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Commit 5208605f authored by Nicola Vigano's avatar Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Segmentation/doublethr: speeded up seeds part, by recycling EDF header.

Signed-off-by: default avatarNicola Vigano <>

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
parent e0922668
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function [img, med_value, info] = gtReadAndThreshold(ndx, parameters, thr_single, nodisp, info)
% GTREADANDTHRESHOLD Reads the full image with number 'ndx' and thresholds
% it. It can also return the median value of the full image.
% It sets the image to zero inside the segmentation bounding box
% (parameters.seg.bbox) and outside where it is under the threshold.
% Can subtract the remaining median background of the full image
% (calculated and applied outside seg.bbox).
% Thresholds to seg.thr_single by default, or allow another threshold
% value to be passed in. Pass in NaN to return the greyscale image without
% thresholding.
% ndx - full image number to be read
% parameters.
% prep.correct_drift
% prep.correct_drift_iteration
% seg.thr_single - the threshold value to be applied
% seg.bbox - bounding box of area omitted in segmentation
% seg.background_subtract - if true, the full image's median will be
% offset to zero
% Optional INPUT
% thr_single - threshold value that overrides seg.thr_single;
% if NaN, no thresholding is done
% nodisp - if true, no text will be displayed
% info - EDF header structure
% im - segmented image
% med_value - median value of the full image
% info - EDF header structure
% [img, med_value, info] = gtReadAndThreshold(ndx, parameters, thr_single, nodisp, info)
% Version 002 08-05-2012 by P.Reischig
% Updated to new parameters (thr_single) and cleaned.
% Modified by Nicola Vigano', 2012,
% Changed gtPlaceSubImage -> gtPlaceSubImage2, added EDF header recycling.
seg = parameters.seg;
prep = parameters.prep;
% if a threshold other than th2 is passed in
if (~exist('thr_single', 'var'))
thr_single = seg.thr_single;
if (~exist('nodisp', 'var'))
nodisp = false;
out = GtConditionalOutput(~nodisp);
% should we wait for images to be shifted by gtApplyDrifts?
waitfortranslated = false;
if isfield(prep, 'correct_drift') && strcmp(prep.correct_drift, 'required')
waitfortranslated = prep.correct_drift_iteration;
fname = sprintf('1_preprocessing/full/full%04d.edf', ndx);
out.fprintf('now processing image %s\n', fname);
if (~exist('info', 'var') || isempty(info))
[im_full, info] = edf_wait_read(fname, [], waitfortranslated);
[im_full, info] = edf_wait_read(fname, [], waitfortranslated, info);
% would be very easy to add this as an option in gtCreateFullLive - do
% it once there and then not again...
if (isfield(seg, 'background_subtract') && (seg.background_subtract == true))
%subtract the median of the background
%taken from gtFullStatCondor - thanks Peter!
nullbb = NaN(seg.bbox(4), seg.bbox(3));
imn = gtPlaceSubImage2(nullbb, im_full, seg.bbox(1), seg.bbox(2));
imn = imn(~isnan(imn(:)));
med_value = median(imn);
im_full = im_full - med_value;
out.fprintf('subtracting median background value\n');
med_value = NaN;
% now blank out the extinction image in the centre
img = gtPlaceSubImage2( zeros(seg.bbox(4), seg.bbox(3)), im_full, ...
seg.bbox(1), seg.bbox(2));
% do the thresholding
if ~isnan(thr_single)
img(img < thr_single) = 0;
......@@ -4,31 +4,29 @@ function gtSeedThreshold_doublethr(first, last, workingdirectory)
% --------------------------------------------------------
% It finds seeds by thresholding full images individually at the value
% parameters.seg.thr_seed. Seeds are the single highest pixels in each
% parameters.seg.thr_seed. Seeds are the single highest pixels in each
% connected region.
% Puts the seeds into a database table to be used for double threshold
% segmention. It also puts the median background value for the full
% segmention. It also puts the median background value for the full
% images into a database table.
% The segmentation script waits for the full median values table to be
% completed before starting. For this reason complete the table even
% completed before starting. For this reason complete the table even
% if not subtracting the background, doesn't waste that much effort
% Version 002 May-2012 by P.Reischig
% Update to new parameters names; use of bwconncomp instead of bwlabel for
% labelling images; cleaning
% Modified by Nicola Vigano', 2012,
% Added EDF header recycling
% Version 002 May-2012 by P.Reischig
% update to new parameters names; use of bwconncomp instead of bwlabel
% for labelling images; cleaning
% setup
if isdeployed
first = str2double(first);
last = str2double(last);
......@@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ end
fprintf('Changing directory to %s\n',workingdirectory)
% load and unpack parameters
......@@ -53,56 +50,52 @@ table_fullmedianvals = sprintf('%sfullmedianvals',;
info = [];
% main loop through images
for zz = first:last
[im, med_val] = pfReadAndThreshold(zz, parameters, NaN);
% NaN argument means this returns the greyscale image without thresholding
[im, med_val, info] = gtReadAndThreshold(zz, parameters, NaN, true, info);
% while doing this, fill in the fullmedianvals table
mym(sprintf('update %s set val=%0.20g where ndx=%d', ...
