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Commit 59cf80d3 authored by Yoann Guilhem's avatar Yoann Guilhem Committed by Nicola Vigano
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Bugfix for gtCrystVector2SST

parent b183ae48
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......@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ function [rgb, Vsst, Vsst_p, Vc_symm] = gtCrystVector2SST(Vc, crystal_system, sy
symm = cat(3, symm, -symm);
% Here we want to do a vectorized call to get Vc_symm = symm * Vc
Vc_symm = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vc, symm);
% It is simportant to get symmetry operator index as first index
Vc_symm = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vc, symm, [2 3 1]);
x = Vc_symm(:, 1, :);
y = Vc_symm(:, 2, :);
z = Vc_symm(:, 3, :);
x = Vc_symm(:, :, 1);
y = Vc_symm(:, :, 2);
z = Vc_symm(:, :, 3);
% Define angles
......@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ function [rgb, Vsst, Vsst_p, Vc_symm] = gtCrystVector2SST(Vc, crystal_system, sy
% Pick equiv that is in our triangle
iSST = anglesR>=minAngleR & anglesR<maxAngleR & anglesB>=minAngleB & anglesB<maxAngleB;
ok = squeeze(sum(iSST, 3));
ok = squeeze(sum(iSST, 1));
ok_no = (ok == 0);
ok_too = (ok > 1);
......@@ -93,9 +94,9 @@ function [rgb, Vsst, Vsst_p, Vc_symm] = gtCrystVector2SST(Vc, crystal_system, sy
disp(' vectors:');
disp(Vc(ok_no, :));
iSST(ok_no, :, 1) = 1;
anglesR(ok_no, :, 1) = 0;
anglesB(ok_no, :, 1) = 0;
iSST(1, ok_no, :) = 1;
anglesR(1, ok_no, :) = 0;
anglesB(1, ok_no, :) = 0;
if any(ok_too)
warning('gtCrystVector2SST:too_many_indices_found', ...
......@@ -104,14 +105,15 @@ function [rgb, Vsst, Vsst_p, Vc_symm] = gtCrystVector2SST(Vc, crystal_system, sy
disp(' vectors:');
disp(Vc(ok_too, :));
i_too = find(iSST(ok_too, :, :));
iSST(ok_too, :, i_too(2:end)) = 0;
i_too = find(iSST(:, ok_too, :));
iSST(i_too(2:end), ok_too, :) = 0;
angleR = anglesR(iSST);
angleB = anglesB(iSST);
angleR = squeeze(anglesR(iSST));
angleB = squeeze(anglesB(iSST));
if nargout > 1
Vsst = reshape(Vc_symm(iSST(:, [1 1 1], :)), [], 3);
Vsst = reshape(Vc_symm(iSST(:, :, [1 1 1])), [], 3);
if nargout > 2
denom = 1 + Vsst(:, 3);
Vsst_p = Vsst(:, 1:2) ./ denom(:, [1 1]);
......@@ -119,9 +121,9 @@ function [rgb, Vsst, Vsst_p, Vc_symm] = gtCrystVector2SST(Vc, crystal_system, sy
% Color map
red = squeeze(angleR/maxAngleR);
green = squeeze((maxAngleR - angleR)/maxAngleR .* (maxAngleB - angleB)/maxAngleB);
blue = squeeze((maxAngleR - angleR)/maxAngleR .* angleB/maxAngleB);
red = angleR/maxAngleR;
green = (maxAngleR - angleR)/maxAngleR .* (maxAngleB - angleB)/maxAngleB;
blue = (maxAngleR - angleR)/maxAngleR .* angleB/maxAngleB;
rgb = [red green blue];
if saturate
......@@ -129,3 +131,4 @@ function [rgb, Vsst, Vsst_p, Vc_symm] = gtCrystVector2SST(Vc, crystal_system, sy
end % end of function
function Vs = gtVectorCryst2Lab(Vc, g, diag)
function Vs = gtVectorCryst2Lab(Vc, g, mode)
% GTVECTORLAB2CRYST Express crystal row vector(s) in laboratory CS.
