =, :);
verts_sam = gtGeoSam2Sam(verts_rec, recgeo, samgeo, false) + gc_sam;
for ii = 1:num_omegas
rot_s2l_w = rot_s2l(:, :, ii);
verts_lab = gtGeoSam2Lab(verts_sam, rot_s2l_w, labgeo, samgeo, false);
dvec_vers = dvecs_lab(ii .* ones_verts, :);
verts_det_pos = gtFedPredictUVMultiple([], dvec_vers', verts_lab', ...
detgeo.detrefpos', detgeo.detnorm', detgeo.Qdet, ...
[detgeo.detrefu, detgeo.detrefv]')';
if (verbose)
f = figure();
ax = axes('parent', f);
hold(ax, 'on')
scatter(ax, verts_det_pos(:, 1), verts_det_pos(:, 2));
scatter(ax, uv(ii, 1), uv(ii, 2), 30, 'r');
hold(ax, 'off')
verts_idxs = convhull(verts_det_pos);
verts_det_pos = verts_det_pos(verts_idxs, :);
bb_2d = [floor(min(verts_det_pos, [], 1)), ceil(max(verts_det_pos, [], 1))];
bb_2d = [bb_2d(1:2), (bb_2d(3:4) - bb_2d(1:2) + 1)];
mask = zeros(bb_2d(3:4));
verts_mask_pos = round(verts_det_pos) - bb_2d(ones(numel(verts_idxs), 1), 1:2) + 1;
verts_mask_indx = verts_mask_pos(:, 1) + bb_2d(3) * (verts_mask_pos(:, 2) - 1);
mask(verts_mask_indx) = 1;
mask = bwconvhull(mask);
proj_bls(ii).bbuim = [bb_2d(1), (bb_2d(1) + bb_2d(3) - 1)];
proj_bls(ii).bbvim = [bb_2d(2), (bb_2d(2) + bb_2d(4) - 1)];
proj_bls(ii).bbwim = round([omegas(ii), omegas(ii)] / omstep);
proj_bls(ii).bbsize = [bb_2d(3:4), 1];
proj_bls(ii).mask = mask;
if (verbose)
f = figure();
ax = axes('parent', f);
imshow(mask, 'parent', ax)
\ No newline at end of file
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