mym(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET val=%0.20g WHERE ndx=%d', ...
table_fullmedianvals, med_val, zz));
% thr_seed threshold
thr_im = im > parameters.seg.thr_seed;
thr_im = bwmorph(thr_im, 'open');
% label (2D only)
% bwconncomp gives:
% labels.NumObjects - number of labels
% labels.PixelIdxList{ii} - linear indices in input image for label ii
labels = bwconncomp(thr_im);
% pick out seeds
list = [];
for ii = 1:labels.NumObjects
% marker size test
if (length(labels.PixelIdxList{ii}) > parameters.seg.seedminarea)
[graylevel, index] = max(im(labels.PixelIdxList{ii}));
[yy, xx] = ind2sub(size(im), labels.PixelIdxList{ii}(index));
list(end+1, 1:5) = [xx yy zz graylevel 0];
% could also add the bounding boxes of the seeds
% write seeds to database
% seedID x y z value bad
if (size(list, 1) > 0)
dbInsertMultiple(table_seeds, 'x', list(:,1)', 'y', list(:,2)', ...
'z', list(:,3)', 'graylevel', list(:,4)', 'bad', list(:,5)');
dbInsertMultiple( table_seeds, ...
'x', list(:,1)', 'y', list(:,2)', 'z', list(:,3)', ...
'graylevel', list(:,4)', 'bad', list(:,5)');
end % end for
end % of main function
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function gtSegmentDiffractionBlobs(first, last, workingdirectory)
% finds and labels connected regions in three dimensions; writes each blob
% to the database as it finds them to ease database traffic.
% Uses pfReadAndThreshold that can subtract each full image's remaining
% Uses gtReadAndThreshold that can subtract each full image's remaining
% median background to offset it to zero before segmentation (it is
% calculated and applied outside the seg.bbox area).
% read the size of one image to make an estimate for the number we can read
% at once:
test = pfReadAndThreshold(first, parameters, NaN);
test = gtReadAndThreshold(first, parameters, NaN);
details = whos('test');
maxMemoryUsage = 100; % in MB
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ for currentfilendx = first:step:last
for n = 1:step
% Read and threshold image with parameters.seg.thr_single
shortVol(:,:,n) = pfReadAndThreshold(currentfilendx + n - 1, parameters);
shortVol(:,:,n) = gtReadAndThreshold(currentfilendx + n - 1, parameters);
% add a median filter to de-noise the thresholded images
% !!! This a second median filter on the full images that
......@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ if all(bb(3:4) > minblobsize(1:2)) % size test
% from original gtSegmentDiffractionBlobs
mym(dbInsert(table_difblob, 'difblobID', 0))
difblobID = mym('select last_insert_id()');
difblobID = mym('SELECT last_insert_id()');
fprintf('***DB WRITE *** Blob %d:inserting %d rows, grown from seed %d\n\n',...
difblobID, length(xx), seedID)
......@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ for z = bb(3):(bb(3)+bb(6)-1)
% if we don't have the median value we need, calculate it
if background_subtract
if isnan(fullmedianvals(z+1))
bg = mym(sprintf('select val from %s where ndx=%d', table_fullmedianvals, z));
bg = mym(sprintf('SELECT val FROM %s WHERE ndx=%d', table_fullmedianvals, z));
fullmedianvals(z+1) = bg;
bg = fullmedianvals(z+1);
......@@ -581,27 +581,12 @@ end
% set anything inside the seg bounding box to zeros
% put seg.bbox relative to the volume
% work out which pixels to set to zero
firstx = segbb(1)-bb(1)+1;
firsty = segbb(2)-bb(2)+1;
lastx = firstx+segbb(3)-1;
lasty = firsty+segbb(4)-1;
% in x
if firstx < 1
firstx = 1;
if lastx > bb(4)
lastx = bb(4);
[firstx, firsty] = deal(segbb(1) - bb(1) + 1, segbb(2) - bb(2) + 1);
[lastx, lasty] = deal(firstx + segbb(3) - 1, firsty + segbb(4) - 1);
% in y
if firsty < 1
firsty = 1;
if lasty > bb(5)
lasty = bb(5);
% fix limits
[firstx, firsty] = max([firstx firsty], 1);
[lastx, lasty] = min([lastx, lasty], [bb(4), bb(5)]);
if ~(firstx>bb(4) || lastx<1 || firsty>bb(5) || lasty<1)
% if we have to do something about it
......@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ sfDoThresholding();
% remove the median background at this point - copy paste from
% pfReadAndThreshold
% gtReadAndThreshold
tmpim = im.full(:,:,StackIndex);
if isfield(parameters.seg, 'background_subtract') && ...
function [im, med_value] = pfReadAndThreshold(ndx, parameters, varargin)
% PFREADANDTHRESHOLD Reads the full image with number 'ndx' and thresholds
% it. It can also return the median value of the full image.