% Vs = gtVectorCryst2Lab(Vc, g, diag)
% Vs = gtVectorCryst2Lab(Vc, g[, mode])
% -----------------------------------
% Vc = <double> Vector(s) expressed in the crystal CS.
% g = <cell> Cell containing crystal orientation matrix(ces).
% diag = <logical> If true, turn on diag mode which apply each
% orientation matrix g_i to corresponding vector Vc_i.
% Only valid if equal number of vectors and matrices.
% Vc = <double> Vector(s) expressed in the crystal CS.
% g = <double> Array containing crystal orientation matrix(ces).
% mode = <string> Can be either 'diag' or a 3 coord vector {[3 1 2]},
% <int> This affect the output shape when multiple input
% vectors and matrices, i.e. M>1 and N>1
% See further explanations about the output.
% Vs = <double> Input vector(s) Vc expressed in the laboratory CS.
% Shape of output depends of input size (see below).
% Vs = <double> Input vector(s) Vc expressed in the laboratory CS.
% Shape of output depends of input size (see below).
% Note:
% This function can be used in 4 different modes:
% This function can be used in different modes:
% - Vc = 1x3 array (1 row vector) , g = 3x3xN array
% output: N vectors expressed in the laboratory CS
% output size: [N 3]
......@@ -27,19 +28,40 @@ function Vs = gtVectorCryst2Lab(Vc, g, diag)
% - Vc = Mx3 array (M row vectors) , g = 3x3xN array
% output: MxN vectors expressed in the laboratory CS
% output size: [M 3 N]
% output size: [M 3 N] by default, can be modified using numeric mode
% 1: input vector coordinate dimension (3)
% 2: input orientation matrix dimension (N)
% 3: input vector index dimension (M)
% - diag mode (only if N=M, need diag argument, otherwise previous case)
% - diag mode (only if M=N, need 'diag' mode, otherwise previous case)
% Vc = Mx3 array (M row vectors) , g = 3x3xN array (M=N)
% output: M vectors expressed in the laboratory CS
% output size: [M 3 M]
% Version 001 02-04-2013 by YGuilhem
if ~exist('diag', 'var') || isempty(diag)
diag = false;
% Get number of vectors (M) and orientation matrices (N)
M = size(Vc, 1);
N = size(g, 3);
diag = false;
if ~exist('mode', 'var') || isempty(mode)
mode = [3 1 2];
elseif isnumeric(mode)
mode = mode(:).';
if size(mode, 2) ~= 3 || ~all(between(mode, ones(size(mode)), 3*ones(size(mode))))
gtError('gtVectorCryst2Lab:wrong_mode', ...
'Numeric mode should have 3 coordinates in [1 3]!');
elseif ischar(mode) && strcmp(mode, 'diag')
if M ~= N
gtError('gtVectorCryst2Lab:wrong_mode', ...
['''diag'' mode needs as many vectors as matrices!']);
diag = true;
diag = logical(diag);
gtError('gtVectorCryst2Lab:wrong_mode', ...
['Unknown mode ''' mode '''!']);
% Check input orientation matrices g size
......@@ -57,10 +79,6 @@ if size(Vc, 2) ~= 3
'Input array Vc should be sized Mx3!');
% Get number of vectors (M) and orientation matrices (N)
M = size(Vc, 1);
N = size(g, 3);
if M == 1 && N > 1
% Transpose and reshape Vc
Vc = reshape(Vc.', [3 1 M]);
......@@ -92,7 +110,7 @@ elseif M > 1 && N > 1
Vc = reshape(Vc.', [3 1 1 M]);
% Multiply and sum along 1st axis to reproduce Vs = Vc . g
Vs = permute(squeeze(sum(bsxfun(@times, Vc, g), 1)), [3 1 2]);
Vs = permute(squeeze(sum(bsxfun(@times, Vc, g), 1)), [mode]);
gtError('gtVectorCryst2Lab:wrong_input_size', ...
function Vc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vs, g, diag)
function Vc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vs, g, mode)
% GTVECTORLAB2CRYST Express laboratory row vector(s) in crystal CS.