% It sets the image to zero inside the segmentation bounding box
% (parameters.seg.bbox) and outside where it is under the threshold.
% Can subtract the remaining median background of the full image
% (calculated and applied outside seg.bbox).
% Thresholds to seg.thr_single by default, or allow another threshold
% value to be passed in. Pass in NaN to return the greyscale image without
% thresholding.
% ndx - full image number to be read
% parameters.
% prep.correct_drift
% prep.correct_drift_iteration
% seg.thr_single - the threshold value to be applied
% seg.bbox - bounding box of area omitted in segmentation
% seg.background_subtract - if true, the full image's median will be
% offset to zero
% varargin{1} - threshold value that overrides seg.thr_single;
% if NaN, no thresholding is done
% varargin{2} - if true, no text will be displayed
% im - segmented image
% med_value - median value of the full image
% Version 002 08-05-2012 by P.Reischig
% Updated to new parameters (thr_single) and cleaned.
seg = parameters.seg;
prep = parameters.prep;
% if a threshold other than th2 is passed in
if isempty(varargin)
thr_single = seg.thr_single;
thr_single = varargin{1};
if length(varargin)==2
nodisp = varargin{2};
nodisp = 0;
% should we wait for images to be shifted by gtApplyDrifts?
waitfortranslated = false;
if isfield(prep, 'correct_drift') && strcmp(prep.correct_drift, 'required')
waitfortranslated = prep.correct_drift_iteration;
fname = sprintf('1_preprocessing/full/full%04d.edf',ndx);
if ~nodisp
disp(sprintf('now processing image %s',fname));
im_full = edf_wait_read(fname, [], waitfortranslated);
% would be very easy to add this as an option in gtCreateFullLive - do
% it once there and then not again...
if (isfield(seg, 'background_subtract') && (seg.background_subtract == true))
%subtract the median of the background
%taken from gtFullStatCondor - thanks Peter!
nullbb = NaN(seg.bbox(4), seg.bbox(3));
imn = gtPlaceSubImage(nullbb, im_full, seg.bbox(1), seg.bbox(2));
imn = imn(~isnan(imn(:)));
med_value = median(imn);
im_full = im_full - med_value;
if ~nodisp
disp('subtracting median background value')
med_value = NaN;
% now blank out the extinction image in the centre
im = gtPlaceSubImage(zeros(seg.bbox(4), seg.bbox(3)), ...
im_full, seg.bbox(1), seg.bbox(2));
% do the thresholding
if ~isnan(thr_single)
im(im < thr_single) = 0;
function cmd=dbInsert(table,varargin)
% modified 10/12/2007 to use mantissa/exponent (%g) for double precision
% modified 13/12/2007 to use mantissa/exponent (%0.20g) for double precision /Peter/
function cmd = dbInsert(table, varargin)
% modified 10/12/2007 to use mantissa/exponent (%g) for double precision
% modified 13/12/2007 to use mantissa/exponent (%0.20g) for double precision /Peter/
% Modified by Nicola Vigano', 2012, ID11 @ ESRF
beginning=sprintf('insert into %s (',table);
for n=1:2:nargin-1
middle1=[middle1 sprintf('%s,',varargin{n})];
middle1=[middle1(1:end-1) ') values ('];
titles = varargin(1:2:end);
titles(2, :) = {','};
for n=2:2:nargin-1
middle2=[middle2 sprintf('"%0.20g",',varargin{n})];
cmd=[beginning middle1 middle2];
columns = varargin(2:2:end);
numColumns = length(columns);
rawColumns = cat(1, columns{:});
tuplePattern(1, 1:numColumns) = {'%0.20g'};
tuplePattern(2, 1:numColumns) = {','};
tuplePattern = [tuplePattern{1:end-1}];
cmd = [ 'INSERT INTO ' table ' (' titles{1:end-1} ') VALUES ' ...
'(' sprintf(tuplePattern, rawColumns) ')'];
function [img, varargout] = edf_wait_read(fname, bb, waitfortranslated)
function [img, varargout] = edf_wait_read(fname, bb, waitfortranslated, info)
% EDF_WAIT_READ.M Reads edf if available, otherwise wait 10s and try again...
% Usage:
% data = edf_wait_read(filename[, bb, waitfortranslated]);
......@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ function [img, varargout] = edf_wait_read(fname, bb, waitfortranslated)
translated = false;
while ~translated
info = edf_info(fname);
if (~exist('info', 'var'))
info = edf_info(fname);
if isfield(info, 'istranslated') && (str2double(info.istranslated) == waitfortranslated)
translated = true;
%disp('file has been translated!')
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