% Vc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vs, g, diag)
% Vc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vs, g[, mode])
% -----------------------------------
% Vs = <double> Vector(s) expressed in the lab CS.
% g = <double> Array containing crystal orientation matrix(ces).
% diag = <logical> If true, turn on diag mode which apply each
% orientation matrix g_i to corresponding vector Vs_i.
% Only valid if equal number of vectors and matrices.
% Vs = <double> Vector(s) expressed in the lab CS.
% g = <double> Array containing crystal orientation matrix(ces).
% mode = <string> Can be either 'diag' or a 3 coord vector {[3 1 2]},
% <int> This affect the output shape when multiple input
% vectors and matrices, i.e. M>1 and N>1
% See further explanations about the output.
% Vc = <double> Input vector(s) Vs expressed in the crystal CS.
% Shape of output depends of input size (see below).
% Vc = <double> Input vector(s) Vs expressed in the crystal CS.
% Shape of output depends of input size (see below).
% Note:
% This function can be used in 4 different modes:
% This function can be used in different modes:
% - Vs = 1x3 array (1 row vector) , g = 3x3xN array
% output: N vectors expressed in the crystal CS defined by g matrices
% output size: [N 3]
......@@ -27,19 +28,40 @@ function Vc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vs, g, diag)
% - Vs = Mx3 array (M row vectors) , g = 3x3xN array
% output: MxN vectors expressed in the crystals CS defined by g matrices
% output size: [M 3 N]
% output size: [M 3 N] by default, can be modified using numeric mode
% 1: input vector coordinate dimension (3)
% 2: input orientation matrix dimension (N)
% 3: input vector index dimension (M)
% - diag mode (only if M=N, need diag argument, otherwise previous case)
% - diag mode (only if M=N, need 'diag' mode, otherwise previous case)
% Vs = Mx3 array (M row vectors) , g = 3x3xN array (M=N)
% output: M vectors expressed in the crystal CS defined by g matrices
% output size: [M 3 M]
% Version 001 17-10-2012 by YGuilhem
if ~exist('diag', 'var') || isempty(diag)
diag = false;
% Get number of vectors (M) and orientation matrices (N)
M = size(Vs, 1);
N = size(g, 3);
diag = false;
if ~exist('mode', 'var') || isempty(mode)
mode = [3 1 2];
elseif isnumeric(mode)
mode = mode(:).';
if size(mode, 2) ~= 3 || ~all(between(mode, ones(size(mode)), 3*ones(size(mode))))
gtError('gtVectorLab2Cryst:wrong_mode', ...
'Numeric mode should have 3 coordinates in [1 3]!');
elseif ischar(mode) && strcmp(mode, 'diag')
if M ~= N
gtError('gtVectorLab2Cryst:wrong_mode', ...
['''diag'' mode needs as many vectors as matrices!']);
diag = true;
diag = logical(diag);
gtError('gtVectorLab2Cryst:wrong_mode', ...
['Unknown mode ''' mode '''!']);
% Check input orientation matrices g size
......@@ -57,10 +79,6 @@ if size(Vs, 2) ~= 3
'Input array Vs should be sized Mx3!');
% Get number of vectors (M) and orientation matrices (N)
M = size(Vs, 1);
N = size(g, 3);
if M == 1 && N > 1
% Transpose and reshape Vs
Vs = reshape(Vs.', [1 3 M]);
......@@ -92,7 +110,7 @@ elseif M > 1 && N > 1
Vs = reshape(Vs.', [1 3 1 M]);
% Multiply and sum along 2nd axis to reproduce Vc = g . Vs
Vc = permute(squeeze(sum(bsxfun(@times, g, Vs), 2)), [3 1 2]);
Vc = permute(squeeze(sum(bsxfun(@times, g, Vs), 2)), mode);
gtError('gtVectorLab2Cryst:wrong_input_size', ...
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